Medical Allowance Rates since 1987 for the Civil Servants

I have already published an article about the History of Adhoc Relief Allowances. Today I am writing the history of the Medical Allowance Rates Since 1987. These rates are very useful for the purpose of calculation of arrears with a backdate for the employees who are upgraded with backdate and are given benefits from the previous dates.


Medical Allowance Rates Since 1987 Government Employees of Pakistan


Medical Allowance @ Rs.50/- per month was granted to the employees of BPS-01 to BPS-15 vide Finance Division O.M No. F.l/7/Imp-II/87, dated 1st July, 1987. Later on 01-06-1991, it was raised to Rs. 60/- per month on the existing conditions. It was fixed Rs. 90/- per month on 01-11-1995 and again raised to Rs. 160/- per month on 01-12-2001.

It was fixed Rs. 210/- PM on 01-07-2002 & Rs. 425/- PM on 01-07-2005 and Rs. 500/- per month on 01-07-2008.

The rates of Medical Allowance were once again revised on 01-07-2010 and at this time Gazetted Officers were also granted the Medical Allowance at the running basic pay that was frozen on 01-07-2011 at the introduction of new revised pay scales 2011.

Medical Allowance for the Non-Gazetted Staff again revised on 01-07-2014 and its rates were fixed Rs. 1200/- per month instead of Rs. 1000/- The summary of these changes is given below:

Summary of MA Rates wef 1987


Date BPS-01 to BPS-15 (Rs.) BPS-16 & Above
01-07-87 50
01-06-91 60
01-11-95 90
01-12-01 160
01-07-02 210
01-07-05 425
01-07-08 500
01-07-10 1000 15% of the runnings basic pay of the pay scales 2008.
01-07-11 Frozen on the stage the employees were already drawing. For new entrants 15% on the initial of BPS 2008 or 15% of the pay as on 30-06-2011 but minimum Rs. 1000/- PM






 Rs. 1200/- PM minimum


Increase in MA @ 25% of the Medical Allowance admissible/drawn as of 30-06-2015. (Minimum Rs. 1500/- PM)



Medical Allowance Rates



See also  Notification of Ban Upgradation Posts in Punjab 2017

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21 thoughts on “Medical Allowance Rates since 1987 for the Civil Servants

  1. mad if person appoint bps-17 on 25.01.2014 how we can calculate medical allowance after this which rate of medical alllwance on 25.10.2015

    BASIC PAY = 16000 (25.01.2014) M.A= ?

    BASIC PAY = 22235 (25.10.2015) M.A=?

  2. Aoa. Madam. i have worked in Bps-16 since 8-2-2012 on contract basis but i have been regularized w.e.f 11-07-2-14. am i eligible for the yearly increment?

  3. Aoa madam main ne ap ye site kuch din pehly e join ki hai .bht ziada informative hai. Basicaly main khud govt servant hun(POLICE) is liye muj ko information chahiye hoti hain.

  4. Madam. AoA. Thanks for very useful employee related informations. I am started to collect these from your web site for use to every employee of my department.
    Thanks a lot again.


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