Clarification Regarding Premature Increment on Upgradation-Sindh Govt

Government of the Sindh, Finance Department has issued Notification No. FD(SR-I)3(53)/2014 dated 13-02-2015 in connection with Clarification Regarding Premature Increment on Upgradation for the employees of Sindh Province.

I am directed to refer to this Department’s Office Memorandum No. FD(SR-I)3(17)/2013 dated 04-09-2014 on the subject cited above and to clarify that one premature increment is also admissible to those Government Employees who were holding Selection Grade prior to upgradation of their posts in Baisc Pay Scales already held by them. This increment will be granted just asin the case of same scale promotion. However this premature increment is applicable to those posts upgraded on or after 28th February 2002.

Premature Increment on Upgradation of the Selection Grade Employees

It is clear from the above letter that there will be two increments for the Selection Grade Employees whose post has been upgraded. They will get 1 next above increment and the other one will be premature increment as the same is granted on the same scale promotion.

Special Thanks to Mr. Jagdesh Kumar for sending the copy of the Notification of clarification regarding Premature Increment on Upgradation for the Sindh Govt Employees.

Clarification issued by Finance Department GOS regarding admissibility of Pre-Mature Increment on a/c of Up-gradation . For example Jr. Clerk was holding Selection Grade BPS-7 and up-graded in the Same Grade in 2007 & Sr.Clerks holding Selection grade in BPS-9. Matter was referred by the Honourble District Session Judge Tharparker on the application of Mr. Jagdesh Kumar Dave, so FD issued this clarification for admissibility.

See also  Upgradation of Accounts Related Posts on Recommendations of the Committee Head By the Additional Chief Secretary



Premature Increment Upgradation



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45 thoughts on “Clarification Regarding Premature Increment on Upgradation-Sindh Govt

  1. AOA ,madam me was granted higher time scale BS-18 (in education department) as granted to private secretaries (BS-17) .am I eligeble for premature increament.

  2. Respected Madam, I was appointed as Secondary School Teacher (SST) BPS-16 in 2003 and upgraded to SST BPS-17 (personal) in 2014. After two and half years I was promoted to Subject Specialist(SS) BPS-17 regular.Please guide me whether I am entitled for one or two increments.
    Best Regards
    Aziz ur rehman

  3. Madam /sir asslam o alikum w rahmatullah please reply zaror krna govt. Of sindh upgraded the post of jr. Cletk sr.clerk assistan w.e.f 4.8.2016 pay fixation me one pre mature to mil gae hy but annual nhi day rahy or kah rhy hain k 6vmonths nhi huy kiya ye waki hi thek kah rahy ya annual increment mily gi plz reply

  4. Madam, Kindly tell us upgradation post of superintendent on contractual basis, either they r upgrated in BPS-17 or not, any sindh government notification kindly share plz.

  5. Madam please tell me whether iam elgigible to have premature increment as i was upgraded from grade 11 to 16 in works and services department govt of sindh in feb 2015 from year 2010.

  6. Safeer Ahmed Tunio · Edit

    Respected Madam,

    I was appointed Jr: Clerk BPS-07 in 2010 on Matriculation, I am M.A since that time, I am not receiving benefit of Higher Qualification. What about Educational Increments? plz.

  7. Sher Mohammad Tunio · Edit

    Respected Madam,

    I am Primary School Teacher BPS-14, I was appointed in 1992 in BPS-07, after PTC I was given BPS-09 in 1995, I was given selection grade BPS-10 in 2000, I was given Time Scale PBS-11 in 2011, I was given BPS-14 in 2013, My Basic Pay is 16540/=, whether I am eligible for premature increment or not.

  8. Madam kia service structure paramedical say jo post upgrade hoi thee un ko bhi premature increment millay ga jsay dispenser 6 grade say 9 hoa tha or staff nurse 14 grade say 16 upgrade hoi thee

  9. Respected Madam,

    I am Jr: Clerk in BPS-07, i was appointed on 13-01-2010 in the Sindh Government and still in the same scale, my Basic Pay is 7544, i think this details is enough, whether i am eligible for premature increment or not, plz.

  10. Respected Madam,
    U said again and again about details, scale and pay, whereas, u are requested that I have sent u these things (details) many times in previous emails, plz. Thanks.

  11. madam assalam-o-alaikum.
    me apse ye maloom kerna chahita hoon k mera eik friend pst tha or wo spsc k zarye ss bps-17 me hogaya. pst me oska pay scale 14 tha or basic 12880 thi. wo ss 23/3/2012 ko appoint hua to kia osey premature increament miley ga or 1/12/2012 ko annual increament bhi miley ga. ya sirf annual increament hi miley ga. osne department se permission bhi li thi. please guide me. thank you.

  12. Respected Madam,
    U asked about upgradation or promotion, it is clear for u that I was never upgraded or promoted, whereas, I was appointed Jr: Clerk BPS-07 on 13-01-2010, still in the same scale. My Basic Pay is 7544. I sent u some e-mail but u could not understand, no matter. So, once again I clear here my details, am I eligible for premature increment? Thanks.

  13. Respected Madam,

    According to you in your previous email, I did email u my Basic Pay with scale but again u said, detail. My date of Appointment is 13-01-2010, in BPS-07. Am I eligible for premature increment or not, plz, total….

    My salary detail is as under:

    B. Pay 7544
    H.R 1059
    C.A 1932
    M.A 1100
    50% 1860
    20% 558
    20% 1416
    15% 1062
    10% 708
    Gross 17229/=

  14. Respected Madam,

    My basic pay is 7544 (BPS-07), now plz, tell me whether I am eligible for premature increment or not. If yes, what will be figure? Thanks.

  15. madam premature increment to 1200 lagegi 17 scale ki, aur ye 2 increments 16 scale ki to waste hongi, 17 scale me 16000 basic hogi + 1200 premature increment to total 17200 hojaenge na?

  16. Madam u said it depends on my basic pay, but how it depends on my basic pay, by the way now im in 17 & basic pay of 17 is 16000, so tell me madam Am i applicable for this prematre increment?

  17. Respected, Madam,

    Govt: of Sindh has issued notification of premature increment on upgradation for the Sindh Gov: Employees on 13-02-2015. am I applicable for this premature increment? whereas I am junior clerk in (BPS-07) in Home Deptt: Govt: of Sindh from 2010. If yes, plz, detail.

  18. AOA, Madam, please tell me,whether I’m eligible to have the same,.as I was granted selection grade–15, prior to the upgrade the post of office assistant ie,bps–11to bps –14, Thanks.


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