Notification of Amendments in Rule 10-A & 11-A Sindh

Government of the Sindh, Services, General Administration & Coordination Department Regulation Wing, Sindh has issued Notification No. SORI(SGA&CD)2-3/2002(P-III) dated 16-09-2014 in connection with Amendments in Rule 10-A & 11-A Sindh.

In exercises of the powers conferred by Section 26 of the Civil Servants Act 1973, the Govt of Sindh is pleased to make the following amendments in the Sindh Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion & Transfer) Rule 1974:

1-      Under Rule 10-A , after third proviso, the following 4th proviso shall be added:

“Provided further that if a right of employment has already occurred to any of the children of the deceased or invalidated or incapacitated civil servant then the former shall not be deprived of the benefit accured to him under Notifications dated 11th March 2008 and 17th July 2009 of these rules.”

2-      Under Rule 11-A , after second proviso, the above mentioned fourth proviso shall also be added.


Rule 10-A


Rule 11-A



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One thought on “Notification of Amendments in Rule 10-A & 11-A Sindh

  1. ghulam musstafa bhatti · Edit

    a.o.a dear madam thanks for sending the frest and good most important informative notification which is now in hand all form each please The most important query please be some points are required please what is the clear position please


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