Revised Notification of Grant of BPS-17 to Suprintendants of Federal Govt

Finance Division has issued Notification No. F.No.1(3)R-I/2010/2014-361 dated 23-09-2014 in connection with Grant of BPS-17 to Superintendents of Federal Govt.

With reference to Finance Division’s O.M of even number dated 10th September 2014 on the subject cited above and to clarify that all the existing Superintendents of BPS-16 are required to be granted BPS-17 irrespective of their length of service, therefore, no DPC will be required for this exercise.However, in future, three years satisfactory service would be required for grant of BPS-17 to the Superintendents of BPS-16, therefore, there would be required for subsequent cases to judge their service as satisfactory.


Supdt BPS-17




See also  Notification of Recruitment & Promotion Rules in FG Schools under FDE March 2019

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12 thoughts on “Revised Notification of Grant of BPS-17 to Suprintendants of Federal Govt

  1. agr premature increment nhe milegi aur house rent and medical allownce bps16 ka milega to phr notification revised ka kya faida, plz madam explain

  2. madam notification revised hogaya he, to kya ab federal employees ko premature increment milegi? aur house rent & medical allownce wo b ab 17 ka milega? plz explain

  3. AOA Respected Madam thanks for taking lead in uploading this revised notification. You may remember my comments addressed to you on 14 Sep’14 where I was the first to foresee this amendment.

    However, still para 2 (iii) and (iv) need consideration of Finance Division as the incumbents have been granted BPS-17 irrespective of service length hence it is not fall under the premise of “higher Time scale” therefore aforesaid paras are to be reviewed and rescinded ab-initio as thses make the grant of BPS-17 as conditional and create possible ambiguity at implementation level especially in the Subordinates Offices where relevant staff may not have the insight/ sufficient knowledge/understanding of such financial/legal terms/words which would directly affect the incumbent Supdts. Because such Deptt/offices usually rely on seeking unnecessary clarifications from the concerned Ministry/Division which take a lot of time meanwhile the individuals are suffered.

    Moreover, these conditions are seemed contrary to initial proposal of Establishment division which was forwarded to Fin Divn in compliance to FST judgement dt 25 May, 2012 regarding UPGRADATION OF SUPDT(B-16). This notification would have been issued with reference to the notification of KPK Govt which is loud and clear. Congratulation to all the SUPDTS on this revision. It is first step and we all should exhibit perserverance till achieving the target of UPGRADATION as announced by the Hon’able FIn Min at NA during his Bgt speech on 3 June, 2014 which was heared/watched by the whole nation and duly applauded as well. Hope sanity will prevail and our Honourables in bureacracy will lesson to our genuine and logical submissions and will provide us the requisite relief. Inshallah.


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