Notification of M.Phil Allowance/Ph.D Allowance and Special Science & Technology Allowance by Finance Department Balochistan

Government of the Balochistan, Finance Department has issued Notification No. FD(R-I)III-42/2015/430-550 dated 03-03-2015 in connection with Revised Rates of M.Phil Allowance/Ph.D Allowance and Special Science & Technology Allowance.

According to this Notification, reference to this Department’s circular numbers mentioned below:

  • Notification No. FD(R)III-42/88/3694-3844 dated 05-09-1988
  • Notification No. FD(R-I)III-42/95/1058-1115 dated 28-05-1995
  • Notification No. FD(R-I)III-42/2003/3590-3699 dated 01-11-2011
  • Notification No. FD(R-I)III-42/2012/3161-3311 dated 24-09-2012


The Government of the Balochistan has been pleased to enhance the rates of the following allowances:

  1. Special Science & Technology Allowance
  2. PH.D Allowance
  3. M.Phil Allowance

in favour of the entitled officers/officials of this Provincial Government with immediate effect. The detail of the same is as under:


S. No Existing Name of Allowance Existing Rates Revised Name of Allowance Revised Rates
1 Special Science & Technology Allownce Rs.7500/- PM Ph.D Allowance Rs. 10,000/- PM
2 Ph.D Allowance Rs. 2250/- PM
3 M.Phil Allowance Rs. 750/- PM M.Phil Allowance Rs. 5000/- PM


The existing terms & conditions of admissibility of the above mentioned allowance will remain the same as specified in the above referred circulars.


Special Thanks to Mr. Suleman Bughti for sending the copy of the Notification of M.Phil Allowance/Ph.D Allowance and Special Science & Technology Allowance by Finance Department Balochistan.


M.Phil Allowance Balochistan



See also  Notification of Unavailed LPR Period in Case of Death of Government Employee

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9 thoughts on “Notification of M.Phil Allowance/Ph.D Allowance and Special Science & Technology Allowance by Finance Department Balochistan

  1. Why Government (Federal & Provincial) is not considering MS as M.Phil??? Whereas, It can be seen in all notifications of HEC that HEC writes the degree program as MS/M.Phil meaning that there is no any difference between MS and M.Phil. By coming to the point that finance div has rejected the M.Phil allowance of MS degree holders that is injustice!!


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