Notification of Restoration of Pension by KPK Govt

Government of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Finance Department has issued Notification No. FD (SOSR-II)/4-2015 dated 16-02-2015 in connection with Restoration of Pension by KPK Govt.

Notification of Restoration of Pension by KPK Govt

According to this Notification Restoration of Commuted Portion of Pension of the Civil Servants of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has been done who retired on 30th June 2001 or earlier to that that at the revised rates.

This restoration has been allowed to all the pensioners (civil servants) who retired on or before 30-06-2001 and they opted to draw pay and pension /commutation in the basic pay scales of 1994 at the rates at which they were drawing 50% remaining pension wef 1st July 2013 or date of restoration which ever is later. Arrears should also be paid to them from the date of such restoration.

It is also clarified that such pensioners shall not be entitled to claim arrears for the period prior to restoration of their commuted portion of pension and subject to the condition that if the constitutional petition filed/to be filed by the Federal Govt/Provincial Govt is accepted by the apex court, the Government would recover the amount of increases in pension on the restored portion of pension being allowed to them.


Restoration Pension KPK


Amended Notification of Restoration of Pension Issued by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government.


Restoration Amended KPK


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13 thoughts on “Notification of Restoration of Pension by KPK Govt

  1. retired on 60 years in 1991.
    now age 96 years.
    already restored cu-muted pension.
    any more restoration can we demand after 85 years of age..

  2. My father got retired on 30/4/2005 at the age of 60 years.His date of birth is 18/06/1945 as per his service document. now as per the rules he is entitled for this benefit.plz guide us.

  3. my father pension is restored and died.he retired in mother is getting family pension now.whether she will get any benefit from the current restoration notification .

  4. madam my father visited today accounts office haripur and asked about this matter but they replied that there is no news n notification they have received yet …. i dnt know how n when it will be implemented if u have any news plz reply me

  5. dear i want some clarification about this notification which is issued by kpk govt about restoration of pension …. my father was retired on 09-10-1996 and his pension was restored on 09-10-2011 from which date he would be able to get increased amount and arrears thereof … its highly requested to u please clarify me and it would be helpful for many others too … thanks m waiting for ur reply


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