Notification of Upgradation of Posts of Superintendent, Assistant, Senior Clerk, Junior Clerk and Class IV-Employees in Balochistan

Government of Balochistan, Finance Department (Regulations-I) has issued Notification No. FD (R-I)III-79/D.A/2015/944-1000 dated 14-04-2015 in connection with Upgradation of Posts of Superintendent, Assistant, Senior Clerk, Junior Clerk and Class IV-Employees in Balochistan.

According to this Notification, the Government of Balochistan has been pleased to upgrade the specific nomenclatures of posts in Balochistan Civil Secretariat, Governor Secretariat, Chief Minister’s Secretariat and Provincial Ombdusman Secretariat with effect from 2nd February 2015. The detail is as under:

  • The posts of Superintendent (BPS-16) are hereby upgraded in BPS-17.
  • The posts of Assistant (BPS-14) are hereby upgraded to BPS-16.
  • The posts of Senior Clerk (BPS-09) are hereby upgraded to BPS-11.
  • The posts of Junior Clerk (BPS-07) are hereby upgraded to BPS-09.
  • All posts of class-IV employees including Drivers, Security Guards, Photostate Machine Operators and other posts (BPS-01 to BPS-05) are hereby upgraded one step higher in person to the incumbents in all aforesaid Secretariats.

Creation of Class-IV posts including Drivers, Security Guards, Photostat Machine Operators and other posts (BPS-01 to BPS-05) and fresh appointments thereon shall remain as same as before issuance of this circular.

Special thanks to Syed Abbas Agha, Chief Officer, Balochistan Local Government Board, Quetta for sending the copy of the Notification of Upgradation of Posts of Superintendent, Assistant, Senior Clerk, Junior Clerk and Class IV-Employees in Balochistan.

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Upgradation Superintendent Assistant




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53 thoughts on “Notification of Upgradation of Posts of Superintendent, Assistant, Senior Clerk, Junior Clerk and Class IV-Employees in Balochistan

  1. AoA, Madam Mujhy ye Notification financial department quetta notification no. fd(r-1)11-350/stano/303-422 dated:24-2-2015 Chahiy Mujhy nahi mil rhi so kindly send me thankx

  2. Malik Tahir Muhammad Hayat · Edit

    AOA. Madam, would you like to guide me that in which BPS the post of Administrator/Admin Officer lies. is there any notification regarding up gradation of Administrator/Admin Officer like Superintendents, Assistants etc in Punjab.

  3. Honourable madam
    I want to know that whether the upgradation of clerical posts of Punjab Govt has been accorded by the CM, Punjab or otherwise. It may kindly be communicated that since when it is going to be happened, if accorded, alongwith details of upgraded ranks. Thanks.

  4. Deer madam cm punjab nay clerical post ki upgradation 15 din main mangi thi 15 din ho gay hain kia bana us summary ka manzoor hoi kay nahian please reply

  5. Hi madam i would like to just ask a question to you that i am working as a LDC at GDA Public Higher Secondary School in Gwadar ,since January 2013. but still our Grade is BPS 07 why?

  6. I am working as LDC (having 08 years service) in Kamra i want to mutual transfer with POF Wah (LDC) employee. interested contact on 0314-4958057

  7. kamran Rasool Brohi · Edit

    Dear madam thank you for sharing news about various problems and also you share happy news for employees such as up gradation notifications and others .. we feel very happy when we open this site because every solution is here.

  8. Shumaila ye b bta den k federal govt k servants ki net pension k sath kitny years k
    allowances lagty hen? Or sindh govt ka jo ap ny btaya k 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 is sy related koi finance dept ka notication ya letter hy to b link krwa den and bundle of thnx.

      1. Yar yhi to rola hy jahan men job krta hnn. Wo last 3 adhoc liye clear kr rha tha.. 2014 ka notification hoga ap k pas federal ka.

      1. Thnx.when u got any updates regarding that apprise me the present position of case. Is there any confirm news about pay scale revision in 2015?

  9. Salam,
    for your kind information the post of Computer operator (BPS-14) in punjab when upgade into BPS-16 any news plz uplad on website as soon as possible.

    safdar ali
    computer operator (BPS-14)
    Bahauddin Zakariya Univeristy

  10. Madam, ye kia howa, KPK mein Sr. Clerk BPS 14 mein Upgrade howa hy aur Balouchistan mein BPS 11 mein, to federal waly b ager BPS 9 mein rahny deny to en se b koi ni poch sakta? kia sub ko same scale ni mil sakta?

  11. I am unlucky English teacher, ma English m.ed,. have been working in scale no 14 since 20 years. What a wonderful record ! good example for good system and good governess

    1. Your English depicts how you got appointed……. You should have been in the Government service by giving bribery and using Sources, References…. Think about it….


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