Relief Packages for Employees & Pensioners of KPK According to Budget Speech 2015-16

The Budget 2015-16 has been announced on 15-06-2015 by KPK Govt. The summary of Relief Packages for Employees & Pensioners of KPK According to Budget Speech 2015-16 is as under:

Merging of ARA-2011 % 2012 into Basic Pay Scales

10% increase in salaries of all civil servants

Increase in monthly medical allowance @ 25%

Ph.D Allowance has been increased to Rs. 10,000/- PM

Two Scales Upgradation for the employees of BPS-01 to BPS-05

One Scale Upgradation for the employees of BPS-06 to BPS-15

Special Compensation Allowance on the basis of Notional Upgradation of all employees of BPS-16

10% increase in pension

Restoration of pension


KPK Salaries Employees 2015




Salaries Budget



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47 thoughts on “Relief Packages for Employees & Pensioners of KPK According to Budget Speech 2015-16

  1. Madam my father died on sept 2015 who was working as a madical officer bps 18 in kpk. We havnt been alloted plot yet. Now govt has issued a notification thay those who have not been alloted plot in past, will be paid i laeuf of a plot. Is it confirm? . How and when will the govt make this payment to wodow of the deceased emp. And is this applicable to our fimily?

  2. respected mam,
    what does it means that this formula will not be applied on those employees who has already upgraded or taken an allowance of 40% equal to their normal pay between july 2010 to july 2015?
    i am getting 45thousand salary and i have awarded 10000 allownce last year. will i be a part of this pakage or not?pls explain in details.
    best regard:

  3. AoA…. I have one question that i am office assistant at BKUC…university charsadda. Last year office assistant post is upgraded to 16 but in our university they are still in 14…..why

  4. Respected mam A.o.a are the young sst’s appointed in 2012 eligible for the compensation allowance 2015 ; in this matter we need your precious comments thanks

  5. sayyed sajjad ali shah · Edit

    Dear shumaila aoa!
    I was appointed as SST bps-16 in 2007. And still drawing pay in bps-16.Am I elligable for the compensatory allowance. And if yes then how much? Plz reply

  6. Madam! Sst who were selected through nts but govt had banned the same post. My question is why they were banned and whether chances that the appointments orders will take place in the recent vacations?

  7. AOA
    Dear madam,
    According to budget speech a committee will be established for the salaries` increase of BPS-17 and above, which will submit their report in 6 months.Now the question is,whether 10% adhoc and 25% medical will apply on the above mentioned scales or not ?

  8. madam shumaila assalam o alaikum
    mei poochna chahta hu ke mei grade 14 mei hu kpk mei jo upgradation hui hy,,meri salary kitni barry gi?

  9. Muhammad Arif Qureshi · Edit

    Dear Madam I am SST(Bps-16) in education and I got my service in april 2012 through psc and not upgraded till. whether i am eligible for the compensatory allowance or not.

  10. Dear Madam i have been upgraded to BPS15 in 2007 and got one premature incremebt also in the last year .would be i eligible for upgradation to Bps 16 and another premature increment.

  11. AoA, Madam muje kpk budget me one step upgradation ki samaj nhi a rahi. is me condition ye he k jin logo ki 2010 k bad upgradation nahi hoi sirf wahi log entitled hai. Ab pochna ye he k hamare post ko 2012 me upgrade kiya ja chuka hai but meri appointment June 2013 me hoi hai to kya mera scale upgrade ho jaye ga ya nhi.

  12. Dear madam, iss ka kya matlab hai, upgradation ka itlaq unn govt.emloyee par nahi hoga jin ki 1st july 2010 sey 1st july 2015 ,taak inferadi yaa group ki shakal mein upgradation ho chuki ho?? Pllease answer

  13. Hi
    Mam i have problem with medical allowance. In 2010 i was in BPS 12 and my basic pay was 7765 and medical allowance was fixed i.e 1000. Later on i was recruited to BPS 16 and than medical allowance was fixed to 1164. After that once again i was recruited in BPS 17 and hence the medicale allowance is 1164. All the emplies are recieving 1200 medicale allowance but account officer didnt allow me the 15% medicale allowance on the initial basic pay of BPS 17 (2008). If u have any sugestion for me or notification which could be helpful in fixing my medicle allowance on the initial pay of PBS 17 (2008). THANKS.

      1. Madam i visited the account office and the clreck said that according to thr govt rules and regulation you are not eligiable for medical allowance on the initial pay of BPS 17 2008. Instead, he said, you are granted medical allowance @ 15% on the pay Rs 7765 on 30 .12.2010. Which is according to the rules and regulation. Madam is there any notification on the basis of which i could have fixed medical allowance on the initial pay of BPS 17 2008. Pls send to me. Or if you hv any other information in this regards then pls share.

  14. Dear Madam, I have been promoted from CT BPS 15 to SCT BPS 16 in June 2014.It means that it is promotion to newly created post. Am I eligible for Notional Compensatory Allowance announced in provincial budget 2015-16? I will be thankful for your kind reply and explanation.

  15. Qazi Attiq ur Rehman · Edit

    Mam plz explain the special compensation allownce on basis of notional upgradation? Plyz tell me in dtail as i m working in grade 16.

  16. M. javed khan SCT · Edit

    dear madam. Kindly clarify Notional upgradation? 2ndly what s meant by 40 pc special pay or sp allowance a condition for upgradation of bps 6 to 15.


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