Request for Grant of Higher Scale to the Computer Operators on the Basis of Time Scale/Promotion

Government of the Sindh, Education & Literacy Department has issued Letter No. SO(S-III)1-3014/2014 dated 19-01-2015 in connection with Request for Grant of Higher Scale to the Computer Operators on the Basis of Time Scale/Promotion (School Side), Education & Literacy Department, Sindh.

According to this letter, I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of application alongwith its enclosures received from Computer Operators (School Side), Education & Literacy Department and copy of Recruitment Rules prepared by this Department with consultation of Regulation Wing of SGA&CD, vide Notification dated 27th November 2007 on the subject noted above.

This department may be advised either Computer Operators (School Side), Education & Literacy Department could be promoted from Computer Operators (BPS-12) to Computer Programmers (BPS-17) in view of above Recruitment Rules or their posts may be upgraded, or they are entitled for any other benefit otherwise.

Furthermore, Computer Operators (School Side), Education & Literacy Department are serving since longtime and also holding degrees of Post Graduate/Diploma in Computers with professional degrees of B.Ed & M.Ed.

Special Thanks to Mr. Rizwan Ali for sending the copy of the letter of Request for Grant of Higher Scale to the Computer Operators.


Computer Operators Upgradation



See also  Notification of Local Holiday on 16th November 2019 in District Layyah

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15 thoughts on “Request for Grant of Higher Scale to the Computer Operators on the Basis of Time Scale/Promotion

  1. We are serving as Computer Operator BPS-12 in education department Sindh since last 7 years but no promotion, no up-gradation BPS-16 and no Time Schale.
    Please kindly help.

  2. I am Asim Aziz from Local Government of Sindh and I am working since last seven years as Data Entry Operator BS-12, accept sindh all the province has up graded of Data Entry Operator posts in BS-16 I request to you please help us for up gradation we all will remain very thanks full to you.
    Ap ko duaen dein gy Sindh Budget se pehly hamari request ap ly k jaen hm ap k liye hamesha dua kartay rahen gy

  3. My Qualification is BS(Computer Science) 16 years education, and working as Computer Operator (BPS-12) since 2011 in CIE Committee, Education & Literacy Department, Government of Sindh, Karachi. I tried to request for up-gradation on the basis of my qualification, but still no response from higher authorities, however other post in sindh government is being upgrated time to time, recently Office Assistant (BPS-14) has been up-garded in (BPS-16). Please look after on computer operator, those are also employees, they have family also, they have responsibilities also.

    1. ishtiaque Hussain · Edit

      Dear i am also BS(CS) i am working form 2009, still waiting???? jab tak hum computer Operator eik awaz nhn hongay kam nhn hogaaaa.. Sindh Govt ke jitne bhe computer operaotor hen , sub apna number share karen.. phar ko plan tia karen,,

  4. I am Computer Operator in BPS-7 from 20 years in Local Govt. Department, But i want to promote in BPS-12 or Higher grade. can any provide me any Govt. of Punjab Notification Copy so i get the Scale.


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