Notification of Enhance of Minimum Pension for EOBI pensioners

Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis & Human Resource Development has issued Notification No. F.No.7(1)/2014-EOBI dated 29-04-2015 in connection with Enhance of Minimum PensionNotification of Minimum Pension by Finance Division for EOBI pensioners.

According to this Notification, the minimum pension for the EOBI pensioners has been enhanced from Rs. 3600/- per month to Rs. 5250/- per month with effect from 1st April 2015.


EOBI Pension Enhanced



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4 thoughts on “Notification of Enhance of Minimum Pension for EOBI pensioners

  1. Madam my father was getting still 4500 rupees pension from eobi. One of the reason is that may be he is retired from eobi department in the age of 58 years old after completed 37 years of service. But at website of eobi is written minimum rate of pension is 5250 rupees. Plz help and give us right guide line. Thnx

  2. A.O.A

    My uncle died during service 4 years ago. He was serving in WAPDA. His wife is being paid pension but no mention of E.O.B.I. She wants to know if E.O.B.I is also allowed to WAPDA pensioners ???


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