Relief Measures for the Sindh Govt Employees According to Budget Speech 2015

Govt of Sindh has announced many Relief Measures for the Sindh Govt Employees 2015. The summary of the same is as under:

Relief Measures for the Sindh Govt Employees According to Budget Speech 2015

The detail of Increase in Salaries for Govt Employees and the Relief Measures for the Sindh Govt Employees in the budget 2015-16 are as under:

Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015

10% Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015 on running basic pay will be allowed to all Sindh Government employees with effect from 1st July 2015.

Revised Pay Scales 2015

Ad-hoc increases of 2011 and 2012 will be merged in the pay scales.

Medical Allowance

Medical Allowances of all government employees will be enhanced by 25%.

Premature Increment:

One premature increment will be allowed to employees of grade 5 with effect from 1st July 2015. Last year (2014) pre-mature increment was allowed to employees of grade 1-4.

Revised Rates of Ph.D Allowance

A uniform Ph.D. Allowance of Rs.10,000/- per month will be allowed to Ph.D./D.Sc. degree holders working under Sindh government with effect from 1st July 2015. This will replace the existing Science and Technology Allowance of Rs.7,500/- per month and Ph.D. Allowance of Rs.2,250 per month.

Special Pay to Senior Private Secretaries, Private Secretaries and Assistant Private Secretaries

The rates of special pay to Senior Private Secretaries, Private Secretaries and Assistant Private Secretaries are being increased by 100%.

Orderly Allowance

The rate of orderly allowance and special additional pension is also being increased to Rs.12,000/- per month.

See also  Regularization & Reinstatement of the Employees of Environmental Protection Department Government of the Punjab-Decision of LHC Lahore

Minimum Wage Rate

For the welfare of the labour class and in line with increase in pay of government employees, the minimum wage rate is also being increased from Rs.12,000/- to Rs.13,000/- per month.


Relief Measures Sindh Employees



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26 thoughts on “Relief Measures for the Sindh Govt Employees According to Budget Speech 2015

  1. dear mam
    i am sub engineer in local government in sindh and i joined duty on 02 November 2010.
    kindly calculate my new salary 2015 and e mail me.

  2. Dear Madam !

    A.O.A. I am punjab Govt Employ in BPS-14 from 1988 to date my total service is 27 years
    and i am only one member in seniority list and there is no member in seniority list. but i am not promoted because according to the (FD )department rule there is no any seat of women in the department except for male staff while male staff of my junior have promoted. please guide me what should i do ?

  3. Dear Shumaila,

    I am working as Assistant BPS-11 at Sukkur Institute of Business Administration(University) Sukkur, Sindh. My date of appointment is 2nd February 2015 and Basic salary is Rs.7980/- because SIBA give its employees first three increment at the time of appointment, so my basic salary of BPS11 is:
    6600 + 460+460+460 = 7980 at starting point can you please tell me how much my salary has increased in this budget of 2015-16?

  4. Shakil Ahmed Khan · Edit

    قابلِ صداحترام شمائلہ کمال صاحبہ
    السلام علیکم
    بی پی ایس 18
    تاریخِ پیدائش:1958۔۔۔11۔۔۔19
    آغازِ ملازمیت گورنمنٹ آف سندھ: 1993۔۔۔03۔۔۔17
    ڈیٹ آف ریٹائرمنٹ: 2018۔۔۔11۔۔۔18
    آخری بنیادی تنخواہ: 62000
    ازراہِ کرم بتائیے گریجوئیٹی، کمیوٹیشن اور پنشن کیا ہوگی؟
    سرکاری ملازمین کے حقوق کے تحفظ ،مفادات کی نگرانی ،بے لوث خدمت اور رہنمائی کےلیے اِس ویب سائٹ سے ہزارہافائدہ اُٹھانے والوں کی طرح میں بھی آپ کا شکرگزار ہوں اور رہوں گا۔

      1. Shakil Ahmed Khan · Edit

        madam !
        Assalam o Alaikum :
        Detatils bhaje E-Mail kar di hain magar jwab sey Mehroom HooN. Please jawab sey muttlaa farmaiN . Sahkil ahmed khan

          1. Shakil Ahmed Khan · Edit

            شکریہ قابلِ صد احترام محترمہ شمائلہ کمال صاحبہ : خدمتِ خلقِ خدا میں آپ کی مصروفیات بلاشبہ حد درجہ مگر میں سمجھاتھا شاید آپ کو میری ای میل موصول نہیں ہوئی ۔ اس لیے متذبذب تھا۔ آپ نے رسید دیدی ہے ۔ اب مجھے انتظار گوارہ ہے ۔ ایک بار پھر شکریہ ۔ اللہ تعالیٰ اپ کوہمیشہ خوش و خرم رکھے ۔ آمین ۔

  5. Ghulam Mujtaba Shah · Edit

    dear Shumaila, I am working as a Sr. Scale Stenographer BPS-16 in the Office of Commissioner, Shaheed Benazirabad Division, I want to know that is there any notification of Government of Sindh which shows the re-designation of the post of stenographer (BPS-16) as Assistant Private Secretary, if yes then please send me a copy of the notification and if the Government hasn’t issued notification then who will get the benefit of 100% special pay

  6. Dear Madam,
    As per revised pay and Govt. of Sindh notification, what would be the net salary of BPS-16 newly appointed employee? How long the official needs to wait for being regular? Thanks

  7. Dear Madam,
    thanks for sharings details regarding Sindh budget.
    please note, i have watched and listened Sindh budget speech very minutely, where Mr. Murad Ali shah did not say anything about revised pay scales and merging of Adhoc Allowances of 2011 and 2012. Please recheck and confirm kindly.

  8. Dear shumaila 10% adhoc 2013 ki basic per dia hai kia sindh govt nay ? ap ny uper type kia hua hai.

    kindly clear this confusion.


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