Government of the Punjab, Services and General Administration Department has already issued Notification No. SORI(S&GAD)9-1/2000(P-I) dated 15-10-2002 in connection with Relaxation in Upper Age Limit to a Family Member of a deceased Civil Servant who dies during service.
Relaxation in Upper Age Limit to a Family Member of a Deceased Civil Servant who Dies During Service
According to this Notification, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by Section 23 of the Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974 (VIII of 1974), the Government of the Punjab is pleased to direct that in the Punjab Civil Servants Recruitment (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit) Rules 1976, the following further amendment shall be made, namely:
In Rule 3 after clause viii, the following new clause shall be added:
“(ix) The appointing authority may grant relaxation in upper age limit upto a maximum period of 10 years to a family member of a deceased Civil Servant who dies during service.”
It is to mention here that Notification No. SORI(S&GAD)9-1/2000 dated 01-08-2000 has also been issued by the same Department regarding relaxation in upper age limit to a family member of a deceased Civil Servant who dies during service. In this Notification there is 5 years age relaxation for such cases.
My name is Abdul qayum .
My father died during government service in education department . Now my age is about 43 years . My education is F.A . Can I apply in deceased servant quota ?? Please answer me .
According to my knowledge the age limit is 21 years for males. However i ll further confirm it.
my age is 39 can i apply education department in federal goverment i belong to sindh
Dear Hina i think no according to general conditions.
plz my age is 39 can i send doucement for federal education department im woman my name is hena naz
I am son of a deceased Permanent/Regular employee (Accountant BS-11) of Punjab Government who died during his service as on 14/04/2010. My date of birth is 11/10/1985. Kindly apprise me as to whether I am eligible for five year relaxation being son of a deceased civil servant who dies during service. An also clarify me about five year general age relaxation over and above any one of the above relaxations.
Further added that presently I am not unemployed and working as executive in a nationalized bank.
Please answer.
Dear Imran Plz email me all details.
shumaila i sended you lot you mails but have not reply yet…. please help me..Because last date of submission for CSS is 31 0ct 2015….
imran are you applying for CSS?
Yes you can get age relaxation for 10 years further 5 years general is also available for you i.e you can get totally 10+05=15 years age relaxation.
imran please contact me….