Pension Calculator to Calculate Pension & Commute Since 1978

Here is the Pension Calculator to Calculate Pension & Commute since 1978 designed by Maria Zain. This calculator is valid for pensioners who retired between 1978 to date. This pension calculator calculates pension along with all increases from 1980 to 2014. It also calculated commutation and date of restoration automatically. 

Pension Calculator

The benefits and the procedure to use this pension calculator has been explained below in detail:

Benefits of This Pension Calculator

Following are the benefits of using this calculator:

  • Using this calculator pension along with all increase can be calculated within a second.
  • This calculator also calculates the family pension.
  • With this calculator pensioners can check whether they are drawing pensions at correct rates or not. i.e accuracy of pension can be verified.
  • This calculator is valid for pensioners who retired in the period from 1978 to date
  • It has a built in date of pension restoration calculator so that you can know when your restoration date is falling due.
  • Using this calculator 100% accurate pension can be calculated within seconds.
  • It gives 100% accurate result for Punjab government pensions.
  • It is also accurate for the other provinces as well as Federal Govt Employees.

Method to Calculate Pension & Commute

Pensioners will input data in cells and C5:C11 and their pension along with all increases will be calculated automatically. The detail of filling the form is as under:

Province: Write “F” for Federal, “S” for Sindh, “B” for Balochistan, “P” for Punjab and “K” for KPK

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BPS/Grade: Write your Basic Pay Scale No.

(Self /Family): Write “S” for Self and “F” for Family Pension

Qualifying Service: Enter Rounded off digit for your total length of service e.g 25 years 7 months would be entered as 26

Basic pay (Last Drawn Pay): S Explanatory – Enter your last drawn Basic pay here. If you retired on or after 1st June then add one more increment to your last basic pay.

Date of Birth: Enter Date of Birth in the format mm/dd/yy

Date of Retirement: Enter Date of Retirement in correct format i.e. mm/dd/yy or the calculator will not give correct result

Death of Employee/Pensioner: Only for Family Pensioners: In case the govt. servant died while in service write “E” here, also enter “E” in case date of restoration is before 01.12.2001.


Pension Calculator
Important Note:

Utmost effort has been exercised to make this calculator as accurate as possible but there always exist some exceptions. So in case your pension does not tally with the result shown in this calculator, consult some other source to verify accuracy of your pension.

You can download the same pension calculator from the link below:


Download Pension Calculator


Pension & Arrears Calculator Due to Restoration of Commuted Pension

This is a Updated version of the pension calculator . In this calculator I’ve added automatic arrears calculation function which will be of benefit especially to Punjab Govt. Pensioners. It automatically calculated arrears from date of restoration. I’ve also changed Family Pension formula in this version. I hope pensioners will find it really helpful. For further assistance please email to Mrs. Maria Zain at this email ID:

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Download Pension Calculator & Arrear Calculator



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54 thoughts on “Pension Calculator to Calculate Pension & Commute Since 1978

  1. Sir G ma na data input kia Calculator ma wo nih howa
    D.O.B 04-07-1947 D.O.R 01-01-1992 Gross Pesion 999 Comut 50% now restored on 01-01-2019 and lam sum in now just 16435/= but his was before restoration 11194/pm

  2. Hope You will be fine. Kindly update this arrears Calculator till 2019. All will pray for your good health and long life. as early as possible kindly update this.

  3. sir my length of service is 22Y and 9M , date of birth is 17-06-1959, date of joining is 17-9- 1996
    date of retirement is 17-06-2019, last pay is 45380 kindly tell me my gross pension net pension and graduaty(35%) I am govt. of Baluchistan employ. kindly reply on my email

  4. ghulam hussain khan pak/63370 · Edit

    i retied in 25 july pension is 356.58. grant of usual increment is applicable in my much will be my taarrears till now. and what was my basic pay at time of retirement.thank alot in advance

  5. muja ik pension case restoration check karne hia .

    kindly muja un ka address or contact number jin ya calculation ka table banya hia kindly as soon as possible help me

  6. Ms shumaila kamal,
    Really i appreciate your guidance in respect of pension and restoration of pension.
    i need more guidance for calculating restoration of pension, if it may be possible i may visit your office for learning about restoration of pension. because i am working in a public university, which are newly establish so now days some cases are still pending in my table. so please i want to get training in respect of restoration of pension. please guide me. i am from karachi

    MA Jamali
    Karachi pakistan

  7. Ms shumaila kamal,
    Really i appreciate your guidance in respect of pension and restoration of pension.
    i need more guidance for calculating restoration of pension, if it may be possible i may visit your office for learning about restpration of pension. because i am working in a public university, which are newly establish so now days some cases are still pending in my table. so please i want to get training in respect of restoration of pension. please guide me. i am from karachi
    MA Jamali
    Karachi pakistan

  8. Ma’m my father retired on 22-10-1999 in BPS-19, Punjab Government.His last basic pay drawn was 11215 Rs/- . His age at the time of retirement was 60 years and length of service 30 years, 09 months and 03 days. I want to know whether he is allowed one annual increment on the basis of 6 months’ service in the retiring year, or not?

  9. My father was a govt servant he was s gazetted officer of 19 grade and retired on 13aug 1998.He diedvin jan 1999.since then my mother is getting the family pension.My father completed 30yrs of service.He wasb born in 1938 .I want to know whether my mother will only get the increased pension of ten percent and 25 percent in medical allowance.what about adhoc relief allowance of 2011 & 2012 which has been merged in the basic pay & revised pay scale of 2011 will she get any arrears.what is commute allowance will she get that too .I tried to open the calculator but did not succeeded .Could you plz calculate the increased pension along with allowances & arrear for me.what is your email address.I will be thankful to you.

  10. AOA,
    dear madam mery father grade 18 me punjab employees social security institution sy as dy.director 23.5.1997 ko retire howy and 12.8.1999 ko un ki death ho gai meri family pension ly rhi hain kindly tell me ab yeh pension kitni honi chahiay.
    30 years service last basic pay drawn 8745/ hy

  11. my father retired from army i think in 1994 or may be 1995 rank Hav present pension is 8000-/ guide according to law or whatever hes rite …..?

  12. My ppo no is 1591F. Is ent a request to A G P R on 1.7 14 to increase my pension from 50 per cent to 75 per cent. I was issued a tracking no as 0323 on 9.9.14 but still no result. I have sent many reminders but in vain. Can you help me. Thanks

  13. Madam you are doing to much for the Govt employe along with me i hope that all govt employe doing the same effort for the public for day to day work to easy there life thanks

  14. Madam,
    I was retired on 7-7-1990 after 28 year service, from Sindh Government a commuted 50% pension. My date of birth 11/8/1943. May I am entitle for restoration of commutation, if yes from which date ?
    I shall be grateful for answer

  15. Salam,
    madam mien ny suna hai ky CMA Civil employees ky leay double pay manzoor howi hai?
    kia CMA ky civil employees or Doosray department ky civil employees 1973 constitution ky teht ek jaisy nahi?
    doosry deptt ky employees ye double pay nahi ly sakty?


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