Revised Pay Scales 2015 and Increase in House Rent Allwoance-A Request of the Employees

The main purpose of this post to get the views of the employees about Revised Pay Scales 2015 and Increase in House Rent Allowance. All the employees of the Pakistan request the Govt to ponder over the main demand of the employees. The basic demand of the employees is the Revision of Basic Pay Scales 2015 and Increase in House Rent Allowance (HRA). Let’s discuss the same in detail:


Request for Revised Pay Scales 2015


Pay Scales were revised on 1st July 2011 last time and now the period of 4 years passed and there is no revision in the pay scales. There are at this time many allowances that are not the part of the basis pay these allowances are as under:


  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2010 @ 50% of the basic pay as on 30-06-2011
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2011 @ 15% of the basic pay as on 30-06-2011
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2012 @ 20% of the running basic pay
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2013 @ 10% of the running basic pay
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2014 @ 10% of the running basic pay


It is requested that these allowances be merged into the basic pay and new Revised Pay Scales 2015 be announced. This action of the Govt will win the heart of the employees.  In this way the concept of Anti-Employees Govt will turn into Friendly-Employees Govt.

History of Revised Pay Scales

I am here adding the history of Revised Pay Scales. The detail of the same is as under:

See also  Notification of Final Markup Rates Loans Granted by Provincial Government


Revised Pay Scales-1972

Revised Pay Scales-1977

Revised Pay Scales-1983

Revised Pay Scales-1987

Revised Pay Scales-1991

Revised Pay Scales-1994

Revised Pay Scales-2001

Revised Pay Scales-2005

Revised Pay Scales-2007

Revised Pay Scales-2008

Revised Pay Scales-2011

Revised Pay Scales-?


Revised Pay Scales 2015

Request to Increase in House Rent Allowance


Another issue of the Govt employees is the House Rent Allowance. HRA of the employees is very very less as compared to the present rents of the houses. Just imagine how an employee getting a HRA Rs. 891/- can manage a house on rent. The minimum rates of the house for rent now a days are Rs. 5000/- in a small cities. It is requested to the Govt that the House Rent Allowance be minimum fixed according to the New Pay Scales as the existing rates of the House Rent Allowance are being granted to the employees on the initial of the Pay Scales 2008.

Summary for Increase in Salaries of the Parliamentarians

There is news about the 50% increase in salaries of the Parliamentarians. According to the news the summary of the same has been approved by the Prime Minister. To maintain the equality, the PM should also towards the Govt employees to raise the salaries of the employees as increased for the parliamentarians.

Increase in the Rates of Hiring Accommodation

There is also news about the increase in hiring of the employees due to the increasing rates of the rental houses. Rents of the houses have been increased all over Pakistan. Therefore it is requested that House Rent Allowance may also be increased for all the employees of Pakistan.

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Admitted Fact about the Govt


It is admitted that the Govt has been successful to control the prices of the daily usable items. The situation of uncertainty has gone now. We are not fear about the new rates of the prices of the items when we move to the market.The prices of the items are nearly the same as they were about 2 years ago. But about two years ago there was a need to be increased the salaries of the employees about 100% to meet the daily expenses of the employees. As the employees were living from hand to mouth. But there is only 20% increase in the salaries of the employees, 10% in 2013 and 10% in 2010. Due to this minor increase, the condition of the employees nearly remained the same. Now it is the need of the time that the Govt look into the matter and give the relief to the employees by revising the pay scales and increase in House Rent Allowance and other allowances.

Views of the Employees

Now it is the turn of the employees to comment here their views. Try to comment in a polite manner. Only the comments in a polite language will be approved. You can also comment if there is need for other increases in allowances.


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120 thoughts on “Revised Pay Scales 2015 and Increase in House Rent Allwoance-A Request of the Employees

  1. aoa i am woiking in education department as junior clerk in bwn on regular basis. i have paaed the MA exame in 31-12-2001. who have passed the MA exam 2 increment are allowed. but in revised pay scale 2001 the advance increment are disimed. on 01-12-2001. so i have not availed the 2 increment because my result late issued in 30 days. i asked for u to in this matter any notification or judgment of court help me to give me the 2 increment. only 30 days period. i shall be very thankful to u/

  2. Aslamualaikum….
    Koi house requisition Aur house rent allowance k rate Ka farak b to khatam karway…..Aur Jo miaab b.v dono government employees hoty hain on main. AIK ko house requisition multi autaik k nai….Ye kahan Ka insaaf hy…..K dono baraber services provid karty hain Aur AIK ko 15 ya 16000 Ka loss Sirf is liy HOTA hy k wo dono miaab b.v government employees hain…..Koi ye b to insaaf kary k dono APNI APNI alag alag duties perform karty hain to dono k apny apny rights b hai ….Plz is masly PR b koi light daly

  3. in MARCH 2014 KPK Govt increased HRA FROM RS. 15000 TO Rs. 45000 for Ministers.. why they do not think that an employee in BPS-17 get HRA 2900 While minimum House Rent is Rs.6000 in villages while minimum H rent is Rs. 8000 in cities.

  4. Good work at this site.
    Can we get the holistic comparison of all benefits grade wise among all trades/professions like people/staff in parliament, bureaucracy, military officers, Police, Judiciary, and ordinary provincial and federal govt employees etc.?

  5. Asalam walkium my dear brothers and sisters
    i am sorry to say but to be honest being independent we r infact not independent and we r still dependent on IMF go to west nd see their the Governament is careing of their nationals like their children. if u r jobless, u r old u r sick u will not beg in streets u will get pension from yours governement this is what is Called Government. all the politicains
    Sham on u. where r the scales from 1 to 22 grade in the rest of the world?? here if u r low scale means u r not as important human and u will get low wages.

  6. Assalam o alyequm, MIAN NAWAZ SHAREEF SAHIB,we are GOVT servants and we LOVE 2015 please revise pay scales.a GOVT servant live in very low class.We know You resolve the matter of electricity.PLEASE now RESOLVE GOVT SERVANT PAY SCALE and increase 100% PAY.

  7. Nawaz Sharif Bigger the heart and Revised the Scale of 1 to 15 Scales employees for exemple,
    1.KPK Revised the Sclae in their Province
    2.Lahore High court employees also availing this benefit.
    2.Balochistan Province also revised their employee scales.
    3.Sindh Govt revised only Superintendent from 16 to 17.

  8. Dear Prime Minster of Pakistan,

    with due respect it is submitted that we have known about 50% increase in salary of MNA and MPA of Parliamentarian this is nice news for them and we the servant of Govt also hope that you will increase 50% pay of all Govt employees and also adhoc releif should be the part of basic pay in budget 2015-16….. WE SUPPORT PML (N) in all Forum… this is our party and Govt…. then humble request to increase pay 50% please.


    Jamil Sheikh

  9. Well it’s all the word of every Govt. Employee. To get more money in this world is everyone’s heartliest desire, and i would say if Allah wishes our this wish will also come true in the near future. BUT every body who is a Govt. employee says Nawaz league has never been so good to Govt. employees as PPP has been and i have always told them that no other political party has been so kind to grab down the prices of things as N league has done. So if they increase the salaries upto 50% but the prices goes to 250% than what is the benefit there.

    Yes Indeed we need a very good increase in our salaries but think that our country is not rich like Gulf countries are and niether we are in Europaaa so, i would say a little more decrease in prices would be better than a little near 15% increase in salaries.

    Our Demand is if the Govt. this time is going to do something for us that would be faxtion of all the previous adhoc increaments to Basic Pay and of course a good Adhoc this time too, and if it is possible, a good medical or house rent allowance TTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

  10. Very Shame if GOVT KPK Increases Minister Salaries in march 2014 upto 300% and increase hourse rent from 15000 to 45000 Rs. then why Govt Employees get so low house rent ?

    e.g an employee in BPS 17 get Rs. 2950 per Month as HRA. but minimum House rent in all citities and Villiages of Pakistan is from Rs.5000 to Rs. 25000. So we request to the Govt to please do justice with the Employees in this matter.

  11. govt should revise pay scale. so that employees can meet their expensis. it is highly requested that govt should put eyes on their low paid employee. as they are also human being

  12. Muhammad Kashif Sheikh · Edit

    I hereby make a request to Mr Prime Minister that if parlimantrains have right to get 50% increase in the salary, then why not we govt servants…There are two options….either you add an adhoc of 50% or merge all the adhoc to revise new pay scale 2015 and add 15% adhoc on revised pay scales.. In addition to that, house rent allowance may be fixed according to revised pay scales`

  13. ASA, Allah karay aisa ho jaisa hm soch rahe hain, warna anti-employees govt. se koi umeed nhi rakhi.bas umeed hai, see and wait !

  14. shukar karo 10 Rs mil rahay hain ye PML(N) hai dosto ….Bhool jao scale revise aglay kam az kam 15 years tak…ye pakkay pakkay a gaey hain ab …ab to ahista ahista sub kuch private ho ga….MOJAAAAAN Karo SARKARI MULAZMOOO

  15. Due to non availability of proper service structure in most of service cadre the employee has crossed the maximium of the pay scales. They are even reached the maximum of notational increment. It is suggested that all employees who have crossed the maximum of their maximum of grade may be fixed/ promoted to the next grade

  16. Dear Shumaila, your Site is good and informative. But still some work is to be done. First of all, efforts may be made to make it more realistic. Further in the column of breaking news, when a person take the cursor their, the news line should stop there as in other Sites,

    However, others may also be given chance to present their ideas for improvement of this Site.


  17. Madam its good effort from your side and necessity of time. Govt employees are not rich than parliamentarians and pm should think if pay of parliamentarian increase up to 50% than why not of govt employees.
    Secondly WO unified pay scale ka issue pop govt m chal Ra tha uska kya bna? Plz update me madam


    A very nice post by Mis Shumaila Kamal, however the govt should also increase the Medical Allowance as well or Medical bills reimbursement facility should be given to all govt employees belongs to either provincial or Federal level in the selected Penal of Hospitals approved by the Govt.

  19. Respected page owner,
    First of all i appreciate you have done better work for government employees. Best of luck.
    Plz. Confirm that the post of lower division clerk is upgraded from bps 07 to bps 11 in this budget.

  20. A/salam,
    It is also dire need to increase the medical allowance. How can a low paid government servant will meet the expenses of only Rs.1100/- medical allowance. Is it fair?

  21. i m junior clerk in health dept from 2008. Now my salary is 15000 and calss Vi salary is 14500. There is difference in salary about only 500. but sacale difernc is 6.. What a Govt Policy???
    and in judicial dept jc 7 scale salart 32000. Why this difrence in same country??

  22. This is cheating that you are requested for revising the scale but, saying the revised pay scale 2015-16. Tell the truth to public that Government did not want to increase in pay more than 10%

  23. Govt has fixed Rs. 15000 as minimum salary in our country. My comments are that “If this ratio is followed in its true manner??” No Never.. In pvt organizations graduate employees especially teachers in pvt schools n colleges are black mailed, they r never offered this minimum salary ratio. Moreover, If Finance Minister (Daar) is requested to establish his alone budget in Rs. 15000 per month than every person will live happily.

  24. Syed Muhammad Ali · Edit

    Assalam o Alaikum, Respect staff may BPS_14 (civil Head Clerk) Fedral Govt Pakistan Coast Guards may hon kia is ki bhi upgradation BPS_16 may hoi h ya koi zery gore h, please informe me ,Thanks

      1. Shahzada Aashiq Hussain · Edit

        thanks you so much my dear Shumaila g adoc allowance zam ho gy k nie or 2010 50% be ho ga k nie
        May God bless you

  25. Salam respected sister, dear shumaila ji i want to now the total salary of islamabad police junior clerk bps07 and upper division clerk bps09 .. and plz also knowing plz discribe me the responsibilities of this post wht works n etc .. thanks alots GOD blesess u n ur family forever… great work best regard usama

      1. dear shumaila sis plz mujy kisi bi tra confirm ker k bataden plzz plzz not exactly but not 100% phir bi jo bi apky resources hen plz .. any body els do me a favor lzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  26. A lot of appreciations to MADAM.
    U r doing a remarkable job to acknowlege the empliyees.
    Let’s hope for the best regarding pay scales.

    My first appointment was in 02-12- 2002 as TGT BPS-16 on contract basis in FDE in 15-06-2005 I joined as ENGLISH TEACHER on contract without any break in service in 2008 the post of ENGLISH TEACHER became permanent in BPS-14 and we are upgraded in 1-1-2011 as TGT BPS-16. PLEASE GUIDE ME HOW CAN I CLAIM PROMOTION OR UPGRADATION IN BPS 17 PLEASE GIVE ME SOLUTION TO MY PROBLEM.

  28. Asslam o alykum
    Ham tamam sarkari mulamin is waqat intahai kasma
    Pursi k halat may han koi sarkari mulazim appnay bachay
    Ko kissi achay talimi idaray may dakhil karnay ka tasawar
    Bhi nahi kar sakta
    Baqi rahay hamaray hukamran to kam az kam mujah ko in say to kissi bhi sarkari
    Mulazim k liya khair ki umeed nahi Allah pak ham sab par raham farmay

  29. A.o.A
    I highly appreciate your site for keeping us up-to-date about latest news and information related govt and other employees. May you prosper.
    It is the main issue of govt. employees today that their pay scales should be revised because so many Ad-hoc Reliefs are causing worries. HRA should also be increased and one thing more, increasing in House Rent Ceiling once again can cause so much difficulties for not only employees but also for govt. this time. Coz a limited number of employees are getting the houses subsidized.

  30. Its a good chance for the Nawaz Govt. to attract the Govt. Employees. Otherwise they are conformed as an enemy of the employees.
    Because, till to now, their policies are against the employee, and the Govt. employee are well aware about all this.

    So it is the last chance for them to win the heart of employees.

  31. السلام و علیکم
    روز ٹی وی پر بہت جلد ایک پروگرام نشر ہو گا
    جو کہ سرکاری ملازمین کے مسائل پر ہو گا

  32. Abdul Razaq SST SDawar · Edit

    شمیلہ میں آپ کی کوششوں کو سلام پیش کرتا ہوں یقینا آج کل کے اس مادہ پرستی کے دور میں آپ سکرکاری ملازمیں کے لیے کسی مسیحا سے کم نہیں۔ اگر آج کے دور کے ان نرخوں پر نظر دوڑایئے تو ایک سرکاری ملازم ہی ہے کہ جس کے ھاتھ پاؤں بھی نوکری کی وجہ سے بندھے ہوئے ہیں اور نوکری میں بھی اس کو ایسا ریلیف نہیں مل رہا جس کی بناء پر وہ اپنے بچوں کو بہتر تعلیم دلواسکے تو 2015 کا پے ریویزن بالکل ہونا چاہیۓ اور اس کے نافذالعمل کے لئے اساتذہ کو بھرپور کردار ادا کرنا چاہیے۔شکریہ

  33. Muhammad Sharif Shad · Edit

    nice efforts…
    we strongly request to govt for revision of pay scale i also sugges regarding medical allowance that some good reputed private hospital should be on department’s pannel instead of increase of medical allowance and all the adhoc allowances should be merged in basic pay

  34. i have following suggestions:-
    a) one salary system may be introduced in the country including judiciary/autonomous bodies/scientific organisation. b) expenditure on operation vehicle may be stopped and allow the employs to get a car in career without any tax/custom duties in the career the same may be utilised for the operational duties on claim of Rs.10/Km taxi charges this will save reasonable amount in the O&M Cost of tpt. c) Give a house on entry of service and deduct the house rent allowance during the service and discontinue the allocation of house from government d) Increase in the basic salary should be inline with the gold prices/ goods.

  35. Madam Shumaila: AOA, very nice request and I totally support your request, and I wish this Revise Pay Scale 2015 may be approved by Government.

  36. I must say to Government stakeholders to increase the medical allowance. How can a person manage to facilitate the health facility to his family only Rs.1200/-? Last month my son fall ill and I went to civil hospital no doctor or medicines available there I compelled to go private hospital, doctor suggested some medical tests which costs above Rs.2000/-. I took some medicines and paid doctors fee and expend about Rs.1700/- How can a person manage if he has 6 family members for on Rs.1200/-?

  37. AoA!

    Dear Admin,

    Thanks and I appreciate your efforts for the betterment of the public sector employees which ultimately help the major population of the country to play their vital role in it progress. I think Govt. of Pakistan must revise all the Basic Pay Scales now and merge all the previous ones along with all kind of allowance……. they should now take right action if they want to rule this country……bcz most of the public sector employee have very negative image about the leadership of PMLN, so its time to take an encouraging step.

    Muhammad Shakil
    UET, Lahore

  38. it is mandatory to revise pay scales after every three years. now 4 years passed since pay scale wad revised. Govt should revise the pay scales to win the heart of empolyees and to remove the anti-empolyees concept with PML.
    The KPK govt is trying to provide relief to the empolyees. Last time they upgraded the clerical staff and recently the CM has announced to upgrade empolyeesvof scale 1-14.

  39. 1. I think Govt should increase 50% salary.100% house rent. 100% medical allowance.
    2. They should remove the pay diffence between same scale employes working in different departments

  40. Dear Madam,
    It is need of the time to revise the basic pay scale of employees and merge all adhoc allowance into basic pay. HRA Med Allowance are needed to be increased and rationalized according to open market survey. There are also some allowance capped by limitation needs revision too.

  41. 1. Pay Scales must be revised

    2. House Rent Allowance of Grade 5-9 employee ranges in (Rs.1503 to Rs.1719)…. while hiring of even Grade 5 employee starts from Rs.6000+. Difference even more than 3 times… Reason… hiring rates are being revised from time to time… But no revision in House Rent Allowance since 2008 (i.e. since 7 years)…. House Rent Allowance should be increased reasonably comparable to Hiring Ceiling.

    3. All employees should be insured with Health Insurance … in this way there will be no Burden of Medical Bills on Govt Shoulders as it will be beared by Insurance Company…. and Employee can also get reasonable treatment.

    4. There are specials requirements of Medical Aids / Needs for Disable persons… so Disability Allowance shud b granted to Disable Employees.

  42. The above suggestions must be conveyed to the Govt. (Especially to Mr. Ishaq Dar Finance Minister( so they know the demand of Govt. Employees. Also House Rent Allowance should be based on running basic.

  43. Assalam o Alaikum, medical allowance to BS-16 employees was granted @15% of running basic. but later on fixed. We are getting only Rs.1600/- in BS-16. This needs to be revised and at least Rs.3500/- be fixed. pay scales should also be revised by merging all adhoc reliefs. Moreover, before the Musharraf govt, a bones was also granted on GPFund profit. it should also be restored. recently secretaries of fed govt have been granted a special pay @ 20% this is in addition to 20% special allce granted by pervaiz ashraf govt. but other employees of federal govt are deprived of 20% special allce.

  44. mujhy umed hai sarkr s maratab b 15% se aagy nahi jaygi. Jo k buhat km hai km az km 35% increase lazmi hai aur sath allowances me b khater-khwa ezafa kia jay. Jab k kie salo se pay scale revision b nahi howa hai. Ye b buhat aham hai

  45. yes madam i thing the pay scale revision is now necessary for pmln previouse two budgets the government just play against the emotional of is the time to revise basic pay by including adhoc relief allownces in basic pay and all other allownces must be rated on new basic pay.i m worried that why the house rent and medical allownce is on the rate of 2008 basic pay it is totally injustice with civil employes as compared to juditional and forces employes

  46. Dear Shumaila,
    Your an experienced, you should know that at this time PMLN Government will not give any profit to employees because still PMLN have to govern the remaining years… When there would be last year of PMLN then they will take an action against everything to win the hearts of people, specially they will won the HEARTS of EMPLOYEES by increasing salary atleast 50% and this will be their main target… So, never expect anything from this PMLN, until they dont have completed their targest of account filling….. They are too busy to do so……. Enjoy same salary… Have a best of luck!!!


    Insaf Sindhu

  47. Asmatullah Khattak · Edit

    Well, I don’t think that Nawaz Government will revise the pay scales, if we see the duration of Nawaz Government; from 1990 to 1992, 1997 to 1999 & 2013 to date, only once in 1991 the PML N government revised the pay scales and the rest of period they did not work on it. on the other hand, PPPP government revised it several times. The Aim of the PML N government is to maximize the profit of industrialists rather to understand the problems of salaried persons. We don’t have money like them to establish industry, we can just feed our kids with our small salary hardly. Hope this time PM will do it, but I see rare chances and again they will announce just 10 % adhoc relief allowance.

  48. AOA Madam,

    Very nice report in favor of employees. Good Job. ” Agar ye hakumat anay walay waqt mein govt. employees ka vote apnay haq mein lena chahti hai toh ye qadam us ko lazmi uthana paray ga. warna kam az kam emplyees se apnay haq mein koi bhi tawaqa na rakhay.

  49. Syed Mudassar Raza · Edit

    I never vote this government in my life again , the only reason is , this government never think and address the civil servants voices , not Giving Roti Kapra Makan to civil servants , only Advertisement karwa loo jitni marzi ,i have no words for this government ,

  50. abhi pakistan ny parai jhang ko apny mulk mein laya hai wo any waly dino mein humray liy acha sabit nai ho ga. Iran se taluk to khrab hon hi gy. Ymen ki larai mein pakistan ka kia lyna dyna. Amreca ki przor hukm k bad saudi ny ymn mein karwain shuru kr dien. Or ab pakistan ny apni army udhr bhuj di hai. Aj kal 2 se 3 din mein petrol nazar nai ay ga. Or wo hi haal ho ga jo kuch din phly dykhny mein aya tha. Pakistan ka bjt buri tarha mutasir h ga. Boht mushkil hai is martba. Mere hisab se 10% tak jaein to bari baat hai

  51. i appreciate all off you doing efforts for govt. employees there are much more pay difference in bps 1 to 16 and 17 and above
    Govt also make sure the increase in salary and minimize the salary difference between pay scales.

  52. It is a vital fact that increase in HRA is unavoidable. Pay Scale Revision is also required, It is my personal point of view that through taking the above steps, Govt. 70% successful to get the confidence of the Govt. employees.

  53. increase in salary is very important because one portion of smart amount spend on utility bills and another smart amount spend on medical bills schooling are very expensive i recommend and demand from govt to introduce medical insurance for employees and increase house rent on the bases of market

  54. Dil ko tasali deny wali baat ha ye
    Malik mubashar shahzad sb k comments sy to lagta ha k ye pml n ki party k he, dear mubashar sb agar govt crises me he to dr. Qadeer khan ko moqa q nhi dety, jinho ny low cost electricity ki paish-kash ki ha.
    Wazeer, musheer banany me to ye dair nhi lagaty, un ki waja sy crises nhi barhty, lahore me metro k bad islamabad aur multan me start ho rhi ha, is sy crises nhi barhty, dear sb sy bara crises hamary mulk me roti kapra aur makan ha, jo is salary me pura nhi hota. I hope agar aap koi siyasi leader nhi he aur govt servent he (excluding police, judiciary, dr, teacher, nab, fia etc) to ap meri bat ko lazman tasleem krty hue salary increase krny k liye vote zaroor de gy

  55. True voice of employees but govt servants from BPS 1 to 15 may also be entitled to claim MRC on general OPD as 16 and above as well as the medical & convyenve allowances may also be increased and may be paid @ one rate to all employees 1 to 20

  56. Respected Madam,
    ap ne 100% thk kaha ha,aur by rule b 4 year ho gay hyn scales ko revise huay,aur agr ye govt employees k hearts ko win krna chahti ha tu ab scale b revise krna hon gay aur 50% salary b increase krna ho gi,
    m i right?

  57. Govt should discontinue Hiring policy instead approve 75% house rent on intial basic for all it will make system easy no involvment of pak p.w.d and agpr it will reduce coruption and work load employee will also be happy and also does not involve huge budget as many employees r already availing hiring facility.

  58. The Govt of Pakistan can only win the hearts of employees if it revises the pay scales in 2015. It is the need of the hour.KINDLY CONSIDER THE REQUEST TIMELY.

  59. Hafiz Muhammad Saeed · Edit

    Respected Sister Pay Scales must be revised after every three years. It is a big need of all the employees of Pakistan government. medical allowance also fixed for all employees because all people have same medical needs same demands.
    Thanks for all.

  60. Salam my name is above. I am Computer operator in govt Deptt. I want clarification regarding service structure of Computer Operator. Please furnish any notification or our advice given to govt


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