Anomaly of Medical Allowance-Minimum 1200/- Per Month

Government of Pakistan Finance Division has issued Notification No. F.No.1(4)Imp/2014-216 dated 04-03-2015 in connection with Anomaly of Medical Allowance for the Federal Govt employees. The summary of Anomaly of Medical Allowance-Minimum 1200/- Per Month is as under:

Anomaly of Medical Allowance-Minimum 1200/- Per Month

It is to mention here that the Medical Allowance had been increased from Rs. 1000/- per month to Rs. 1200/- per month for the employees of BPS-01 to BPS-15 with effect from 01-07-2014. But the Medical Allowance for the employees of BPS-16 and above remained the same without any change. Many employees of BPS-16 are getting Medical Allowance nbetween Rs. 1000/- and Rs. 1200/- per month. Now these employees will get minimum Rs. 1200/- per month as Medical Allowance with effect from 01-07-2014.


Download All Related Documents to Medical Allowance


Minimum Medical Allowance



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21 thoughts on “Anomaly of Medical Allowance-Minimum 1200/- Per Month

  1. salam mam
    my grade is 17 and m getting 1478/- medical allowance. i need some clarification wheather this increase would b applicable to me?

  2. I was serving as CT teacher in B 15 till 31-3-2014 and then joined PHE deptt in B16 through proper channel. Now I get adhoc all 2010 @50%, adh. All 2011@15% and med. All Rs. 2610, Rs 783 and Rs 1000respectively. These are the allownces which I got in B15. The auditor of DAO office says these are freeze. On the other hand fresh appointees in B16 get Rs 3030, Rs909 and Rs909 respectively. Pls help

  3. what is Rule 38 and what is its role in service brief in detail. Can a employ of FG transfer from one province to other get his seniority as he has in his parent unit or otherwise

  4. District bahawalnagar mein account officer nay abi tak 1000 rupee nai kiya to 1200 kaisay karay ga, hamein abi tk 909 rupee mil raha hai


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