Increase in Shift Allowance for GEPCO Employees-Notification Issued in May 2014

Office of the Chief Executive Officer (GEPCO), Gujranwala has already issued Notification No. 3488/75967-97/GA-139 dated 26-05-2014 in connection with increase in Shift Allowance for GEPCO employees.

Board of Directors GEPCO in its 36th meeting held on 13th May 2014 has been pleased to accord approval to adopt PEPCO OM No. GM(HR)/HRD/A-630-42 dated 03-03-2014 for enhancement in existing limit of Shift Allowance to the existing recipient categories at Grid Stations, Power Houses, Telecom Staff  etc in GEPCO with effect from 3rd March 2014 at the following rates subject to the performing at least 6 night duties in one month:


S. No Basic Pay Scale Existing (PM) Revised (PM)
1 BPS-01 to 10 Rs. 400/- Rs. 600/-
2 BPS-11 to 16 Rs. 600/- Rs. 900/-


This post has been delivered by Mr. Muhammad Ajmal.


Shift Allowance GEPCO



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4 thoughts on “Increase in Shift Allowance for GEPCO Employees-Notification Issued in May 2014

  1. M. javed khan CT BS 15 Education dept · Edit

    dear all. I am serving as CT at a high school of kpk since 1995. My seniority ranks at 15th and 33 are to be promoted to Sct bps 16 which according to some quarters requires B.A Plus CT Course. I ve nt done CT course and ve enjoyed the benifits of ct course by B.ed i e i was placed in bps 14 on the basis of B.ed. Now i want to know if my B.ed is acceptable as alternate or equvialent of ct or not for promotion to sct ? Plz help


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