Notification of Upgradation of Superintendent/Assistant/Section Clerk in AJK

Azad Government of the State Jammu & Kashmir, Finance Department has issued Notification No. FD/R/2670-2759/2015 dated 16-02-2015 in connection with Upgradation of Superintendent/Assistant/Section Clerk in AJK.

Upgradation of Superintendent/Assistant/Section Clerk in AJK

The president Azad Government of the State Jammu & Kashmir has been pleased to accord approval to the upgradation of the following posts in the Civil Secretariate of Azad Government of the State Jammu & Kashmir with immediate effect by relaxing ban on upgradation of posts:


S.No Name of Post Existing BPS Upgraded BPS
1 Superintendent BPS-16 BPS-17
2 Assistant BPS-14 BPS-16
3 Section Clerk BPS-09 BPS-14


The pay of the existing incimbents of the posts shall be fixed in higher pay scales at a stage next above the pay in the lower pay scale.

The Services & General Administration Department will amend the service rules to the same effect in the prescribed manner.


Special Thanks to Mr. Ghulam Mustafa for sending the copy of the Notification of Upgradation of Superintendent/Assistant/Section Clerk in AJK.


Upgradation Superintendent Assistant



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7 thoughts on “Notification of Upgradation of Superintendent/Assistant/Section Clerk in AJK

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  2. Abdul Waheed Jamali · Edit

    Dear Medam Iam working as Assistant (BPS-14) In Quad-e-Awam-University of Engineering & Science Nawabshah Sindh, there any goods for us regarding up gradation, If have news please update the same.

  3. Hafeez Ur Rehman Anjum · Edit

    Assalam O Alikum, Respected Mdm, if you have up gradation of clerical staff of Punjab notification please send or update status.

  4. Syed Muhammad Ali Shah · Edit

    AOA, Dear Madam, Wherefrom I may get information about rulings for Special Pay Scales. I put my application in wafaqi mohtasib that upgradation always implemented in Basic Pay Scale whereas upgradatation never implemented in Special pay scale.


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