Request of Omission of Para 16 (e) from Pension Orders dated 22-10-2001

Mr. Amir Agha has sent a letter on 19th August 2014 to Deputy Secretary concerned with pension of Punjab Finance Department in connection with Request of Omission of Para 16 (e) from Pension Orders dated 22-10-2001.  So far he has not received any response. Pensioners located at Lahore may like to pursue the case with the concerned officer. Copy of said letter is reproduced herewith.


308, St.77, G-9/3


19 August 2014



Dear Shafaat Ali sahib


Subj:    Omission of para 16 (e) from pension orders dated 22.10.2001 

1.         Orders issued vide No. FD-SR-III/4-41/2008 on 22nd July 2014 under your signatures (copy on page 4) need immediate review for the reasons stated below.

2.         Civil Appeals and CMAs quoted in the subject relate to the matter of ‘grant of increase on commuted part of pension (earlier not allowed from 1.12.2001 onwards) upon and with effect from restoration of the pension, without any arrears prior to restoration date’.  Para 16 of the Supreme Court order is reproduced on page 2 for your ready reference.

3.         Federal government has already allowed this benefit, after orders from the Supreme Court, through Finance Division OM No.F.13 (13)-Reg.6/2011- dated 11 March 2013 (copy at page 3).  However Punjab government did not extend this facility to its pensioners and instead went to Supreme Court.  After initial short order, the Supreme Court issued detailed orders comprising 37 pages.  Para 16 appears on pages 34~35.

4.         Instead of notifying that the facility of increases on commuted part of pension 1.12.2001 onwards is now admissible as per Supreme Court orders (but no arrears before restoration date), your office has notified a totally different facility, i.e. that of facility itself of restoration now being admissible (which had been withdrawn under para 16 (e) of your 22.10.2001 orders).

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5.         I suggest that fresh orders be issued to the following effect:-

“Para 16 (f) of this department letter No.FD.PC.2-1/2001 dated 22.10.2001 is hereby amended, and shall be deemed to have been amended ab initio, to read as under:-

(f) In future, the increase in pension to the pensioners shall be allowed on net pension instead of gross pension.  However, upon restoration of commuted part of pension, the increases on commuted part would also be calculated on notional basis, and allowed from the date of restoration, without any arrears before that date.”


Amir Ahmad

Retired Deputy Director PEC

Auditor General’s Department


Mr. Shafaat Ali,

Deputy Secretary (SR),

Finance Department,

Government of the Punjab,



Letter Restoration Pension





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