Rates of Mark-up on State Provident Fund (GP Fund) for 2013-14 by KPK Govt

Government of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Finance Department has issued Notification No. 4-20(F/L)FD/2012/Vol-IV dated 6th August 2014 in connection with GP Fund Interest Rates for 2013-14.

With reference to Finance Division, Islamabad letter bearing No. F.8(1)GS-I/2007-865 dated 17th July 2014 regarding GP Fund Interest Rates for 2013-14 and is conveyed the following rates on markup on State Provident Fund (G.P Fund) fixed by the Federal Govt for its adoption and further necessary action:-


Financial Year Rates of Mark-Up
2011-12 13.70%
2012-13 12.00%
2013-14 13.50%



GP Fund Interest




See also  Notification of School Information System (SIS)-Students Attendance Module

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6 thoughts on “Rates of Mark-up on State Provident Fund (GP Fund) for 2013-14 by KPK Govt

  1. madm,
    please tell me how much my GP fund and gravity.and how much my pension will be make.

    details are under below:

    appointment date 10/10/1983
    retirement date: 10/10/2015
    grade:BPS 3
    current salary: 23000
    baisc salary: 13500
    year of service : 32 year
    department: Karachi metropolitan corporation

    1. Dear Umer, Time Scale is the promotion of an employee that is done after a particular period of time. In some departments when an employee has five years service in a particular scale, he is moved to the next scale. It is Time Scale.


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