Restoration of Commuted Portion of Pension in Urdu Version

On the request of many visitors of this website, Mr. Amir Agha again wrote the whole detail of Restoration of Commuted Portion of Pension in Urdu. As many of the pensioners as well as the serving employees have requested to produce the same in Urdu so that they can easily understand the whole story of Restoration of Pension.

Restoration of Commuted Portion of Pension in Urdu

In this detail the details on the following topics has been provided:

  • Benefits of Restoration of Pension
  • Meanings of Restoration of Pension
  • Restoration of Commuted Portion of Pension
  • Increase in Pension
  • Cancellation of the Restoration of Commuted Portion of Pension
  • Difference between un-commuted and commuted portion of pension
  • Action on the decisions of the court
  • Arrears amount since the date of restoration of pension


I hope after reading the detail in Urdu you have not further queries in your mind on the subject topic. If you have further questions about Restoration of Commuted Portion of Pension and its other relevant topics just feel free to email Mr. Amir Agha.

Commuted Portion Pension

Commuted Pension Portion


Restoration Commuted Pension


Commutaion Tables




See also  Notification of Promotion of SSTs

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82 thoughts on “Restoration of Commuted Portion of Pension in Urdu Version

  1. السلام علیکم سر یہ فیملی پنشن میں جب کمیوٹ بحال ہو جاتی ہے ہ تو اس بہال پینشن کو بھی تمام اضافی لگتے ہیں یا نہیں


    10 MONTH)

  3. my uncl retired on 1991 and tjeir date of bith in 1.2 1949. Now they draw monthly pension 13500. I want to know if they restored their pension. who much increase pension after restoration.


    Assalam O Alyqum,
    My question is in favoure of Restoration against my 12 yrs 11 month service qualifying service so how to restoration period are adopt in my restroation actual position of restoration after 15 years
    retirement and qualifying service 25 years. How can sarrender my restoration amount in this rules king clearfy me to this rule as per your knowledge sir, thank you for favoure me.

  5. Reapected…. mera sawal ye he agar aik federal govt emoloyee… yakmusht pension na lay tu aisi koi policy he k 60 year tak usko apni current salary milti rahe aor us me increment aor budget increase b lagta rahe ? Please send me the policy in detail…

  6. assalam walekum , madam kia pension key hawaley se court ne koee aisa order kia hai ke jab tak pensioner ko uski pension milna na shoro ho jaey us ko pori pay di jati rahe, agar koee aisa court order hai to kindly mere email par aap sent kr sakti hain :

  7. I am retired from Pak Army on 15-02-2005
    I was enrolled in Pak Army on 14-02-1990
    My Date of birth is 3-8-1973
    My Full Pension started Rs. 2333/- per month since 16-2-2005 and last pension is Rs. 12008/- as on 28-4-2016
    My pension commuted on 28-04-2016 Rs. 933.20 and give me commuted part Rs. 259624.00 on my basic pension as on 15-2-2005
    Kindly inform the restoration date of my commuted portion of pension.

  8. Dear Admin ,My Father Died on 28-09-2016 during service(WAPDA
    ) at the age of 55. Now my mother is receiving Pension. her pension will be restored or not ? if yes then when?

  9. Sardar Tahir maray walad sub 13,08,1973 ko retair ho gay tha lance havaldar un Commuted portion of pension jo 2015 main bal howa wo lagay ga ka ni or un ke age b 70 sa zada ha penshon kb dobal ho ge

  10. Aoa dear shumaila mery walid sahab 1975 mein retire huye. Us waqt unki umar 55 saal thi.. 1976 mein unki death ho gae.. unk baad meri walida ko 50% pension milti rahi.. walida ki 2003 mein death hue jisky bad mujhy 50% Pension as a unmarried daughter mil rahi hy.. kiya Meri pension restore ho sakti hy aur iska kiya tareeqakar hoga…mein apki shukr guzar hungi agar aap mein help kr den..

  11. Jazak Allah aap ne badi khoobsoorti se apni he language main wazahat ker di hai, indeed this is a kind of sadqa jaaria. laken mera maamla different hai, may be you can help me about pension rules that: I’m 59 years old. Got retirement in 2005 after completing 25 years qualifying service. Later on I shifted to UK and now permanent settled here. CAN I TRANSFER MY PENSION IN UNITED BANK OF PAKISTAN IN ENGLAND. WHAT PENSION RULES SAY DRAWING PENSION ABROAD? I shall be grateful for such explanation.

  12. My father was retired from Wapda as Security Sargent in 98 at age of 53, is he eligible for restoration of commuted portion or not? I don’t understand about the 15 years restoration will be applicable or 75 years age limit will be applicable. please confirm

  13. I got early retirement in 2001 under the early retirement scheme. My date of birth is June 1958 and I am still under 59 years of age.

    I am getting my regular pension with the increase allowed from time to time. My question is how the formula works for restoration of pension under the early retirement. I have already completed 15 years period of post retirement. Will it be applicable now or I have to reach to certain age.

  14. My father retird in 1999 at Age of 59. He is now 76 years old. What kind of benefits, he could receive on account of commutation or otherwise. He is Sindh government pensioner

  15. Salam,
    1st of all my continuous thanks for decorating such a helpful site.
    My Father was given pension at the age 53 in 2003 & he was died at 2004, now my Mother is receiving pension 38380/-. My question is that she is eligible for Restoration of commuted pension ??? If Yes that what is the procedure of Commuted pension?? And please sent me total calculation ??


  16. Your comments/guide lines is very commendable and much more helpful .it is a ray of hope in this world of despondency.will you kindly guide me if restoration of commuted portion of pension which is allowed after 15or 12 years of retirement as the case may be is also allowed to the widows?

  17. ShumailaKamal,
    My date of birth is ;15-02-1964
    date of pension is ; 03-06-2003
    Plz tell me what is the date of my Restoration date. thanks a lot

  18. sir.mere abo gurment mulazum te walid ke wafat ke 3 nath bad walida bi antiqal kr gai 2009 me pr 2010 se mere chute bai ko eobi se pension mlta ra 5 sal tak abi bai ke umar 18 se upr hum 3 sister hai humre shadi ni howe eobi wale khete lrkiyou ko ni ml sakta pl help me

  19. Sir, I retired from govt service in 2013 after completion of my tenure in Pakistan Embassy: I visited the Embassy again and again. At last Embassy received my pension papers and forwarded to the Ministry in 2014. I visited Pakistan in November 2014 and again in May-August 2016. I tried my best to deposit my duly filled Pension papers which were not accepted because of NDC for recovery of Rs.5000. I provided a copy of fax of Pak Embassy but Foreign Audit refused. Foreign Audit demanded NOC from CAO, and CAO demanded copies enclosures of Pay bill, schedule etc sent by the Embassy of Pakistan Paris to Ministry. The record of above said Embassy fax is not available in all the concerned 5 sections (including Foreign Audit). I stayed in Islamabad about 3 months. At last, on 27 July 2016 Ministry of foreign Affairs sent a fax to the Embassy for provision of Schedule, voucher No. pay bill etc. but Embassy, too, did not sent its reply till 27 August 2016 so I returned back.

    It is pertinent to mention here that there is a written statement of a pensioner that if any recovery is found will be recovered at the time of payment of pension. But Foreign Audit ignores this statement.

    I request to advice me what I should do. How I can get my pension.
    Waiting for kind guidance/advice.

  20. ماشاء اللہ بہت اچھی طرح وٖضاحت کی گئی ہے ۔ اس سے تمام لوگوں کو پنشن بحالی کے بارے میں تفصیل سے علم ہو جائے گا۔

  21. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal · Edit

    Aslamualeekum, I want to know if Punjab Govt. has decided to give the benefit of restoration of commuted portion of pension or not as yet.What is reality of Punjab Govt. notification of 22.7.2014. I will be waiting your reply. Thanks

  22. Sir/mam , my father was retired in 1998 from custom intelligence karachi. My question is that is he elligible for this restoration of cummuted pension?If yes then he only needs to fill form and submit it to the concern dept?

  23. dear sir maray Abu 29january 2016 ko death ho gy thy.wo navy mai chief thy.wo 2004 ko retire huya thy.suna hai k kuch paisay milty hai.kya ye such hai.mujy help ki zarroorat hai.

  24. 1st of all my continuous thanks for decorating such a helpful site.

    My question is if someone who retired in 2004 and his restoration date is after 12 years as per new formula but the individual dies before that I mean in the 12th year when his pension is to be restored, then whether the restoration benefit will be given to his widow on the same year when his husband pension was to be restored if he was alive, or she will have to wait for further 12 years after death of her husband, or if the pension will be restored or not??

    Your guidance is needed as ever and this will also clear many questions asked above by different persons too.

    Thanks a lot

  25. I would like to draw your kind attention towards my grievances as highlighted below :-

    1. I retired from PTCL in 2008
    2. In May 1999 I was promoted as Stengrapher
    3. In September 1999 I was repatriated to my substantive post of Stenotypist on my own request.
    4. In 2000 I was placed in Seniority List at S# 2 according to my seniority.
    5. In 2002 my seniority was changed and placed at S# 9 instead of S# 2, and most juniors were promoted
    Please guide me whether my seniority was changed according to rules or otherwise.

    I served in Ministry of defence for a period of 03 years from 2005 to 2007 and later I selected in another federal govt. deptt. through proper channel. I claimed for payment of proportionate share of pension contribution but my CMA Rwp (Accounts office of my parent deptt) has refused to consider my case for having less than 05 years service in my parent deptt. under CSR 371 (A). Now, I would like to ask you whether I am eligible for Pension contribution or not?

  27. Zaigham uddin Farooquie · Edit

    I belongs to Wapda’s Distribution Company. I would like to ask a few questions from Agha Amir sahib. After court’s decision, WAPDA and its companies are allowing restoration with all the increases but only to those pensioners who are alive up to their date of restoration. For family pension cases they “WAPDA etc” as well as Treasury office Hyderabad are exercising the old method i.e. commuted portion of pension is added in drawing pension from the date of restoration without previous increases as desired by the court. Is it correct? If so why the courts decision is not fulfilling here? An other opinion was also learnt that the restoration of commuted portion is not allowed to family pensioners whom pensioners were died before date of restoration. Kindly help and provide any notification or circular if possible.

  28. Salam, dear sister ap ki bepanha mehnet or koshiahon Se hum govt mulzameen ki kafi sahulat or malomat ma izafa hit a h Allah Pak iska apko are azeem attack far may hamri duain ap k tamam staff k Lisa hamesha rahainge mera masla ya h k mera father federal govt ma Pakistan Coast Guards ma BPS 1 ma that 1 Dec 2000 ma wafat ho gai thi or age 1947 this walida ko abhi 6400/- pm mil rahain han lakin be no land fund Se koi pention nahi mili during SVC wafat hoi thi date of enrolment 15 Dec 1985 h kia koi benefit h ya restoration k koi pessy mil sakty han Jo walda k lia hajj k lia asbab ban jain apki bohat meherbani hogi Thank

  29. our one officer has been reitired 2.9.2002 the govt of pakistan has restored the commutation
    w.e.f.1.7.2001, she will entitled for restoration of commuted portion of pension in 2017 or otherwise
    kindly reply me.

    and one employee was retired before superannuation about 56 yeas in 1998, he will entitles for commutation about completion of 19 years i mean 2017 or otherwise.

  30. kindly inform me notification regarding restoration of commutation of pensioners of sindh province who retired on or before 30-06-2001.


  31. A pensioner who retired on 18.1.2000 and was granted 20% increase (1999) in his net pension calculated on gross pension. Whether the same 20% increase (1999) is also admissible to him on his commuted portion of pension as well or the restoration of commuted portion shall be calculated without granting him 1999 20% increase. if he is admissible for the same increase on commuted portion as well then which amount shall be taken as commuted portion of pension i.e. the 50% of actual gross pension calculated before granting him 20% (1999) increase on net pension or 50% of the gross pension after 20% (1999) increase. the date of restoration in this case is 18.1.2015.

  32. Madam, aoa plz. give the restoration date of my pension. date of retirement 01-09-2015. date of birth 20-11-1960. age on retirement 55 yrs.this information has to be wriitten in my service book.

    anticipated thanx

  33. Dear Ms.Shumaila Kamal,

    First of all i am thank full for your efforts in this regard overall. May Allah bless you and your team members with best health and wealth along with best values.

    The matter i want to discuss belongs to my mother. She was retired in year 1996 in the age of 48 years.Now here is my following question.

    1. Is she eligible to get increase in pension on the basis of commuted pension.If yes then when and how? (Her date of birth is 1948).

    2.Please can you tell me after how many years she will get the double pension?

    I hope you will reply me with complete detail.

    Thank you in an anticipation.


    Hasan Saleem

    1. Dear Hasan Saleem, you are eligible for double pension. Plz email to Mr. Amir Agha for further details. His contact detail is available at this website under the heading “CONTACT US” Thanks

  34. madam mera father ki death january 1996 ma ho gai thi us waqt un ki age 36 year thi meri mother ko jo pension mel rahi ha wo kab resotre ho gi

  35. R/Madam,
    Meray walid Sahib 22/06/2007 ko wafat ho chuka hay aur pension meray Maa ko mil raha hay tu is Notification k mutabiq pension may koi tabdeli hogi k nahi.

    1. Muja commutation k process ki samaj nai arai
      Anybody help me for my better info
      Shoaib khokhar 03434148002


  36. Dear madam. AA we all pensioners of KPK are very thankful to your goodself and especially of Agha sahib by providing update information about restoration case and at last the KPK govt.issued the notification. I would like to harm your goodself regarding calculation my commutation restoration.My particulars are under;- D.Rt. 4-8-1996 Rs.5570/41 Net 2785/20 date of rest.4/11/2011.Now what will be my pension on 1-3-2015 and what will be total arrear wef 1-7-2013.I have drawn total pension i/c medical from 1-7-2013 Rs.36392/-pm and from1-7-2014 39615/-pm. i shall be highly thankful to you. Note.i have downloaed the formula but it shows different value.FROM ALI KHAN NOWSHERA KPK MOBILE NO.03348902331.

  37. Assalam u alaikum

    thanks for rendering a great service for the employees. i want to learn some formulas regarding pensions etc. now and then if u allow me to ask u through email .. plz reply

  38. Muhammad Osama Qaisar · Edit

    Salam, Mery father 60 years ki umer main PT & T se 31/12/1989 main retires hue thy or 21/02/1993 main intiqal hogya tha, kia meri mother ko commutate pension milygi ya nahi??
    Muhammad Osama Qaisar.

  39. muhammad usman khan · Edit

    madam mery walid march 1995 mey wapda sey retired hoy thy. feb 1996 mey woo wafat paa gay abb meri walida ko 15 sal poray honey k baad un ke commutate pension ab bahal ho gei ho gaye gee ya nahi,

  40. R/ mam,
    Muje sirf itna bata de k mere father 2007 me retire government of sindh se hue the. KIA in KO is notification se koi faeda mile ga. I want to ask this question because the above mentioned details are not understandable to me. Plz reply

  41. my father retired on 07-6-2001 on superannuation and they died on 1st 1st oct. 2014 tell me about the restoration date and can my mother get equal benefits of restoration after her husband death thanks with best wishes

  42. Dear Sir, you have wrongly indicate rate of commutation at the age of 60 years e. g.15.4649 instead of correct rate at the age of 60 year which is Rs.12.3719 as par your table given above.So kindly rectify the same for the convenience of the people.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Nasir Javed


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