Notification No. FD.SR-III/4-41/2008 dated 30-01-2015 has been issued by the Finance Department Govt of the Punjab in connection with Payment of Arrear Amount on Restoration of Pension for the Pensioners of the Province of Punjab.
A Complaint Cell, comprising Mr. Rafiq Ahmad, Chief Inspector of Treasuries & Accounts, Government of the Punjab, Finance Department, 4-Lytton Road Lahore and Mr. Muhammad Akhtar, Treasury Officer, Treasury Office, Zila Katchery Lahore is hereby constituted to ensure payments, if, any to eligible petitioner pensioners of the Government of the Punjab in accordance with the judgment of the Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan reported as Secretary Government of the Punjab Finance Department and 269 other versus M. Ismail Tayer and 269 others (2014 SCMR 1336).
All such payments if any shall be processed as under:
S.No | Categories of Pensioners | Time Line |
1 | Pensioners who retired prior to 1st July 1991 | a- Receipt of applications of the petitioner pensioners wef 02-02-2015 to 10-02-2015b- Scrutiny of /action on the applications wef 11-02-2015 to 18-02-2015c- Filing of complaints in all the Complaint Cell for redressel of grievances if any wef 19-02-2015 to 23-02-2015
d- Disposal of the complaints by 28-02-2015 |
2 | Pensioners who retired during the period starting on 01-07-1991 and ending on 30-06-1994 | a-Receipt of applications of the petitioner pensioners wef 02-03-2015 to 10-03-2015b-Scrutiny of /action on the applications wef 11-03-2015 to 18-03-2015c-Filing of complaints in all the Complaint Cell for redressel of grievances if any wef 19-03-2015 to 24-03-2015
d-Disposal of the complaints by 31-03-2015 |
3 | Pensioners who retired during the period starting on 01-07-1994 and ending on 30-11-2001 | a-Receipt of applications of the petitioner pensioners wef 01-04-2015 to 10-04-2015b-Scrutiny of /action on the applications wef 11-04-2015 to 20-04-2015c-Filing of complaints in all the Complaint Cell for redressel of grievances if any wef 21-04-2015 to 25-04-2015
d-Disposal of the complaints by 30-04-2015 |
4 | Pensioners who retired during the period starting on 01-12-2001 to date | a-Receipt of applications of the petitioner pensioners wef 01-05-2015 to 09-05-2015b-Scrutiny of /action on the applications wef 11-05-2015 to 20-05-2015c-Filing of complaints in all the Complaint Cell for redressel of grievances if any wef 21-05-2015 to 25-05-2015
d-Disposal of the complaints by 31-05-2015 |
Complaint Cell will receive complaints from the petitioner pensioners or their survivors and will take all necessary actions to redress their grievances if an eligible pensioner is denied pension in terms of the said judgment of the Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan. All complainants will be given personal hearing if they so desire. In case the Complaint Cell concludes that nothing is payable to the pensioner in accordance with the said judgment of the said court, a speaking order in writing will be communicated to the complainant by the Complaint Cell. The petitioner pensioners will communicate their land line/cell numbers and if possible their email address enabling the Complaint Cell to contact them in case of need. The complaints may be sent at the following address:
Mr. Rafiq Ahmad,
Chief Inspector of Treasuries & Accounts,
Government of the Punjab,
Finance Department,
4-Lytton Road Lahore
Special Thanks to Mr. Humayoun Farooqi for sending the copy of the Notification of Payment of Arrear Amount on Restoration of Pension.
sir my is Haq Nawaz iam retaird period 1996 my department agriculture khanewal punjab pakistan
so pls infrom me bellance insurance behbood fand ……….
pls infrom me …………………………………………ALLAH BLESS YOU
M Tariq S/o Haq Nawaz
sir my father 1996 maen retair howay un ka behbod fand aur insurance ka koi banta hai kiya suna hai un ka baqya banta tu pls bata day shukriya …….
My father retired on 19 Aug, 2001( after superannuation of age) from Tehsil Municipal Administration Chiniot as Fire Officer in grade no. 16 as of pay scale of 1994 with 50% commutation for 15 years. As of regulation commutation period will be completed on 19-Aug-2016, will his pension be doubled on this date?
While on service he was receiving differen kind of allowance like 25% special allowance(guzara) along with other allowances. Will this 25% allowance also be part of pay/pension?
Can you you please answer these questions along with references such as notifications or Punjab Govrnment Orders?
Thanking you in anticipation
Dear Hasan Muhammad, please email to Mr. Agha Amir
Asslam o Alikum mam
my father was retired on 31-12-1999 from Pakistan Railway. when he said the railway concern about double pension after age of 72 or 75, authority replied that they did not receive any notification under the order of Supreme Court of pakistan. kindly provide the order of supreme court of pakistan in the favor of old age beneficiaries.
sir/Mam my mother retired from Punjab Govt prior to 1991.How her pension ad arrears will be calculated.
govt ny abi tk pentions nai dein account office waly khety hn k abi dar sahb ny nai dein
Hellow Honorable Mam May you live long and God bless you . My father in law Dr. Allah ditta sheikh retired in 2009 from fedrel institute PARC(pakistan agriculture reearch council) as a director from there sub station situated in faisalabad they claim for payment of arrear amount on restoration of pension but account officer replyed that we have never recive such a notification from Supreme court of pakistan so provide us a notification about payment of arrear amount on restoration of pension please Mam if you provide us such notification then we will be very thankful to u and also tell us if this notification is aplicable for our father in law or not
Dear Usman filhal Fedaral Govt Employees kay liay restoration sirf un employees kay liay hay jo 01-12-2001 say pehlay retire huay hain. Thanks
mam my husband was a doctor he died on 22 feb 2015.he was in grade 18 but permanent period of service was from September 2009.before he served on contract from 2002.kindly guide for benefits I can get from govt.and also help a way out for pension.thanks
Dear dr attiya rubab I think he is not eligible for pension and commute but the other benefits are eligible.
Respected Madam,
Kindly inform upon what type of class retired people can get benefit from restoration notification.The said notification will be applicable from date of retirement or date of birth. Further retired people who not attained the age upon which double pension is applicable. Can they avail benefit from this notification.
Dear M Saeed plz email to Mr. Amir Agha for the detail of the same.
Dear Sir, my father Muhammad Din S/o Mola Baksh retired on 16 Dec 1995 so i received your notification no FD.SR-III/4/2008 so please tell me what now i am do
Dear Azmat plz email to Mr. Amir Agha for further details. His contact detail is available at this site under the heading “CONTACT US”
My grandfather retired prior to 1991. He worked at GTS . He went to the related office and they said we dnt have any info on this. Then my grandfather went to complain cell and they said ur department will handle it. Kindly help me what should i do. My grand father did have a writ in october 2014. His name is not in this notification list i have the detailed list.
Dear Mali ozi now again visit the Accounts Office with the copy of the Notification that I uploaded today. Thanks
Dear Madam,
There is a news that Punjab government has issued revised notification on 10th February 2015 in which it is stated that all the eligible pensioners will be entitled for restoration arrears.please confirm the news.
Dear Babar I have also heard the same news. I ll confirm the same soon.
AoA, Dear Madam: Allah may bless you for your services to retired Pensioners, I am in need of copy of Implementation of Recommedation of pay and pension Commission-2009 Special Pension Provision of orderly /driver to the officers in BPS-20 and above on retirement, vide Goverment of Pakistan Finance Division, dated 24th December,2012 and as addopted by the Punjab Govt. vide Notification dated 4th March, 2013. if Notified by KPK and Sindh Government
Thanks Dear Engr. Muhammad Jan for appreciating mine efforts for the employees/pensioners. I tried for the same but failed. I only found the Notification of the Punjab in which only there is reference of the Ardali Allowance. I have also the copy of the Finance Div Notification. Thanks
OK, thank u
Respected Madam, Aoa. Please guide me whether those who were not petitioners but otherwise eligible for the arreares will benefit as there are opinions that only pationers will get benefits although it looks illogical. Regards Dr Naveed Qadir
Dear Naveed plz read the recent post at this website.
dear madam. My brother in law who was working as ptc(now called pst) bps 10 died during service in 1999. We got all his pension etc but could nt get Group Insurance fund due to lack of knowledge. Later on we came to know that he was entitle to the same. Now you kindly guide us what s the procedure of applying/processing his GI case. I mean which documents required and where to initiate. I ll be v grateful for ur kind help. Thanx
Dear M Javed Khan just email me I ll give the possible detail of the same.
Next date for 20% special allowance case to all the federal government employees is fixed as 02-09-2015 (Monday) in Court No. 4 of Islamabad High Court. Anyone can download cause list from the following link.
Where is list?
Dear A. Ghafoor which list?
dear madam,
mera abu 03-10-1999 ko retaired hoie han aur ab aun ki age 75 sal ho chuki ha after retaired aun k 15 sal bnta han plz yeh bta dain kia aun ko benefits mila ga aur kitna mila ga kia woh yeh arears hasal kr saka gain?????????? plz bta dain woh abhe tak alive han aur pension la rha han plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Dear Rizwan plz email me all details with the province or Federal employee.
madam yeh to sirf petitioner ko benefit mily ga ?? baki logon ko dobara case krna ho ga ?madam please send me copy of the judgement of the case in which decsion in favour of one employee will be beneficial for all.please send me the copy of the order on my email id
Dear Nadeem I have shared the same at facebook Thanks
plz tell me the pensioner who retired in 1989 is entitled 7% adhoc relief. it is for all retired employees or for particular employee?
Kia hmain court jana peray ga ya ye general order hai. no need of case?
Dear Sikandar is Notification main to petitioner pensioners ko benefit ka zikar hay. I have a copy of the orders in which it is mentioned that a decision in favour of an employee will be implemented to all the other employees related to the case even if they are not the part of the case.
madam, do you have restoration notification of KPK govt:,
Dear Miraj I have not the copy of the Notification of KPK but I have heard that the restoration has been done in KPK. I ll try to find the same Notification.
madam, where i shall get notification of orderly allowance in KPK. this allowance is not given to education department BPS20.
Dear Miraj, I ll try to find the same just send me an email.
salam madam. mere abu PRTC se 29-03-1996 ko retire hoe un ki DATE OF BIRTH 30-03-1936 hy. Punjab road transport corporation k yh mulazmeen b in e rears k haqdar hn. mam in k lahore office waly kehty hn k abi raqam ki adaegi ka notification nhi hoa. please madam agr ap kuch bta saken k notification kb hona hy?????????
thanks. Akhtar Munir
Dear Akhtar yeh Notification ki adaigi ka hi Notification hay.
dear madam, 1). any update about restoration of commuted portion of pension by KPK govt:? any other province have restored commuted portion of pension?
2). where i shall get notification of orderly allowance in kpk, this allowance is not given to education department BPS 20.
Dear Miraj, All the Governments have restored the pension but prior to 01-12-2001 retired employees. Only the Punjab Govt has restored the pension after 01-12-2001 too.