Notification of Grant of Fixed Daily Allowance to the Balochistan Police and Levies Force

Government of Balochistan, Finance Department has issued Notification No. FD (R-I) III-6/2015/1114-1233 dated 27-04-2015 in connection with Grant of Fixed Daily Allowance to the Balochistan Police and Levies Force.

Grant of Fixed Daily Allowance to the Balochistan Police and Levies Force

According to this Notification, the Government of Balochistan has been pleased to sanction Fixed Daily Allowance in favour of Balochistan Police and Balochistan Levies Force (BPS-01 to BPS-22) at the ordinary rates of (15) Fifteen Dailies per month as mentioned in this Department’s circular No. FD(R-I)III-78/2012/3456-3575 dated 24-10-2012. This fixed daily allowance has been granted with effect from 1st May 2015. The detail of the same is as under:


S.No Grades Rates of 15  Dailies per Month
1 BPS-01 to BPS-04 Rs. 4650/-
2 BPS-05 to BPS-11 Rs. 5850/-
3 BPS-12 to BPS-16 Rs. 10500/-
4 BPS-17 to BPS-18 Rs. 18750/-
5 BPS-19 to BPS-20 Rs. 23250/-
6 BPS-21 to BPS-22 Rs. 26250/-


Special Thanks to Mr. Zaheem Agah for sending the copy of the Notification of Grant of Fixed Daily Allowance to the Balochistan Police and Levies Force.

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Fixed Daily Allowance



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11 thoughts on “Notification of Grant of Fixed Daily Allowance to the Balochistan Police and Levies Force

  1. Dear Mammm..
    is year govt ney 13000 rupy minimum salary ki h.. daily wages grade wise wala notification karasey BPS-01 to BPS-16 jis pey sub ki salary ho.. plxhhh plxxhhh this is my request..

  2. Respected Madam !! Assalam-o-Alaikum

    I m working in Police Department as a Senior Clerk (BPS-II), i want to know that the Notification regarding grant of Fixed Daily Allowance to the Balochistan Police applies on Ministerial Cadre as well or not ??



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