Who is Eligible for Science & Technology Allowance?

I have received a number of comments and emails in connection with the admissibility of Special Science & Technology Allowance. I have collected various references for the clarification of the same. The provincial Governments and Federal Government have issued various Notifications regarding the same allowance. All these notifications have about the same detail of this allowance. Some references are given below:

Admissibility of Special Science & Technology Allowance

According to the Government of the Punjab, Finance Department Notification No.FD.SR.I-9-3/86 dated 09-08-2002 Special Science & Technology Allowance is admissible to the Ph.D Degree holders who are working in R&D Organization, Universities and Science & Technology Institutions/Centers in the subjects mentioned below:

  1. Agriculture
  2. Animal Science/Veterinary Sciences
  3. Biology
  4. Biotechnology
  5. Chemistry
  6. Computer Science/Engineering/Information Technology/Telecommunication
  7. Electronics
  8. Engineering
  9. Food Science & Technology
  10. Geology
  11. Materials Science/Metallurgy
  12. Mathematics
  13. Medical Science
  14. Meteorology
  15. Ocean Science
  16. Pharmaceutical
  17. Physics
  18. Space Science


Discipline Natural Sciences



The Conditions for the Eligibility of Special Science & Technology Allowance as mentioned vide above referred letter are as given below:


  • The Scientists who have Ph.D degree in the relevant field and have at lest five years postdoctoral research experience in the relevant field.
  • The research should be supported with the tangible proof to be determined by the Pakistan Council for S&T.
  • The Scientists who are working on administrative posts and are not actively engaged in research shall not be entitled to receive this science & technology allowance

According to Government of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Department Notification No. FD(SOSR-II) 8-14/2003/Vol-II dated 23-10-2004 the subjects of social sciences were also included in the list of the subjects eligible for the special science & technology allowance.

See also  Notification of Public Holiday on 4th April 2014 in Sindh

According to Finance Division O.M No. F.1(9)/Imp/2000 dated 12-09-2007, the benefit of Special Science & Technology Allowance is admissible to the following:

  • Ph.D Degree Holders in specified 18 disciplines of Natural Sciences and are working in R&D Organizations, Universities/Colleges and Science & Technology Institutions/centers.
  • The employees holding Ph.D degree in social sciences who are faculty members of the universities and college teachers.


Science Technology Allowance



Subjects Social Sciences


Latest Rates of Ph.D & Special Science & Technology Allowance

Latest Rates of Ph.D & Special Science & Technology Allowance for the Federal Govt Employees are as under:


Ph.D Allowance



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19 thoughts on “Who is Eligible for Science & Technology Allowance?

  1. hafiz muhammad wasie fasih · Edit

    dear shumail
    i have done my phd and i am lecturer in islamic studies at sindh govt. college. i am seeking phd allowance but the concern officer wants to check whether i meet the criteria for the said allowance mentioned in the old sindh govt finance department notifications. i got 2011 notification from your website but it refers the terms and conditions to the department circular of even no dated 29.05.2009 and 22.09.2010. please help me and send me the required circular. please

  2. I am working in autonomous research organization. i ve done PhD in social sc and i want know whether i am eligible to get Phd allowance or not…..

  3. Respected madam
    I have my PhD from Department of Animal Sciences, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad in Biology. I am working as Senior Veterinary Officer in Livestock Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. I have applied for PhD allowance to the District Accounts Officer of my concerned District. The District Accounts Officer asked me to get sanction from the Secretary of my Department. I would like to know that whether sanction is needed from Secretary after clear notifications by Federal Ministry as well as the Provincial Finance Department where such sanction from Secretary has not been mentioned in these notifications. Kindly advised me as i have not yet received this allowance.

    Best regards

  4. Salam, madam plz do somthing about “Computer Allowance” which was given to IT teacher and Computer Lab Incharg in kpk, but than all of a sudden, it was stopped
    I have seen some letters which shows that punjab muhtasib has orderd the education deptt. to pay this ALLOWANCE to mentioned posts in Punjab.
    If it true, than we can submit our case in court.for it in KPK, but we dont have any proof that the order has been obayed. plz help us in this regard, i mean the notifications and pay roll of the same posts of emplyee in punjab.
    thanx in advance

  5. Mam AOA,
    Is there any similar allowance for the people who are working in the above mentioned areas with 18 year education ( M Phill or MSc Engg) ?

  6. Dear colleague

    please let me know, how it is also sum of Rs. 10000 for scientist working in PCSIR labs complex. because we are only receiving Rs 7500. waiting your response

  7. Dear Aapi,
    I am Master in Political Science+ B.Ed+ D. IT(diploma in information technology), currently working as E. S. T.(bps 14) in F. G. E. I. Setup. Kya muje Special Science and Technology allownce mlay ga? Agar milay ga to ktna?

  8. AOA.
    It means that this allowance will not be applicable to all F.G employees working in BS-17. and this is only applicable for Ph.D degree holders.

  9. I think after the clarity with the old letters and different s references of finance deptt that this allowance will be eligible on teachers who are PHD holder in above mentioned (annexure-l) list.


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