Notification of Winter Vacations in KPK Schools in 2014

Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Elementary & Secondary Education Department has issued Notification No. SO(G)/E&SED/1-48/20014/Winter Vacations dated 19-12-2014 in connection with Winter Vacations in KPK Schools in 2014.

According to this Notification all Government and Private Sectors Schools in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will remain closed in connection with Winter Holidays as per the following schedule:

Schedule of Winter Vacations in KPK Schools

The schedule of winter vacations in KPK Schools in 2014 is as under:

Winter Holidays in Plain Areas of KPK

Winter Holidays in Plain Areas of KPK will be observed with effect from 19th December 2014 to 31st December 2014.

Winter Holidays in Hilly/Snowy Areas of KPK

According to the Notification Winter Holidays in Hilly/Snowy Areas of KPK will be observed with effect from 19th December 2014 to 28th February 2015.


Winter Vacations KPK



See also  Notification Winter Vacation 2018 KPK

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4 thoughts on “Notification of Winter Vacations in KPK Schools in 2014

  1. Dear Aapi your work is like “Taafi”. I and all the Employees appreciate your hardwork and devotion for the betterment of empolyees. We cannot give you any reward but we pray 4 your long life filled with pleasures and happiness. May! Allah Pak bless my Aapi that is favourable to her. I requests the same to all people that are attached to this informative site to pray for my Aapi.


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