Detail of Payment Plan of Arrear Amount for the Pensioners-Double Pension

After publishing the previous article on Payment Plan for the Pensioners, I received many comments and emails regarding the clarification of the same matter and I requested Mr. Amir Agha to clarify the whole situation of the Payment Plan for the pensioners. On my request Mr. Amir Agha (Who are really doing a great work for the pensioners benefit and solving their issues without any hesitation) has send me the detail of payment plan of arrear amount for the pensioners. As the Notification of the same is not yet issued yet let’s see what is the whole situation regarding the subject matter.


Detail of Payment Plan of Arrear Amount for the Pensioners

The step by step detail of the payment plan to the pensioners is as under:

  • Double the Pension

Most of us pensioners would already be knowing that from 1.12.2001 onwards all increases in pension were given by government on Net Pension.  Earlier increases were given on Gross Pension, as enhanced by various previous increases.

  •  Net Pension means :
  1.  Gross Pension (originally allowed on retirement with all corrections)
  2. As enhanced by various increases in pension after retirement
  3. Less: Commuted part of pension, for which lump commutation value was received.


  • Restoration of commuted part of pension was discontinued in respect of those pensioners who had opted for the 2001 Payscale-cum-Pension scheme 2001.  Pensioners retiring in pre-2001 scales continued to be eligible for restoration of commuted part of their pension, on expiry of the period for which commutation value was received.


  • The period for which commutation value was received depends upon the age of retiring pensioner.  It was 15.4649 years’ value for those who retired at the age of 60 before 1.12.2001.  For restoration purposes it is rounded off to whole 15 years.  Thus pensioners retiring at the age of 60 are entitled to get the restoration benefit on reaching the age of 75 years.  So if their pension was 100, and they got 50 commuted, it would be again 100 upon restoration.


  • For persons retiring before the age of 60 years, the period of commutation value was much more.  For those retiring before 1.12.2001 pension scheme, between the ages of 51 to 59, the periods range is between 22 and 16 years.  So the younger the age on which one retires, the more value one gets for the part of pension which is commuted.  And that younger retiree has to wait for more years than 15, before the restoration benefit can materialize.
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  • Some pensioners moved the courts with the plea that restoration means adding back of the commuted pension with addition of all increases notified before the restoration date, which were held back on the commuted part.  Otherwise, upon restoration, the commuted-and-restored half part of the pension would be less than the un-commuted half part enhanced by increases.  That is not the spirit of restoration, as upon restoration, both halves of pension should be equal.  In other words, upon restoration, the pension should be double of amount of un-commuted part, as enhanced by all increases.


  • This needs somewhat detailed explanation and illustration through figures.  So let us presume the basic data in respect of Mr. Pensioner, who retired on 10.1.1996 at the age of 60 years and got half his pension (Rs.1,000) commuted.


Mr. Pensioner Grade 16
Born on 10.1.1936
Retired 10.1.1996
Gross 2,000 A
Commuted 1,000 B
Un-commuted 1,000 C


Double Pension 1


  •  Increases in pension before 1.12.2001 were given on A, the Gross Pension, as enhanced by previous increases.  In this illustration, the first increase Mr. Pensioner received was on 1.3.1997.  That increase as well as the 1999 increase both were given on A, the Gross Pension as under :-


Date Increases With increase Less commuted Net
% on Rs
Before 1.12.2001 1.3.1997 10 2,000 200 2,200 1,000 1,200
1.7.1999 25 2,200 550 2,750 1,000 1,750


Double Pension 2

  • From 1.12.2001 onwards, increases were given on B Net Pension.  So the increase on 1.12.2001 was given on Rs.1,750, while Gross was Rs.2,750.  All subsequent increases were also given up to 1.7.2011on B Net, till the commuted part of pension was restored on 10.7.2011, as per table below:


Date Increases With increase Less commuted Net
% on Rs
Before 1.12.2001 1.3.1997 10 2,000 200 2,200 1,000 1,200
1.7.1999 25 2,200 550 2,750 1,000 1,750
From 1.12.2001 onwards 1.12.2001 5 1,750 88 2,838 1,000 1,838
1.7.2003 15 1,838 276 3,113 1,000 2,113
1.7.2004 8 2,113 169 3,282 1,000 2,282
1.7.2005 10 2,282 228 3,510 1,000 2,510
1.7.2006 15 2,510 377 3,887 1,000 2,887
1.7.2007 20 2,887 577 4,464 1,000 3,464
1.7.2008 20 3,464 693 5,157 1,000 4,157
1.7.2009 20 4,157 831 5,989 1,000 4,989
1.7.2010 20 4,989 998 6,986 1,000 5,986
1.7.2011 20 5,986 1,197 8,184 1,000 7,184
total increases 6,184
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Double Pension 3


  • Petitioners pleaded with the courts that on restoration date (in this example 10 July 2011), both the halves of pension (commuted as well as un-commuted) should be of the same amount when totaled along with all increases.  In actual practice, denial of increases on commuted part from 1.12.2001 had resulted in commuted half (along with increases) being much less than un-commuted half.  Let us first see the commuted half that rose to Rs.2,540 along with increases of Rs.1,540 up to 1.7.2011.  It will be noticed that increases from 1.12.2001 onwards were given on that amount (Rs.375) which increase had already been given earlier on the commuted part also.


Date Increases With increase
% on Rs
Increases from 1.12.2001 onwards allowed only on Rs.375 increase before 1.12.2001 1.3.1997 10 1,000 100 1,100
1.7.1999 25 1,100 275 1,375
1.12.2001 5 375 19 1,394
1.7.2003 15 394 59 1,453
1.7.2004 8 453 36 1,489
1.7.2005 10 489 49 1,538
1.7.2006 15 538 81 1,619
1.7.2007 20 619 124 1,743
1.7.2008 20 742 148 1,891
1.7.2009 20 891 178 2,069
1.7.2010 20 1,069 214 2,283
1.7.2011 20 1,283 257 2,540
total increases 1,540  


Double Pension 4


  • On the other hand, total increases up to 1.7.2011 on the un-commuted half were as high as Rs.4,645 (Rs.3,105 more than on commuted part) as per details below.


Date Increases With increase
% on Rs
On Un-commuted part C = Rs.1,000 1.3.1997 10 1,000 100 1,100
1.7.1999 25 1,100 275 1,375
1.12.2001 5 1,375 69 1,444
1.7.2003 15 1,444 217 1,660
1.7.2004 8 1,660 133 1,793
1.7.2005 10 1,793 179 1,972
1.7.2006 15 1,972 296 2,268
1.7.2007 20 2,268 454 2,722
1.7.2008 20 2,722 544 3,266
1.7.2009 20 3,266 653 3,920
1.7.2010 20 3,920 784 4,704
1.7.2011 20 4,704 941 5,644
total increases 4,645  
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Double Pension 5


  • This plea was accepted by the Supreme Court and government was directed to grant all those increases on commuted half also, which had been denied earlier, so that upon restoration, both halves of pension should be equal.  However, no arrears for period prior to restoration date were allowed.


  • In compliance of Supreme Court directions, government had finally to give all increases on commuted half of pension also, upon its restoration, which had earlier been denied, but no arrears were payable before the restoration date.  In other words, all increases on commuted half of pension were also calculated on notional basis, and the net result added to restored pension from the restoration date.  Through these increases, calculated from 1.12.2001 onwards, but given effect from the date of restoration, both halves of pension were brought to the same / equal figure.


  • Cumulative increase of Rs.3,105 was thus given in lump from the date of restoration (10.7.2011 in this case) to make both halves of pension equal.  This difference may be explained to comprise the following increases on commuted Rs.1,000 from 1.12.2001 onwards:


Date Increases not given With increase
% on Rs
On Commuted part B = Rs.1,000 1.12.2001 5 1,000 50 1,050
1.7.2003 15 1,050 158 1,208
1.7.2004 8 1,208 97 1,304
1.7.2005 10 1,304 130 1,435
1.7.2006 15 1,435 215 1,650
1.7.2007 20 1,650 330 1,980
1.7.2008 20 1,980 396 2,376
1.7.2009 20 2,376 475 2,851
1.7.2010 20 2,851 570 3,421
1.7.2011 20 3,421 684 4,105
total increases 3,105


Double Pension 6


  • Punjab government has so far been contesting this concession to its pensioners on the grounds that its pension rule are independent of federal government rules.  However, it has finally agreed to give the benefit to its pensioners, and has submitted a plan under which the benefit would be given to concerned pensioners in different time phases.


  • Actual notification by Punjab government is awaited till this write up on 9 Jan 2015.

Agha Amir


You Turn:

Now it is your turn to comment over the whole matter mentioned above.



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49 thoughts on “Detail of Payment Plan of Arrear Amount for the Pensioners-Double Pension

  1. my father’s approximately date of birth mentioned in service/pension book is 14 December 1949,he retired from quid a azam medical college bahawalpur as the wachman as on 1 august 2001 after 26 years of service.
    would u guide when he will qualify for double pension?

  2. asalam o alikum brother need your guidance my father retired from c&w balochistan in 1999 last pension unho na jo li te wo 24000 ti per mere walida ko pension kam kr ka 15000 kr di ha mera cousin deth unke pensiin ma sirf 2000 k frk aya itna difference q mere ame k pesion sa 9 hazar kam kia gay

  3. AoA, My father ‘s pension detail is as under please tell me about arrears:

    Punjab govt family pension

    Date of Birth :01-12-1930
    Date of Joining : 01-06-1949
    Date of Retirement : 30-11-1990
    Date of Death: 09-11-2015

  4. Merey father 50 years k retired hoae 30 years service k bad Ptcl Mae 2002 Mae n 2003 Mae unki death ho gai n pension meri mother wasool kar rahi hy Kia ink liae b benefit hy ? Kindly inform

  5. muhammad sarwar khan

    date of retirment 31-10-2001 age of retirement 53 years total service 27 years 9 month 10 days

    gross pension 2685 commuted 1342 25% 671.30 total 2013.90

  6. Salaam.
    My father 07-12-1988 ko wapda sa retier hoia.aur un ka bps15 tha.Aur mare father died 18-04-2011. Aur ab mari mother pension la rahi ha abi tak.Aur mare father 07-12-2003 ma 75 year
    ka ho gia tha.Aur wo 18-04-2011 ko death hiee.Aur wo 75 year hone ka baad be 8 year tak pension lata raha…Aur kia ab mari mother ko ya arrear mila ga kia..Aur kiss year sa start ho ga. plzzzzzzz help me.muja AG wala belkul nahi batata.

  7. Salam,

    My father was died in 1994 during service,at the age of 54.My mother receives family pension.

    Please tell me, is my mother eligible for restoration of pension?

    A person at Account Office said “Jin ki in-service death ho, un ki restoration nhi hoti”.

    Please help me.

    I have read all notifications, but still confuse about person,those died during service(family pension)

  8. Hafiz Mohammad Mohsin · Edit

    My frather was retired on august 2009. is there any benefit for his pension?? if yes then how much increase his pension? pls reply must and soon. with best wishes

  9. i want to confirm the position of recomutation of pension and payment of different allowances which are not calculated in my pension as i retired at the age of 60 years on 01-02-2007.

  10. Salam.
    mary abo 1998 may early retirement lay chokay hain 18 grad may aur 58 year main.
    kia mary abu is increment sy mustafid hosakty hain.

  11. D.O.R. of my mother is 15-5-1998 D.O.B. 16-5-1938 Her pension is 20568/- Is her pension is become 41000/- aproxmatelly? Pls reply me thanks.

  12. Eik employee jis ki date of birth02-01-1943 he aur date of retitement 30-12-1995 he. kya us ko benefit miley ga? agar benefit miley ga to per month kitna ho sakta he?

  13. Dear Mr. Agha Amir

    Thanks for this useful article. please confirm if any type of excel sheet or calculator has been developed for easy calculation? this will help pensioners to calculate their benefit.

        1. Dear Kamran suppose an employee retires on 01-01-2015 at the age of 60 years then after 15 years his pension will be restored. At the time of calculation of pension at the time of retirement at now 65% of the gross pension is granted to the employee and the remaining 35% is commuted. At the time of restoration the pensioner will get 100% benefit of pension instead of 65%. It means 35% will be restored.

  14. AOA
    My question is that what about he pension of PTCL pensioners who retired before the privatization of PTCL. thay are still not draw the actual pension which was increased by the FG every year since 6-7 year.


    my father was retired as a school teacher in 1996 and at this stage it was still having 51 years old an died in 1999. my moyher is now recieving faily pension.can mu mother is illigible for this scheme

  16. Dear Madam and Mr Amir,

    Thanks a lot for sharing the news and whole procedure. Its a noble task for old pensioners. I have two questions:

    1). My father retired from Pak Army in 1984 after serving 32 years. Now my Mother is getting pension after father’s death in 1986. Is she eligible for this scheme and arrears. CMA Lahore will process the case and what documents are required?

    2). My Uncle retired Pak Army before 1970 after serving around 32 years. My Aunt was getting pension after death of my uncle in 2004. After my Aunt’s death in 2012 I am the nominee as I closed her pension account after getting arrears in 2013. Kindly explain Am I eligible after closing account and what is the procedure for getting these arrears.

    Kindly answer both questions.

    I shall remain grateful to you.

      1. Dear Madam, very good job, yes this Scheme is also for Federal, as my sister has availed this opportunity of my father retired from Pak Navy.

  17. Amir explained the detail of payments in very good manners.please elaborate the position of those pensioners and widow pensioners who retired before 1990.wether they can get increases on commuted pension?

  18. My father died in 1995 during service at age of 54 my mother getting pension,is she eligible in this scheme n how much becoz death case during service widow received half pension

  19. thanj u mam ap no bohat acha kam kia allaha ap ko is ka sila da. please mara father ke death1996 ko hoe the tub
    un ke service 25 sal sa 3 mah kam the un is man aia ja

  20. I must appreciate to mam and Mr. Amir who did once again a splendid work, we salute both f you. My question is now that what about those who retired after 2001 is there any suggestion in pipeline to restore their pension too or what??

  21. My father died during service , in 1989/90 ,we are getting his pension, can you please tell me , are we included in this ? Pension Restoration thing ?



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