Notification of Time Scale Upgradation of IESCO Employees

Islamabad Electric Supply Company has issued Notification No. 31971-32000/IESCO/M(HRM)/PC-73/B-II dated 08-07-2015 in connection with Time Scale Upgradation of IESCO Employees with immediate effect. The summary of the same is as under:

  • Two step time scale upgradation for all categories from BPS-01 to BPS-14 and One step time scale upgradation for the employees of BPS-15 and BPS-16 shall be allowed after fulfilling the laid down criteria i.e passing of DPE/DPT etc.
  • Length of service for time scale upgradation is hereby reduced from 10 years to 5 years.
  • The quota of time scale upgradation is hereby enhanced from 30% to 60% for all categories other than line staff.
  • UTS who have already been granted Selection Grade BPS-16 as admissible prior to November 2001 be given one step time scale upgradation after fulfilling the laid down criteria i.e passing of DPE/DPT etc.


Time Scale Upgradation IESCO



See also  Service Structure/Mechanism of Various Isolated Posts of BPS-01 to BPS-03 of Secretariat Staff

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10 thoughts on “Notification of Time Scale Upgradation of IESCO Employees

  1. Madam,AOA, Kindly advise me as to whether I m entitled for upgradation from BPS-17 TO BPS-18 (Asstt.Manager A/cs to Addll. Dy.Manager A/cs). I have completed 5 years service in BPS-17, & passed DPE for BPS-18.
    Moreover, I have 19 years service in BPS-16 as Accounts Officer.


    AMA ,pesco

  2. Dear Madam AoA
    My father has retired as associate professor from AIOU in Dec 1995. At the time of retirement he was in BPS20 (move over) as the post of associate professor was on BPS 19. Now the post has been upgraded to PBS20. Retires of BPS20 are authorized to draw servant allowance after retirement as well. Con my father get the same as he was also associate professor at the time of retirement.
    If yes what would be the procedure. Please advise.
    Azhar Ali

  3. mam assalam u alaikum could u tell me plz how much package of bps 14 in iesco for new entry tell me plz over all packge of per month wise.m waiting plzzzz anxiously


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