Time Scale Upgradation of Supervisor and Computer Operators of GEPCO

Office of the Chief Executive Officer, GEPCO, Gujranwala has issued office order No. HRD/PC/EG-300/2254/50527-64 dated 07-01-2015 in connection with Time Scale Upgradation of Supervisor and Computer Operators of GEPCO from BPS-16 to BPS-17.

Time Scale Upgradation of Supervisor and Computer Operators of GEPCO

BOD, GEPCO through its minutes of 43rd meeting held on 12th December 2014 in GEPCO Headquarter at agenda item No. 7(b) issued vide Company Secretary GEPCO Headquarter, Gujranwala memo No. 48232-47/43rd (BOD Meeting) dated 30th December 2014 has been pleased to grant Time Scale Upgradation to Supervisor (DE/DC) and Computer Operators from BPS-16 to BPS-17. This is done by adoption of Federal Government Cabinet Secretariate Establishment  Division Office Memorandum dated 02-06-1983 duly adopted by PEPCO vide GM(HR) PEPCO letter No.GM(HR)/HRD/A-693(II)/3964-79 dated 28th December 2011 regarding counting of previous service span required for the purpose of Time Scale Upgradation to the employee upto BPS-16.


Upgradation Computer Operators



See also  One Step Scale Upgradation of KPK Teachers

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27 thoughts on “Time Scale Upgradation of Supervisor and Computer Operators of GEPCO

  1. Dear madam
    The contract period will be account in our services or not I am computer operator in 12 scale since feb 2006 and i became regular in 14-10-2009 tell me about our contract period.

  2. Ma,am iam working as a CO(BPS-16) in FGEHF appointee of 2012,according to our service rules we are eligible for the promotion after years.which is exceeded can u kindly educate me am I eligible of time scale/promotion for the BPS-17 or any other benefit may be applicable.

  3. sir I am altaf hussain serving in min of defense production,sir I am altaf hussain serving in min of defense production, heavy industries taxila since 2007 in bps 8. my respected sir you know in all pakistan computer optrs in bps 12 and above scales and we are still in bps 8 and no chance within 15 yrs long

  4. I am working as Computer Operator BS-12, District Government since 2005. please reply me any court case for the said post is filed/ pending by the (Punjab Government). please reply

  5. Ms, Shumaila Kamal Assalam o Alaikum,

    Thanks for providing so latest and valuable development of computer related news. i am from PESCO and needs GEPCO Time Scale Up-gradation of Supervisor & Computer Operator criteria, formalities, requirements and service length counting formula, further minutes of GEPCO BoD meeting during Time Scale Up-gradation approval was granted to Supervisor & Computer Operators.

    Shall remain thankful for an early reply please.

  6. A family Assistance package was announced in Oct 2014 (effective from 15-6-13) by federal govt for the families of employees who died during service. Some departments adopted it after some amendment or as it is. My question is that. this package adopted armed forces or not because many cases of the families of deceased employees are pending

  7. Dear aapi, Asalam u Aalaikum.
    Jab govt. Employee ka salary arrear(due to upgradation i.e. M. M. T. 9 to E. S. T. 14) ban k DCMA jata hai, to kya DCMA estimated arrear wali sari amount empolyee ko daita hai ya estimated arrear wali amount main se se G. P. Fund aur Benevolent Fund deduct kr k amount empolyee ko daita hai. Meri joining date 13 May 2014 ko at Abbottabad hui, aur muje M. M. T. 9 to E. S. T. 14 upgrade kiya gya tha, school k clerk ne 13 May 2014 se 30 Nov 2014 tk ka Arrear 29395/- bna k baija tha jb DCMA ne 25482/- diay. Plz check that deduction by DCMA is correct?

  8. dear mam
    i m working as DEO in Punjab Civil Secretariat since 2001 in BS-12. is there any notification of upgradation or time scale regarding DEO of Punjab Govt.


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