Clarifications Regarding Upgradation of Superintendent of Federal Govt

Government of the Pakistan, Finance Division has issued Notification No. F.No.1 (3) R-I/2010 dated 20-01-2015 in connection with Clarifications Regarding Upgradation of Superintendent of Federal Govt from BPS-16 to BPS-17.

In this regard various queries arrised have been clarified as under:


S. No Query Raised Clarification
1 Whether the policy of grant of BPS-17 to the Superintendent is also applicable to the contract Superintendent. No, they are not eligible for the for BPS-17
2 Whether the Superintendents who have been granted one time BPS-17 are entitled for the telephone facility of office, residence, and mobile? No, they are not entitled for the same facility.
3 TA/DA  & any other perks/previleges commensurate to BPS-17 officers of Federal Government Normal TA/DA rules shall apply
4 Whether usual annual increment will be admissible to to the presently working Superintendents who have been allowed higher time scale BPS-17 and were eligible for the same prior to grant of higher time scale i.e BPS-17 or the option under Finance Division O.M dated 14-10-1975 would be required for re-fixation of pay on 1st December 2014? Yes, they are entitled to exercise option in terms of Finance Division O.M dated 14-10-1975/FR-22 for refixation of pay after availing annual incremnent due on 1st December in previous scale.
5 The Superintendent who are proceeding on retirement before 30th November and are eligible for the annual increment for pension purpose will get the benefit of increment in BPS-17 toward pension? No, however they are eligible for annual increment in the scale in which they were holding prior to grant of time scale (BPS-17)  and have completed 6 months service in the year of retirement in the light of Finance Division’s O.M. No.3(20)R-2/98 dated 08-09-1990.
6 Whether grant of premature increment, rental ceiling and medical allowance in BPS-17 are eligible to the Superintendents? No
7 Whether Senior Private Secretary BPS-19 and Superintendents BPS-17 are allowed the benefits of telephone ceiling of BPS-19/17 etc. No
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Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Tauqeer  &  Mr. Javed Akhtar for sending the copy of the Notification.

Read the Notification in PDF Format: Clarifications Regarding Upgradation of Superintendent of Federal Govt


Upgradation Superintendents Clarification



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19 thoughts on “Clarifications Regarding Upgradation of Superintendent of Federal Govt

  1. Dear Galaxy World Admin,
    I had retired as a supd on 19-9-14. i was to move my case for the upgradation in BPS-17, i want clarification about applicability of pension benefits/Increment of BPS-17. i also thank full to you if you share the Finance Division’s Notification O.M. No 3(20)R-2/98 dated 08-09-1990.
    M thank full to you for this kindness.

  2. it is good news for all sudpt FST has issued a judgment on 30.3.2016 in favour of supdt for grant of all allowances/ perk and privilege of B-17 to all the supdt.w.e.f. 10.9.14 . I hope that ministry of finance will issued order very soon.

    congratulations to all supdt.

  3. I would like to know that can you please confirm that what the federal govt policy for upgradation of an Accounts Officer(deputationist) bps-16 to 17 (MEPCO)

  4. I am stenographer in Drug Court Bahawalpur Punjab any information regarding up-gradation of this post. I am working in lower pay scale-14 than that of other courts.

  5. no increases house rent and medical allw. allowed by the finance div but I hope that case in process in the IHC inshaallah positive decision will be received as early as possible. all the allowances and others benefits Of B-17 will be entitled for all supdt.

  6. AA. Madam we are anxiously waiting the Notification of Punjab Govt. regarding Supdt. As all the Provinces have upgraded the post but in Punjab the same is still pending.


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