Notification of Revised Pay Scales 2015-Federal Government

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division has issued Notification No. F.No.1(3)Imp/2015-630 dated 07-07-2015 in connection with Notification of Revised Pay Scales 2015.

According to this Notification, the pay scales have been revised and new pay scales 2015 will take place the existing pay scales 2015 with effect from 1st July 2015. The summary of the same is as under:

  • ARA-2010 still frozen
  • ARA-2013 and 2014 have also been frozen
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015 has been granted @7.5% of the running basic pay of the revised pay scales 2015.
  • Medical Allowance has been increased 25%.
  • Minimum Medical Allowance will be Rs.1500/-
  • The employees of BPS-16 and above will get Medical Allowance increase @25% on the running medical allowance.
  • Orderly Allowance has been increased from Rs.7000/- PM to Rs. 12000/-


Revised Pay Scales 2015


Pay Sacle 2015 Revised Pay Scales 2015 Revised Pay Scales 2015 Notification 2 Revised Pay Scales 2015 Notification

See also  Notification of Upgradation Recovery Clerk/Octroi BPS-05 to BPS-11 in Local Councils of Sindh

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223 thoughts on “Notification of Revised Pay Scales 2015-Federal Government

  1. adresse hopital central nancy · Edit

    If you desire to improve your experience only keep visiting this site
    and be updated with the most recent information posted here.

  2. Dear,
    I had a offer to join Ministry of federal education and professional training at BSP 17, I’m not sure what would the basic and net salary and total salary( including all allowances) for any federal ministry at BSP-17, kindly guide if possible.


  3. asslam o alaikum

    Can you please inform about the salary package of appraising valuation officer and preventive officer Bps 16 in FBR??

  4. Hi Dear Shumaila
    i am going to join pak army as a Soldier so could you plz let me know the salary of a soldier inclusive everything. thanks

  5. Respected Sir/Madam.
    I want to ask the pay scale of grade 16 as senior accountant in Auditor General of Pakistan. I am applying under Fedreal Public Service Commision general recruitment,

  6. Dear Shumaila, I appreciate your efforts regarding information to all as Sadqa e Jariya,
    I want to know something…………
    Would you like to tell me below mentioned:

    Net pay of 16 Grade Officer fresh appointment.
    1.President Secretariat.
    2.National Assembly.
    3.Supreme Court of Pakistan.

  7. Dear shumaila,

    I’m being offered a job on Grade EPS-II after my training. Could you please tell me what is EPS-II Grade and what would be possible net pay for this grade.

    Thanks with Regards.

  8. The pension calculation formula as mention above is
    Gross pension =Basic pay x Length of service x 70/3000.
    I want to know what is 70/3000 shows in this formula. Kindly reply on priority please.

  9. AOA,
    Can anybody tell me about the net pay one receives at the end of month appointed as a BPS-17 officer in any government organization after September, 2015?. Please share, If anyone has a detail on this pay scale.

  10. Salam Madam! I am still waiting for your kind response as I had asked you about total salary of new appointed lecturer b-17 with allowances in sindh govt:

  11. Muhammad Ayub Khan · Edit

    Salam.madam thanks in advance.
    Pay slip data on dated 30-6-2015.
    Appointed on 6 July 2011.
    Basic pay Rs24500.
    ARA 2011 RS 1937.
    ARA 2012 Rs 4900.
    Medical Rs8320.
    I have calculated my increase as below
    New salary Rs 36254-31337 Old salary =RS 4917.
    01 July 2015.
    Bpay 31790
    ARA 2015= RS 2384
    medical =RS 2080
    Total Rs 36254.
    Could you please confirm my calculations?
    I just want to know about net increase?

      1. Muhammad Ayub Khan · Edit

        Madam actually they are not changed that’s why I didn’t mentioned.
        AA 2010= RS 6455
        ARA 2013=RS 2450
        ARA 2014=RS 2450
        Conyance allowance =RS 5000.
        House rent =RS 5809
        Medical allowance =8320
        Basic pay 24500
        AR 2011=1937
        Zra 2012= 4900.
        Total 61821

  12. Dear Madam,


    Regarding the Notification of Revised Pay Scale 2015. Please clarify the points 12 and 13 on the page no. 05 and please inform us what will be effect in future (in salary and retirement).

  13. Dear Shumaila,
    Its great that now we are getting all these technical informations on our palms and dependency decreasing day by day.May I also suggest that the Govt institutions may also be mobalized to access all the informations through emails like salary slip etc.Also may develop a software where every one can find there results after feeding their personal informations.

  14. Amer Mahmood Khattak · Edit

    Salam Mam
    I am working in Kohat University of Science & Technology on contract basis BPS 16. As this office order applies to autonomous bodies, which follows the federal govt budget?

      1. thnx man one mre quest i am doing my job as ESE 9th scale on contract base from 2014 i am also doing m.phil which is almost to complete within 2 months or so after completion my mphil can i avail mphil allowance or not?

          1. dear mam if mphil allowance is only granted to sese then what is the point in notification it should b restructured if mphil holders cant avail this allowance irrespective of their scales

  15. DEAR MAM,
    as mentioned in notification that adhoc 2013 and 14 will be frozen it means anual increament will not be applied on adhoc 2013 and 2014 and only will b applied on adhoc 2015 is it true?

  16. Dear madam please tell us about performance allowance of FBR Employees. Is that will be freazed or not according to the new pay scales 2015.

  17. My Basic Pay is Rs.34000/- in BPS-17 & my encashment leave is going to be expired on 14-11-2015 kindly told me revised Basic Pay in revised pay scale & also told me about pension calculati2s either a premature increment given to me or? An early reply in this regard is much appreciated please.

  18. Salam Madam plz help me. my uncle is wrking is pakistan railway since 1983. in 05 BSP .all service in same scale.plz tel any notification about working in same scale for ten years then employe get next step?any notice of federal govt.plz tel me

  19. aoa dear bro ..i am working on BPs#15 scale and my basic income is 24600 and kindly tell me my new pay according to this new criteria.

  20. A.A Dear madam Shumaila Kamal sahiba, , I joined this site first time,in sh a Allah link will continue with you on this site. your try is best for government employees. Thanks. Zaidi

  21. kindly explain this for me ,

    “All the new entrants shall be allowed Ad-hoc Allowance @ 50% of the minimum of relevant basic pay scales-2008 ( if admissible in that organization ) on notional basis with effect from 01-07-2015 ,till further orders and shall stand frozen at the same level” point 7-ii

    I was appointed as SST in 2012 in kpk edu dept. Am i eligible for it? if so how ARA i will get.I will be obliged. Thanks

  22. Syed Muhammad Hassan Raza Naqvi · Edit

    aoa madam,
    Please inform me about how my new salary increased. I m working in BPS 9 Last five year. I am in tension, about the new salary.

  23. OK. Dear madam you are right. But it is also written that frozen at the level of admissibility on 30.06.2015 which means in the previous record of finance division on last pay scale I.e 2011. Also you may see the pay scale 2011 HRA on same policy 30.06.2011 is written

  24. Dear Miss Shumaila,
    Are all federal government employees are getting double basic salaies? I have listened that some ministries (ministry of defense) are not providing it to their employees. Please confirm me..

  25. Muhammad Ayub Khan · Edit

    AOA.Madam I hope you will be fine.I m a lecturer in a university inBPS18 since July basic pay 24500,AA2010 Rs 6455,ARA 2011 Rs 1937.ARA 2012=4900,ARA 2013=2450,ARA 2014=2450,Conv allowance 5000,Medical allowance 8320,House rent 5809 and UAA is Rs gross salary 63821 rupees.what will be my new gross salary? Either Rs 68249(basic pay 31337) or any other amount?.I just want to know about my increase in salary.regards

  26. House rent has been increased. See the revise pay scale 2011 and 2015 notifications column special pays and allowances.

    You are all unaware from comparison of both circulars.

  27. Dear Shumaila,

    The notification issued by teh federal govt is a bit confusing, so far, some of the adhoc increases and allowances were on the running basic pay. Now they say all will be frozen from 1-7-2015. Is it so? if yes then it means they are curtailing the pay not increasing in a way.

    Also, the orderly allowance we get is already 12000, how come they say it is increased from 7000 to 12000? It should be 13000 instead.

    Is the pay 7.5% is given on the last pay of 2011 or after the 2011 and 2012 adhoc relief are added to the 2011?

    Is there any change in the utility and special allowance allowed to the administrative secretaries?

    I will appreciate,


  28. Madam may police deparment may hop aur mere permotion 16 June ko how hay kea mere pay new scale k sath increase ho he or old scale k sath plZ reply me

  29. Dear Seni..

    If you two values i.e. Minimum Pay & Stages & you want to know each scale Maximum pay respectively… You must have to keep Scale Chart while working either you keep memory all Maximum pay scale in you mind..

    For Example……If you have Basic according to Old Pay Scale 01.07.2011 BPS-07 (5800-320-15400) But you appoint in 30.05.2010, and you Got 5 Annual Increment stage by stage till 2014 i.e now value and 7400 during in service.. Now lets see Minimum value is 7400 you add 320 till its value 15400 Maximum.. when you will reach at 15400 you will be remember that is the Maximum Value (15400) of BPS-07..

    Note: I advise you, if you are employee or learning accounts, you must buy Basic Pay Scale Full Chart in which Minimum, Maximum stated stage by stage.. If you do not find from any where and you need just email me.. I will send you.. take good care & JakaKALLAH…

    1. Sorry for some Grammatical Mistakes & some where extra words… becoz i posted this post from my mobile & my mobile touch is broken…thnx

  30. Respected Madam tell me about performance allowance of FBR Employees, whether is will be freazed or no, as in this regard Ministry of Finance had already clarified that performance allowance will not freazed after 2011 revised pay scales. What is your opinion.

  31. Dear Miss Shumaila
    For scale revision, they emerged ARA 2011 and 2012. According to new scales they added the value of ARA 2011 and 2012 on the initial basic pays of 2008 and 2011, which is about 5940 for BPS 18, whereas the ARA 2011 and 2012, which I am getting presently is 10932 ((ARA 2011=3332)+( ARA 2012=7600) due to 8 advance and 4 annual increments.
    Kindly suggest me that for me the BPS 18 scale will start from 20000+5940=25940 or 20000+10932=30932.
    Regards and best wishes,

  32. Dear Shumaila

    I have been searching for about 2 – 3 hours but could not find the answer to my query, could you please be kind enough to guide me through?

    Consider the pay of BPS-1: 6210-195-12060
    This means that after 30 Annual Increments or Stages, the basic pay should reach at max 12060/- for BPS-1.

    My Question is, how the annual increment is calculated? I found out that if we Minus Maximum Basic Pay from Minimum Basic Pay and Divide it on Stages (30 for BPS-1) we can get Annual Increment i.e. (12060-6210/30 = 195). So to find Annual Increment, we need 3 things, Minimum Basic Pay, Maximum Basic Pay & Stages. We have two values which are Minimum Basic Pay & Stages. How do we get to know the Maximum Basic Pay for respective scale in order to calculate the Annual Increment? Or How can we know the Maximum Basic Pay for each scale so to derive annual increment for that specific scale?

    I tried my best to simplify / clarify the query.

    Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.

  33. Madam i am working in federal government heath department. And I get every month 100% health allowance. Health allowance is ferez or not?

  34. Dear Madam

    What is about merging of adhoc allowances of 2011 and 2012 in pay scale as announced by the Finance Minister. No provision to this regard I found in the notification. Please guide me.

  35. We are working in grade-iii equal to BPS-16 in a federal government corporation. Whether the increment in salary in Federal budget 2015 will be apply on our corporation with immediate effect from July 01, 2015 ?. Then what will total salary on this head we will receive ?. Can any body guide us in this regard.

  36. Mansoor Ali Korai · Edit

    Thank you very much for share it. I was sent you some problum my sealf about transfer. and i can also e-mail to you, but not answer from you as yet..


    House Rent Allowance has been ignored….always though house rent in Pakistan is from Rs. 5000 to Rs. 35000 while an employee say in BPS – 17 gets Rs. 2950

  38. Asalam i alikum,

    My current basic pay is 20800 and grade is 17, what will be my basic pay according to revised pay scale?

  39. Respected Madam,
    Kindly tell us about House rent Allownce,it will be on new revised pay scale 2015 or it is as on pay scale 2008 ? Thanks.

  40. the salary package does not meet the basic needs of a person. it can be made publically. Dar Sb. Ameeron kay boht budget pesh kr liay. Allah Taala kay wastay aik aam aadmi ka budget bhi pesh kro. jis main us kay teen bunaadi haqooq to pooray ho jain. 1. bachon ki taaleem 2. family ki seht. 3. insaf to alls.

  41. What will be the future of University Employees in the mentioned condition, and the Provincial Government has announced up-gradation for the remaining employees then my question is what will be the future of University Employees.


  42. Thank you Dear Shumaila for quick and valuable information. Do u have revised pay scales for Army Personals too bcause it vary little from civ employes

  43. سلطان گوندل · Edit

    ڈیئر میڈم
    حکومت یہاں بھی ملازمین کے ساتھ ہاتھ کر گئی ہے یہ جو ہیوی اماؤنٹ کے سکیل آپ لوگوں کو نظر آرہے ہیں دراصل یہ آپ لوگوں کی پہلے سے بڑھی ہوئی تنخواہ ضم کیگئی ہے ذرا حساب لگا کے اصل اضافہ چیک کریں تو حقیقت سامنے آجائے گی مثال کے طور پر میری تنخواہ گریڈ 16 میں 17200 ہے جو بڑھ کر 22225 ہوجائے گی لیکن اصل اضافہ 1667 روپے ہوگا جوکہ بہت کم ہے البتہ مستقبل میں ریٹائر ہونے والوں کو اس کا خاطر خواہ فائدہ ہوگا

  44. madam aoa my basic salary is 18370 and i m in grade 14 what will be my basic pay now, my adhoc 2011 is 1397 and 2012 is 3674, please answr

  45. M. Phil ka kitna allownce hai govt servants k liye plz madam inform me soon as soon possible. Aur m. Phil allownce tmam sarkari departs m allownce hai m. Phil ka ya kisi kisi m hai. Plz mjhy is ki ssri detail send kr dain mary email address py. Regards
    M. Izhar

  46. M. Phil ka kitna allownce hai govt servants k liye plz madam inform me soon as soon possible. Aur m. Phil allownce tmam sarkari departs m allownce hai m. Phil ka ya kisi kisi m hai.

  47. Dear Miss Shumaila
    For scale revision, they emerged ARA 2011 and 2012. According to new scales they added the value of ARA 2011 and 2012 on the initial basic pays of 2008 and 2011,which is about 5940 for BPS 18 where as the ARA 2011 and 2012 which I am getting presently is 10932 ( ARA2011=3332 and ARA 2012=7600) due to 8 advance increments and 4 annual increments. Kindly suggest me that for me the BPS 18 scale will start from 20000+5940=25940 or 20000+10932=30932.
    Regards and best wishes,

  48. Qazi Attiq ur Rehman · Edit

    I am in grade 16 and geting medical allownce Rs.1050, after revision what will be the amount of medical allownce? Please reply

  49. Dear,madam,i m working in edu deptt as sst,my b/p 14000,h,\rent 1818,medical 1332,2011 adhoc is 979,2012 is 2800,what is my basic and medical allownce ,reply me,please

  50. Dear shumila,
    i am placed in bps 19 and drawing medical allowance of Rs.8856. what will be the change in my medical allowance after notification.

  51. oh oh bht bra teer maar dia govt ny ye amount dy kar. adhoc 2013-2014 ko freez kar dia. aur apni salary 33% increase kar d aur allowances bhi wo bhi chupky se

  52. Ejaz Ahmed Malik · Edit

    in 2011 the H.R was frozen at BPS 2008 and also clearly mentioned , but now the same was not mentioned in notification, plz verify

  53. Madom gee my 50 percent adhoc 2010 was accounts office .i am smo in bs 18 .reason was that my Hsrp 12000and hpa 11200 was more than initial basic pay of bs as the basic pay of bs is more than these both allowances .can i receive now 50 percent.

  54. R/Madam

    i was appointed in fg public school rwp cantt on 2nd july 2012. i am getting almost 26 thousand after revision what will be my salary?

  55. Ishtiaq Ali Malik · Edit

    Dear Madam, I’m M.Sc (Hons) in Agriculture and performing job in a govt organization. Plz guide me can I claim M.Phil allowance after getting equvilance certificate from HEC. Thanks

  56. mera promotion huwa hai clerk to computer operator Bps:11 phir 16 m post upgrade huwe kia us revised pay scale c mujhi faida hoga….
    03003185368 plz send sms i am thankful

  57. Respected Sir, Madam,

    Can you help me for finding information regarding BPS-17 of various department’s Salaries and Allowances.
    1) Civil Secretariat Officer BPS-17 (All Package of Salary including all allowances)
    2) Government Bank Officer BPS/NPS equivalent to BPS-17 (package of salary & allowances)
    3) OGDCL BPS-17 Officer (Full Salary Package)
    4) Officer related to Courts/ Judiciary (BPS-17 Full Salary Package)
    5) Medical Officer / Health Department Officer BPS-17 Full Salary Package.
    6) Army Officer BPS-17 Full Pay Package
    7) WAPDA Officer BPS-17 Full Pay Package
    8) Atomic / Scientific Research Departments BPS-17 Officer Full Pay Package
    9) Prime Minister’s / President, Governor’s Secretariat’s Officer BPS-17 Full Pay Packages
    10) Railways Officer’s BPS-17 Salary Package including all allowances detail.
    11) F.I.A Officer BPS-17 Salary Package.
    12) PIA Officers BPS-17 Salary Package.

  58. Respected Sir/Madam
    Q.No. 1 Clearly mentioned in constitution of Pakistan there will be no discrimination of Pay and benefits:- For example in BPS-17 today we can observe the person who is working in courts/Judiciary, WAPDA, Banks, OGDCL, Police, Army, Health there is huge difference of pay and allowances between general departments and above mentioned departments. The question is that every authority is admitting that Education is very important and very sensitive mater and it should prioritize but you can compare above mentioned department salary packages of BPS-17 and with education. Is there possibility to challenge above discriminatory criteria through CP in High Court.

  59. Thanks dear sister for ever updated and keep all of us updated. I want to ask you that there is no mentioning about special PA of APS/PS which was double during budget. Can you guide me why it is so?. Thanks

  60. Dear Madem,

    Please ye bata de jeia ga k mery bais pay 10800 or grade 16 ha kia muje jo revised pay scale 12910 huwe wo 2910 bhe is main shamil ho ga k nahe

    Maqsood Ahmed


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