Decision Regarding Regularization of Contractual Employees by Khursheed Shah Committee in PPPP Tenure

Decision Regarding Regularization of Contractual Employees by Khursheed Shah Committee in PPPP Tenure has been issued in connection with Intra court appeal in Islamabad High Court.

The plain reading of the notification shows that the terms of Reference of the Committee are extensive and provide an opportunity to the employers as well as the employees to present their cases before it and the Committee shall examine each case on merits. It is also pertinent to mention that the notification has been issued pursuant to an order passed by this Court in Writ Petition No.1073 and 965 of 2013. We have been informed that the said judgment has attained finality as the august Supreme Court has refused leave. The matter relates to a policy owned by Federal Government and, therefore, beyond the pale of jurisdiction of the Court.

In view of above, the instant appeal as well as all the appeals are allowed and the impugned judgment dated 29.05.2014 passed in Writ Petition No.1863/2013 is set aside and all the Government and Semi Government Departments/Government Agencies/Statutory Corporations are directed to approach the Committee for regularization of the employees who fulfill the criteria as laid down in OM No.10/30/2008-R-II dated 29.08.2008 and each case shall be examined on its own merits after giving an opportunity of hearing to the parties. Moreover, in case any employer, he/she also approach the abovementioned Committee for redressal of grievance and upon the representation, filed by the employee the   Committee after  hearing the  employer/Department shall decide such like cases on merits. More details are available at the copy of the decision.

See also  Relaxation in Upper Age Limit for Widow / Widower of Deceased Employee upto 50 Years

Special Thanks to Mr. Karim Shah for sending the copy of the decision regarding Regularization of Contractual Employees by Khursheed Shah Committee.


Regularization Employees Contract


Contract Employees Regularization




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6 thoughts on “Decision Regarding Regularization of Contractual Employees by Khursheed Shah Committee in PPPP Tenure

    Dated 18-05-2015
    Telephone Industries of Pakistan on 3rd Paragraphs…Mentioned about PRIME Minister Order dated 21-02-2013…

  2. I NEED order dated 21-2-2013 issued by prime minister mentioned in telephone industries of Pakistan Judgement in 2015 BY JUSTICE MAQBOOL BAQAR in C.P. 1359 of 2014… PLEASE PLEASE….


  3. Does anyone has latest news about the Regularization of contract employees in federal government? if yes, message me please on cell. basit. 0333-5397663

  4. aoa ,
    what about federal universities contractual there any possibilities for regularization or not…plz provide the detail/procedure regarding autonomous bodies(federal universities).

  5. I think IHC have not given clear cut orders regarding regularization of contract / daily wages employees. They have refer the case to Establishment Division which earlier issued / approved minutes of their regularization singed by Nazish Abbsi, Section Officer.


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