This revised pay scale 2015 chart has been prepared by. Mr. Muhammad Afzal Khan Bhatti. The said chart shows the Revised Pay Scales 2015 Chart Along with detail of Increase in Salary. This chart shows the increase in Medical Allowance for the employees of BPS-01 to BPS-15. The employees of BPS-16 and above can multiply their current Medical Allowance with 25%. This chart also shows the 7.5% Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015 for every stage and every scale.
How to Calculate Increase in Salary in Revised Pay Scales 2015
ARA-2015 and Increase in Medical Allowance has been shown in the chart. You have to add the following in your previous pay that is creditable not net salary:
- New Basic Pay
- ARA-2015
- Medical Allowance
In the same way just subtract the following from your previous pay that is creditable not net salary.
- Previous basic Pay
- ARA-2011
- ARA-2012
In this way you will get the increase in salary.
Note: These calculations are only for the employees who have got 7.5% Adhoc Relief Allowance.
Download the same chart from the link below:
Pay Scale Chart 2015 Alongwith Increase in Salary
What will be the New Salary after Revised Pay Scales 2015 Chart? Another Method
On the request of many employees through their emails and comments, I have tried to prepare a simple calculation sheet in MS Excel. Although the calculation is not so simple yet it is also not so complicated. You just have some experience of pay fixation and also there should be the detail of previous pay.
Before calculation the increase in salary and new salary, you must have the following:
- Previous Month Pay Slip or Pay Details
- Chart of Revised Pay Scale 2015
Keep the previous month salary slip in front of you and pay scale chart 2015 and fill the white cells as shown in the attached sheet. (Don’t write in the coloured cells) In this way you will get the new pay and increase in salary.
Download the same sheet from the link below:
Calculation Sheet for Increase in Salary in Revised Pay Scales 2015
Calculation Sheet of Salary for KPK & Sindh Govt Employees
The above mentioned sheet is for the Punjab, Balochistan and Federal Govt Employees. I have prepared the sheet now for the employees of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh Govt. In this sheet there is taken care that the Adhoc Relief Allowance 2013 was 15% for the KPK employees and it was 15% for the employees of BPS-01 to BPS-16 and for the employees of BPS-17 to 22 it was 10% for the Sindh Govt Employees.
In the same way, Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015 is 10% for Sindh and KPK Govt Employees.
Note: You can make some necessary amendments in the formula that I used in this sheet if you feel the need of it. Especially the employees of BPS-16 of Sindh.
Calculation Sheet for KPK Govt Employees:
Calculation Sheet for Increase in Salary in Revised Pay Scales 2015 – KPK
Calculation Sheet for Sindh Govt Employees:
Calculation Sheet for Increase in Salary in Revised Pay Scales 2015 – Sindh
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Dear concern Im Police Constable In Islamabad Capital territory i have to hear it That Our Scales are Upgraded ,may i know how much salary will be in next month ? BPS 07
madam,how much sallery of fresh civil engineer BPS 17 on a public service comission including all allownces?????how much the salleries difrence between doctor and engg??? THANKS IN ANTICIPATION
what is the fresh net pay of bps 16 in highcourt
dear shumaila g pls tell me the scale of sister nurse and gross salary because my wife is want to job and she is done her PAF test,
Dear madam MES me sub engineer 11 scale ki salery kya ho gi.
Aslam o Alekum
what will be the salary in bps16 newly appointed in kpk in 2016?
AOA madam how are you?
Madam Meine 28 May 2016 mae joining di hai in govt hospital.. Mera bsp-12 ( contract basis) hai please Meri salary tu bata dein.Thank you
I am selected in a project on the post BSP 18 in government of punjab. What will be the net salary package for me as a project employee. Can you give me the details of my package. Thanks
Ye deductions k lye change form kis tara fill kertay hain. Plz detail me bta dey ya koe filled scan copy upload kr de
Madam meri joining 27 July 2015 ke hi basic 8000 hi net pay 18200 ktna increase ho he pay jb k convince alliance bhe 50% take bhara hi an meri joining bps-9 me hi
UDC-09 posted in FBR Customs Valuation starting this year, can you tell me their BPS and what benefits will they get ?
I have been selected as Lecturer in BPS-18 in a Federal University but not joined so for waiting for the joining letter. You are requested to kindly let me know the net home take salary along with some of its details if possible.
Thanks & Regards
I’m newly appointed as district specialist pay scale 18 in category B.
What would be my total salary.
Thanks Dr Gul Sher
Dear gul sher afridi you will get estimated Rs. 50,000/-
aslam o alakum dear,
i am newly appoint in counter terrorism department punjab as supervisor in bps9,
what will be my expected sallary???
I m recently appointed in bps 17 as a lecturerin kpk. I have submit arrival report on 06/04/16 what will be be my net salary for the month of April.
Dear Qasim you will get approximately 40,000/- per month.
Dear Sister
please detail me the initial salary of computer operator BPS-16 in National highway and motorway police.
kindly teel me salary of sub eng(bps 11)in railway
Dear Madam,
please till me initial salary for computer operator (BPS-16) Govt:of KPK
Medam. Me sindh govt me june 2011 se J. Clerk kam kr RHA tha ab me federal govt me LDC appoint howa hn mene through proper apply kia tha to mjy kon se benefits milengy, net salary kia hogi
Dear i am selected in local council board kpk in 2016 in bps 11 account cader how many salry will be expected
Dear Anwar ali your expected salary is Rs.18000/-
What’s the pay of fresh appointed in 17 scale in 2016
M. Tayyab
Dear Tayyab it is about 41000/-
What’s the pay of Civil Assistant executive Engineer in Railway BPS 17.
Dear Sir, May know the basic salary and after induction of allowances for BPS-18 in education department of kpk. i-e a promoted elementary college’s libertarian.
Dear Madam
Kindly tell me the pay of DEO(BPS-15) as i have been recently selected in MEPCO WAPDA.I will be really thankful for you
AsslamU AlaikUm mEdam i heard that Pay of Bps 7 in High court is 39000 and sO and Of Bps 16 is 59000 sO what will the salary of bps 14? How much period is for required for promtion in high court??
i am village council secretary bps 7 how much is my salary
A.O.A i select for v.c secortry BPS 7 may selory?
please tell me the Pakistan air force grade wise salary and how much salary of chief warrant officer in 2015
a.o.a…miss… i have been selected for the post of stenographer b.s 14 (sgad Ci secretariat lahore)….. joining in coming days………. kindly tell me the exact information about the salary package…
Dear Mubasher kasuri, it is about 21000.
Dear MaM,
iam recently appointed in population welfare department kpk in BPS-5.
plz trll me about my net salery?????
Dear M.Usman it is about Rs. 15000/- per month.
Please Let me Know the starting pay of Junior Clerk (BPS-11) in Elementary and Secondary Education Dept, KPK.
As well as of UDC (BPS-09) in Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).
Dear Tamoor Khan you can see the salary details here for the general employees:
Dear Madam, Assalam-o-Alaikum,
I am serving as Junior Clerk in KPK Police Department in second stage, I have applied for the post of Assistant BPS-14 in Ministry of Defense and have passed written test / interview. I expect that Inshallah I will be selected. My question is that what will be my new salary in ministry of defense? Please comment!
Mam I m newly employed as UDC in Pak army what was the start salary of UDC.
Dear noraiz it is about 16500/-
well can you please tell me the starting salary of a 2nd lieutenant and a lieutenant
For real online jobs contact me at “”
I will send you detail information about job.
Mujy koi bata sakta hay k agr koi Pakistan Military accounts main BPS 14 ki post pe hire ho to us ki starting total salary kitni ho ge
Dear Muhammad Asif it is about 21500/-
What is difference between bps and ps?
Madem i want to tell me about kpk police upgradation in budget 2015
i’m waiting for ur replay
Dear shumailakamal
I hope you are fine.plz madam help me to understand.
BS-16 LAND RECORD OFFICER board of revenue , Punjab ki kia starting pay ho gie..including all allowances & increments..plzzz
Dear Shehroz Altaf it is about 28000/-
I am currently serving in Federal Department in BPS-16 with seven increments .Would you please calculate the salary for me in detail if i join a provincial department on deputation basis.
Aoa…..Mam i am new educator in fsd…my recruitment is from may 2015 i still not get my salary plzz inform me when i will get that….i am desprately waiting
Shumaila Kamal Ma’m! what is the first take home pay of BPS-17 officer in federal organization like MEPCO, FESCO etc with engineering allowance?
hello I just want to know what is total starting salary of sub engineer (BPS 11) in pakistan railways. thnks
AoA, I am newly appointed in Punjab police LDC-07 what would be the expected starting salary.
Dear M.Irfan it is about 16000/-
Assalam-o-aliekum Mam i want to know about educators 2015 BPS-9 is chining into BPS-14 ? Have u any information about it kindly send me.
Thanks Madam but how is it possible ? i was teacher of grade-9 .. and at that time, my salary was about 18-19 thousand !!! but in grade 14 it must be upto 30,000 .. but it is only 21… how ??? 🙁 !!!
Madam are u talking about total monthly pay ? or other dues ??
Kindly tell me !!!
A.O.A Madam
hope u r fine!!!
Madam Kindly plzzz tell me the exact salary of grade 14… exact salary including my allowance … i have done Msc.. so according to it !!!
waiting for ur reply 🙂
Dear Ali khan, it is about 21000/-
aoa kindly tell me the salary of bps 14 i am newly appointed as sesw english
Dear Shumiala Kamal,
Could you please tell me the starting salary of BPS 17? I am newly selected in federal.
Thank you
Dear Saeed Ahmed Shah it is about 41,000/-
Dear Madam.
i am working in Punjab Police BPS-5.
my educational qualification is Masters,i want to know does Punjab Govt offer any Graduate & Master allowance to employees or not.please Reply
Dear Mam,
Kindly tell me the final net salary for BPS-09 under the FBR Deptt.
Your early response will be highly appreciated.
Dear Umer Ansari I m not confirm about the salary in FBR, however it is about 16000 in general departments.
Madam. AOA, My father was Sub Engineer in Punjab Govt. He retired from service in the year 1991 and died on 14.3.2006. After his death, my mother is getting family pension. Whether she is entitled for double pension now. The Punjab Accounts Office has displaced her pension record and NBP is giving increases every year on current pension. under these circumstances, please suggest.
Dear Asif Nadeem, Plz email all these details to Mr. Amir Agha whose contact detail is available at my website under the heading “CONTACT US” Thanks
Could you please guide me, BPS 17 salary of Sindh. I joined on 1 September 2015. what will be my first salary?
Dear Arsalan it is estimatedly 41000/-
plz tell me the exact monthly salary BPS 5 appointed 11 September 2015
Dear asif it is estmatedly Rs. 15000/-
Plz madam me BPS-1 me new apponted hu… Meri salary+ allownce kitni ho gi??? Plzzzz ans
Dear Irum it is estimatedly 13000/-
Salam. . main nay ap say yh puchna tha k NTS k through Jo log SST k lye select huy 2015 un k orders abi tak nhe huy qnk ct walon NY stay Lea tha lakin ab unki promotions ho chuki hain to kia ab hmary orders ho jaen gay?????
Madam My Pay scale is BPS -11
What is my Total Salary basic+all allowences
Basic 10800, House Rent 1818, convync allownc 5000, med allwnc 909, ARA 2010 3030, ARA 2011 909, ARA 2012 2160, ARA 2013 1620, ARA 2014 1080. agr SST BPS 16 ki ye salary ho KPK me to ab total kitni salary hogi sb apply ho k. allownces and notional allownces mila k
Dear ayesha still the further clarification of compensatory allowance is awaited. U have to email me after this clarification.
govt ne one step promotin k lye jo choice de he is me kis month se promotion lene me faida ho ga?
Dear hammadrehman it depends on the basic pay.
thx mam
dear madm I m appointed as CT Teacher BPS 15 on may 2014 through NTS on adhoc/contrcts basis in kpk gov midle question is that M i elegible ofr one step upgradation which is announced by kpk gov.madam plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me.this 4th msg but you do not reply m?
Dear khalid khan the clarification of the same is expected soon.
so nice work shumaila jee
bht acha kam ker rahe hai appp
bht se loggo ko bht se malumat milti hai
r bht sari presahnio r dosro ky dye gaye dhkoo se nijat milti hai
Thanks Dear Hamid Maqbool for appreciating my efforts for the employees.
aoa madam mene ye pochna tha ke mere father 19 scale ke officer thay associate professor in govt clg me unke 15/7/2015 koe death ho gae he. 2017.7 ko unho ne retire hona tha is time unke total salary 105000 thee unke total claim kitne banay ge or wo kub tk mill jatay he. 2013 me unhe 19 scale mila tha or pension kitne banay ge. sari detail chahye thee mujhy thanks
Dear taha hussain plz email me all these details.
What is the rule of house rent?
Are u provide me notification of last house rent?
Dear Usman Ali u can see the Notification of Revised Pay Scales 2008 for the same.
agr kpk gov employ bps 16 me ho aur us ke basic salary 10800 ho to new basic salary 13945 ho jae gi lekin ARA 2011 (909) and ARA 2012 (2160) is 13945 me shamil hn ya alag mily gay.
Dear Ayesha ARA-2011 & 2012 will automatically be added in the new pay at the time of fixation and they are not to be added in the new pay.
Dear here is Bps 14 start pay details kindly send me details.
Basic=8000 2011ar=738 2012ar=1600 2013ar=800 2014ar=800 an all=2460 ca=2856 med=1200 hra=1476
Gross pay=19930
Dear Ali Raza plz email me all these details.
Dear DR KHALID ASIF the pay scales notification has been published at this website.
How about other deduction that will increase on revision of scales i.e. G.P Fund Deduction, Group Insurance, Benevolent Fund So at the end the net increase will be less.
So Enjoy the Nawaz Govt. who sucks the blood of poor employees with pride and bluffing.
what will be my new revised basic pay my current basic pay is 8480 (BPS-9’s 6th Stage)
Dear Zahid Hussain ur new basic pay will be Rs. 10985/-
I am employee of BPS-9 my current basic is 8480 (6th Stage of BPS 9) now what will be my new basic pay??
Respected Madam,
Is there any update on the upgradation of Clerical Staff in Punjab? Kia upgradation hogi bhi ya nahi?
Dear Zulfiqar Ali still no updates
please share the detail salary chart for 2015-16 for university employee
I found this very helping ,specially Contribution of Respected Madam Shumaila kamal .
Thanks dear syed Athar Ali shah for appreciating my efforts.
DEAR MADAM my current basic in bps 9 is 10380 .ARA 2011 IS 2076 AND ARA 2012 is 814 what will be my new pay and total increase
Dear Shahid ur new basic will be 13460/-
madam my bps 12 hay awr baic pay 9000 hay and pay 20385 hy now baic pay awr net pay ketna hoga tanx
Dear muzafar ur new basic pay will be Rs. 11655/-
Dear Madam,
I am appointed as a PST in kpk govt in BPS 12.
Now my basic is 7000 and gross is 18342.
Plz calculate my new salary after increment.
I appreciate ur efforts.
Dear MUNIR HUSSAIN plz use the sheet to calculate the same.
AOA I have been promoted to SST B-16 from C.T B-15 in kpk on 23-07-1015 but the Govt of kpk has announced upgradation on the same post from 01 -07-2015. Can i get benifit from that upgradation and then promotion as i was in B-15 on 01-07-2015 .How?
Dear Ahsan Ullah if u not upgraded wef 01-07-2010 to 30-06-2015 then u r eligible for this upgradation.
i m dr our ara 2010 has been cancelled by finance deptt punjab on 28 5 2015 kindly guide me y
Dear madam please tell me is any kind of compansatry allowance is admissible for employees of bps-16 of Punjab government?
Dear shahzad anwer “No”.
Dear mam. When kpk govt will issue pay scale and 10% notification??
mam let me know about increase in salaries, will the increase be applying on old scale 2011 or it will be applied on new revised chart 2015 after merging.
Dear shahzaib the increase ARA-2015 will be on the new pay after merging 2011 & 2012 Allowance.
Dear shumaila my basic is 8000 and netpay is 19300. I m unable to calculate using ur excel sheet plz tell me my netpay after increment.
Dear Ali raza plz send me ur pay and allowances detail alongwith BPS Number.
Dear shumaila what is news about upgradation of assistant from bps 14 to 16. In your other blog it is expected on 17_7_2015.
reply me
Dear Madam
one thing more that i am trying to calculate my new pay using your salary calculator but it shows a decrease instead of increase. Plz check for the ADR-2013 in your calculator i think there is some thing wrong with it. my basic is 8610 and gross 21952. how i will calculate now???
Dear Arshad Saleem you should have to give me the detail of all Pay And Allowances along with BPS Number.
Dear Madam,
I am working for KPK Govt. in BPS 14. i Joined it in December 2013. Now my basic pay is 8610.
Plz clarify me about the new fixation. In the new fixation my increase is more then one inc. i-e 610-790. now my new fixation will be 10340 or it will be 11130. also let me know either i will be getting a pre-meture inc. or not???
Dear Arsalan there are two possibilities for ur pay fixation:
1st One
Pay on 30-06-2015 Rs. 8610/- BPS-14
Pay on 01-07-2015 Rs. 12795/- BPS-15 & Pay Scale Revised
Pay on 01-12-2015 Rs. 13700/- Annual Increment
2nd One
Pay on 30-11-2015 Rs. 11130- BPS-14
Pay on 01-12-2015 Rs. 11920/- BPS-14 Annual Increment
Pay on 02-12-2015 Rs. 13700/-
In both the cases pay is same so you should use the 1st option to get the more benefits
AOA, Madam, First of all thanx for valuable sharing.
My Question is KPK Govt. has announce compansatry allownce for bps-16 in lieu of upgradation, which will be equal to the difference of notional pay in case of upgradation from 16 to 17. what does it mean.
Dear Irfan Ullah sst the clarification of the same will be issued soon.
Aslam o alaikm miss shumaila kamal plz tell me the basic and including increments and allownces of Bps 16 scale in special education department.plz i m starting my job from this month plz tell me the total pay of Bps 16 thanks a lot
Dear Farzana Sameern khan the estimated pay will be Rs. 28 to 29 thousands.
Maim yeh basic pay h ya increments oar allownces b include hn
It is to be noted that I have referred 29 officers case who has transferred from PSM to Pak.steel Fabricating company which is a subsidiary of PSM but in this respect you did not took prompt action against Management of PSM.we are only 41 employees are working at the strenth of PSFCl all worke force was transferred to PSM .The Management not relase benefits equal to PSM employees .I regretted to say that why network you should existed if no body gain any benefits
AOA. Madam I am in Scale 11 and in feb 2015 my contract job become permanent and my basic pay set at initial and remain pay as personal pay. so that increase can effect at personal pay too?
Dear Muhammad Imran I think the Personal Pay will also increase.
Please provide chart for SPS scales 2015
Dear Miss Shumaila Kamal,
You are doing really great here by replying all the queries. Can you please let me know what will be the Gross salary of a newly appointed BPS 18 Lecturer in Punjab after current revision of 2015? Please also provide breakup if possible
Thanks in advance
Dear Anayat Hussain I ll soon prepare the chart of the same. THanks
AoA Iam newly appointed EST at BPS-14 in fgei on 03/08/2015. my basic pay is10340/-. what will be my net salary?
Dear m sh federal govt kpk ki trz par upgradation kion mahe deti grade 4 tak to upgradation ki ha aur 5 grade ko premature increment dee gai ha to 5 grade se 16 tak bhee upgradation pk govt ko karne chahea na k kpk ko ye to 3 provinces se federal govt bari ziadati kar rahee ha uska fg pk ko jald azala karna chea ek pak mn double nizam nahe hona chahea madam apko upradation ki updates ha to share karen 3 sobon ke employees se umeed ki krn ha to share plz
Madam plz tel me clearly i am working as wi bps 16 in sindh since 28 may 2010 i am eligble for compensetry allownce if answer yes then kindly email me notification regards
Dear Ihsan Ahmed jamali this Notification is only for the KPK Employees.
salam mam, i am from Balochistan, mam have cleared my commission exam on 5 / 5 / 2015 for bps 16 as a computer operator in education department. mam i have not got appointment letter yet but inshaAllah process will complete in one month. so mam will you tell me this formula will be applied on my salary and kindly tell me what will be my basic pay and also home salary which i will get including all allowance. madam kindly guide me and reply me asap. thanks,
Dear Irshad Ali I ll soon prepare a fresh detail of pay for the new appointed employees. However it will be estimatedly 29000/-
My apointment date is 13 May 2014.
Dear Madam,
I was apointed as E.S.T. Bps. 14 on 13 May 2015 in FGEI(CANTT
GAR). My ARA 2010 is not mentioned in pay bill. Plz, guide me that how I could get my ARA 2010 detail. Or kindly tell me my ARA 2010. Thanks. W8ing 4 ur responce.
Dear Muhammad Naseer you are eligible for the ARA-2010. U should claim the same as a arrears bill through ur office.
Madam would you like to tell me that in the current budget govt announced that all grade 16 emp ll get special compensatory allowance, but we did,t understand that who ll get this allowance?
Dear Ehsan according to the Notification the employees of BPS-16 who have not been upgraded since 01-07-2010 are eligible for the said allowance.
I am working in Punjab Police as constable BPS-05. i have 8 years regular service but in my salary slip ARA – 2010 @ 50% is not included. please tell me about this why it is missing in my salary slip ?
Dear Azhar Hayat you should contact ur accounts office for the same mistake.
bhai me sindh police me hun humare salary punjab ke barabar kar ke 2010@50 kat dia he govt sindh ne april 2015 me hum ko punjab ke barabar salary mele he humara 2010 ka 50 kat kar ke humin us ke jagha risk allowance pc-bps-5 ko 3340 rupey or fix daliy allownce ke name pe 4400 pc allownce 509 mele hin
Asslam o alaikum Mam!
I tried again and again but it did not open/work. So once again I request you to please send me this xls file email. Thanks.
Dear Naveed e Sehar just check ur email in box.
Bps 14 k liay ARA 2010 ktna hai? Jab k date of appointment 10 May 2014 hai.. Thanks
My basic pay was 8610 and home
Taking salary was 20222. I am EST bps14 working in FGEI Cantt/gar in Abbottabad i.e. not big city. Dear Aapi meri nai basic to 11130 ho gi. Plz muje meri home taking salary calculate kr k bta drain. Thanks alot
Dear ali est plz calculate the same by using the sheet uploaded in this post.
kia hesco k daily wages employees ki bhi salary me izafa hua hy
Dear Shahid ur Rehman I m not confirm.
Aoa, Madam, Kia iss salary mn House rent me bhi izafa hua hy. is pehly BPS-9 to House rent Rs.1719/- tha. ab kitna House rent ho ga, thanks, shahid
Dear Shahid ur Rehman there is no increase in HRA.
Dear shumaila,i am in bps 16,my med allownce was 1200,what will b my recent med alloance…plz als6 inform me of my new basic pay,previous was 14800
Dear Zafar ur new basic pay will be 19120/- and Medical Allowance will be 1500/-
Dear Mam i am in BPS 16 and my Basic Salary is 12400 and what will be the new basic?????
Dear Abdul Qayyum ur new basic pay will be Rs. 16015/-
Dear ,
I am Educator in punjab education department as ESE. BPS-09. Now basic pay is 6960
My net? Gross pay is 18365.
Entry in department 08-09-2012
Please tell me the new pay of July 2015
Also tell me the new basic pay and gross new pay.please
Dear H M ZIA i ll soon update about the Educators pay.
A.o.A wt would be the net salary for bps-17, with running bsp Rs: 23200/- . thank u.
Aoa mem I read ur article on upgraduation of assistant scale from bps 14 to bps 16. Does it apply on me I m I.t assistant in cmh kharian.
Dear ali raza I hope u ll also be included in it but just wait the final notification.
Thanks mem for ans please tell me if basic is 10340 in bps 14 then what will be total pay including all allowances. Thanks in adv
Asalam o alay kum me ne 24-06-2015 ko 15 bps me joining di ha meri basic pay 8500 ha plz guide me k meri basic pay me izafa hoga ya nai mere appointment letter me basic pay 8500 likhi ha m w8ing ur response
Dear Aisha ur new basic pay will be Rs. 10985/-
dear mam mera bps 2 ha basic pay 5410 hai ab kitni salry barjae ge
Dear Haider your new basic pay will be Rs. 6995/-
Dear Nadeem it will be 8540/-
Aoa dear I m selected as I.t assistant bps 14 on 25 may 2015. My basic is 8000 and gross pay 19700 now please tell me how much increased in my pay. Will wait for ur ans … thanx
Dear Ali Raza ur basic pay will be Rs. 10340/-
Respected Madam,
Ye clerical staff k scale kab tak up grade ho gay plz guide me Complete?
Dear Talha there is no updates yet about this case.
Dear sister ,mera bps 1 ha basic pay 5700 ha .salary kitni increase hogi thanks
Dear Afzal Khan aap ki salary taqreeban 900 to 1000 increase ho sakti hay. Aap ki basic pay 7380/- ho jai gi.
Dear sister,my bps1 my basic pay is 5700.tu mere salary ma kitna izafa hoga ? Plz rply me OK
Dear Shumaila meri basic pay 6440 hai new budget main meri basic pay kitni banegi plz do reply me thanks.
Regards Syed Sajid Ali Shah Sindh University Jamshoro
Dear Syed Sajid Ali Shah plz send me all these details along with ur BPS No?
Aoa Madam, my basic is 9500 i am in bs 12. what will my new basic. thanks
Dear Faheem Khan it will be 12305/-
Dear madam
mere basic pay 10800 ha grade 16 ha mera new scale kia ho ga aur muje 2010 ,2011 allwonce nahe milte mera new baiss pay kia ho ge pay scale revised hone k bad
Dear Maqsood ahmed ur basic pay will be Rs. 13945/- Thanks
madam adhoc allownce is k elawa merge ho ge\
Dear Maqsood ahmed ARA-2011 & 2012 have been merged in the Basic Pay.
sirf ye clarify k dain k bps-17 men meri
old basic 18400 ti tou new basic 23790 kaise bn jaye gi? new basic 20000 hona chahye ti k nhi?
Dear Hanif 18400 kay neechay wali stage hi hogi.
AoA..Still waiting for your email reply Mam..
Dear, what if provincial govts dont notify Notification of pay protection issued bu federal govt on 07 April 2015 ?
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Madm, my (Bps_11) and my basic pay 24540. How much increase there will be???
Dear Muhammad Din plz show the pay along with PP and number of PPs u got.
Medam punjab me msc health&physical education ka special subject increment be to nahe hai jab k baki subjects ka hai.
madam. i am sse(english) govt. my qualification is m.a english. i have also done m.a urdu .i have been appointed SSE on the basis of m.a english. now iwant to do my m.phil in urdu. is there any benefit for doing m.phil?
Dear shahzad ahmad there are benefits of M.Phil: 1st benefit is ur higher qualification and the 2nd one for m.phil allowance.
You M.phil in Urdu will not be counted as u are appointed against English subject.
I am serving in bps.14 my running basic pay is 11660 how many increase my basic pay and total salary according to budget 2015
Dear Nssir Mehmood ue new basic pay will be 15080/- For other increase download the sheet and calculate the same.
respected madam:-main 2007 se BPS:14 Se scale 15 main upgrade howa ta.Ab KPK Government jo upgradition dia hai kia main BPS:16 main upgrade hosakta ho.ya koi qanoni rokawat mujod hai.plz guide me.thanks
Dear Bashir Mohd CT u r eligible now for BPS-16 upgradation.
kpk me physical education ka scale 15 hai aur fedral govt me 16 hai punjab me 14 kaun hai
Dear Naeem Sadiq Punjab, Sindh main UDC BPS-09, Balochistan main BPS-11, Courts main BPS-13, KPK main BPS-14, aap mujhay is ka jawa day dain.
dear medam punjab ma physical education ka annual increment kaun nahe milta
Shumaila ji
You have calculated 7.5% increase on new running basic of every stage of every scale but perhaps you forgot to calculate the 7.5% increase of Bps 19 after 14th stage where as I fall at 17th stage of Bps 19 and new running basic is 75430, Please update 7.5%of stage no 15,16 17 18 19 and 20.
Prof Muhammad Ishaque
Jauharabad (khushab)
Dear Muhammad Ishaq aap isi post main excel ki sheet download kar lain and calculations ker lain.
I am in search of finding the percentage of deduction in GPRS fund. Benevolent fund, insurance and group insurance. Whether these are deducted in percentage or its May fixed rates???
Dear zakiullah khan i m not confirm what is GPRS, however GP Fund is based on the pay scale no and BG & GI depends on the basic pay.
Aslam o Ale kum Sister meira Besic pay pehle 12000 ti Ab New chart mein 15150 hae. Likin ab es Budget mein Baluchistan Government ne Hamara Post jo k Office Assistant ka hae B.P.S 15 se Up grade kr k B.P.S 16 kr dia hae Ab Meira Besic Pay kia hogi ? PLEASE Help me. Shukaria.
Zulfiqar Sherani.
Dear Zulfiqar Sherani just wait for the Notification by the Balochistan Govt.
salam.madam mujay CAD may 2011 ko teachers ki up gradation hove the us ka notification chaheye
Dear Wahid I have not the copy of the same.
notification issued but i am not adjested pay,what my pay
Madam, according to shown table, my total pay has been decreased..difference is -1687
Old basic…18400 new basic …20000
ARA 2010…4925
ARA 2011..1477
Conveyence …5000
Plz calculate the same.
Dear Hanif aap ki pay kam nahin hua balkeh net 2387/- ka faida hua hay. aap ki new basic pay 23790/- banay gi.
please send my pay slip narowal ag office personal no.30621322
Aslam o ale kum sister ap ne jo chart dia hae os mein formula bilkul sae likin Balochistan Government ne 2013 ko sakari mulazmein Grade 1to Grade 15 tk ki tankhawoon 15 % ezafa kia ta oar wifaq ne sirf 10% kia ta ab es chart wai wifaq wala ezafa ata hae 10% wala es liye Baluchistan k jo mulazmein un ko es chart mein mushkilat aaraha hae Dosri bat Sister yej Group insurance kis hisab se kta hae. Matlab Besic pay pe konsi Percent k hisab se kta hae. Like N.P 4% ki hisab se kta hae yeh group insurance ka kia farmola hae. Thanks
Dear Muhammad Zulfiar Sherani as soon as i get the notifications of other provinces I ll also share the sheets for these provinces.
Hello, i want to ask u about notification of pay protection issued by federal finance dept on 07-04-2015. pay protection for contract employees who get higher salary than their scales are protected when they get regularize. However, provincial governments have not issued notification as yet. i want to ask u that if federal govt has issued notification of pay protection then is this notification applicable to the provincial govts ?
Dear Farukh Memon, Provincial Govt will issue its own Notification.
Dear Shumaila Kamal
You shown point to point 7.5% increase of BPS 19 0nly up to 14th stage i-e 69205. Please update the 7.5 % after 14th stage.
Prof.Muhammad Ishaque Jauharabad(distt Khushab)
Dear shumaila.. ARA 2013 & 2014 NEW BASIC K HISAAB SY INCREASE NHE HON GY KIA???
Dear Sidra “No” these are frozen now.
dear..My current basic pay is 10440 I’m in bps 14 meri salary kitni barhegi
Salam Good work madam but if a person having Personal pay than how it will be calculated?
Dear Rana Azeem if a person have PP then he just add the same PP in the Pay in previous and new pay.
Dear Shumaila!
Consider that initial pay of my scale is 19550-1000-49550. My basic after merging of ARA 11 & 12 is: 20,000/-. This means that I am not even 1 stage away, will my pay be fixed by increasing 550 more to make it on 1st Stage which is: 19550+1000 = 20550.
My current basic is 20,000/-. Annual Increment for my pay is 1000 and initial basic pay is 19550. As my pay is more than initial but it is not one stage away so 550/- will be added in my current basic to bring it on the first stage?
Please guide.
Dear SENI Ur pay will be fixed at the below of ur previous pay stage. Just see ur previous pay in ur BPS and look below that pay. It will be ur new pay.
Still can not understand, consider that I am in SPS-4 (11080-680-31480 (OLD)). My basic salary after 4 increments (680/year) is now: 13800. Guide me through please
SPS 4 & 5 Basic Pay is as under:
SPS-4: 11080-680-31480
SPS-5: 14770-770-37870
These are Old Basic Pay’s, please guide me through.
Dear SENi I m not confirm about the same.
Is there any chance of up gradation of clerikal staff in Punjab?
Great work
I myself merged my AR2011 which is Rs 1955/- and AR2012 which is Rs 1688/- in to Current Basic pay which Rs 8440/- and get new Basic pay Rs 12083… but according your calculation my Basic is 10920/- in BPS 11….my net salary is decreased
Dear Iqbal ur ARA-2011 cannot be 1955 plz check again.
Your calculation for revised salary is wrong. and the calculator is also giving wrong salary calculation.
In fact ARA-13 & ARA-14 are calculated on running basic and also have to be calculated on new revised basic pay so there also will be increase in these two allowances.
Dear M. Kaleem ARA-2013 and 2014 have been frozen. Just read the Revised Pay Scales 2015 Notification.
mam i was appointed as sst in 2012.ARA 2010 is not present in my payslip.what to do?
Dear m khan u have to claim the same by applying to ur accounts office.
Madam, tell me about the pay chart, fixation of basic pay. i am BS-14 and my old basic is 10440/-. what will my new Basic 13500/- or stage next above i.e 14290/-
Dear Muhammad Shabbir it will be 13500/-
Please elaborate why is there no increase of 7.5% against each slab of BPS-19. It is only there till 14th slab.
Dear Sabih u can manually add it Thanks
dear shumaila plz bata den mera scale 9 hey or 2011 scale k mutabik meri increment ki 3rd stage hey kia 2012,13,14 men jo increment 380 rs lagi thi us ko revise 490 kar k sallery men shamil kia jaey ge ya wo stages purani he rahen gi.thanks
Dear shahid mehmood aap ko annual increment to 490/- ka hisab say 01-12-2015 ko lagay gi. Baqi pay fixation kay liay apni purani pay kay neechay wali pay ko dekhain yeh new pay hogi.
Dear Madam,
I am superintendent (BPS-17) and my basic pay is 16000/- kindly guide me what is my new basic.
Dear Syed Abu Naveed Kashan it will be 20680/-
jis stageper hum 2011 ki salary withdraw ker rahay thay issi stage main new 2015 ki salary withdraw karay gain, For Example my stage is 3rd in 17th scale that is 19600, so my new Basic Pay would be 25345 or 20680??????
Dear Atif it will be 25345/-
I extremely sorry shumaila this calculating is wrong according to my salary. But i appreciate to ur effort with solemnly .
Dear waqar ahmed why ur salary wrong, plz explain the same with example I ll see ur point.
My previous basic was 6000/= and adhoc relief ( 2011) 486/= and adhoc relief 2012 was 1200/=
So after merge tow adhoc reliefs new basic should be 7686/= . Can u tell me what should be my new basic . 7770 or 7686 ?
Dear waqar ahmed u not mentioned ur BPS Number?
AoA madam…. In my calculation about Bps 7 . as clerk appoint in 2010 sindh govt. 11% ..according to news Mr. Wazir Khazana syed murad ali shah has announced about increasing Salry in sindh assembly . ..
Basic pay 7080 -11% some thing abot 780..
2011 & 2012 Adoc Relf -35 % 1st 529 & 185 second
Medicle allownce – 35 % 275
in total increament amount . some thing about R/s = 1735
madam thnz calulation acceptable ?
Dear Auranzeb plz wait for the Notification.
AoA, Dear Madam, Excellent worksheet. All formulas are working properly.
Thanks Dear Muhammad Aamir Ayub.
I m in bps17, my present M,A is 1478 . What will be the
Increase in M,A
Dear saima farhan it will be 1848/-
Thanks for your efforts..appreciated
I’m newly appointed (1st June 2015) as LDC..Kindly guide me & others alike who don’t know much ‘How to enter in 2nd chart’? plz
Dear Muneer u can email me ur pay details or give me ur previous basic pay with BPS- No. i ll tell u ur new pay.
Dear Mam,
Will the increase in Basic pay affect SSB (Social Security Benefit) for the contract employees working from last two years or not? Need authentic answer
Dear Atif Iqbal mujhay is ka confirm nahin hay.
Mam mujy chart smjh nae araha. Meri basic 20800 ha to mera
M.A Kitna increase hoga plz bta den?
Madam, I was appointed in BPS 16 in the year 2011 in kpk. I am receiving MA Rs 909 while the minimum MA according to federal gov notification is Rs 1200.Whether kpk employee will be benefited with this notification.
Dear Saqib I hope KPK Govt will also announce minimum Rs. 1500/- pm as Medical Allowance.
ms 2007 me ye open naee ho raa he
Dear NAEEM UDDIN u can get help from some expert for the same.
Sir aap kay calculator kay hesab say meri tankhaw sirf 602 rupia barh ga ye hai. Mai is waqt 17 main kam kar raha hon. Kia yeh saheh hain?
Dear Hafiz Abdur Rahman may be you entered wrong entry. Plz download again the sheet and calculate again. There was also a mistake in Medical Allowance. Now I have corrected the same.
Dear Shumaila,I think that the above mentioned pay calculation sheet is not correct,as the two adhoc relives of 2011 and 2012 are merged in basic pay of new scales 2015,whereas Mr.Afzal Bhatti has also mentioned the same.Please clear am I right or wrong?
Dear Shazia in this sheet ARA-2011 & 2012 are shown but for the previous pay. It is not added in the new pay Thanks
Dear Shumaila
The formula for calculation of medical allowance for BPS-16 and above is incorrect.
Dear Ishtiaq I have corrected the same plz download again Thanks
Respected Madam, please tell me the latest news about up gradation of clerical staff in Punjab like KPK Govt. Will it happen or not? I have headed that the notification will be issued in 1st week of July and CM will present the notification to Apca leadership in a Apca convention. Please tell me if there is any update. Regards!
Dear zulfiqar Ali still no updates after the said news.
Aslam o Alaikum. Meri appointment 2005 mn 11 scake mn hoi ti jb k promotion 2014 mn 16 scale mn hoi ti to is doran wo log jo 16 scale mn appoint hoty ry to un ki basic pay hm se zada ha to kia anomoly bun skti ha ?
Asslam o Alaikum!
Calculation Sheet.xls download link not working. An .exe file is downloaded instead of .xls file. Please correct this error or send this file to my email address. Thanks!
Dear Naveed e Sehar it is opening. U can try again now Thanks
There is a little problem with calculation sheet for 16 & above at cell 30c for medical allowance. Instead of new med. allowance it shows increase. plz check it.
Dear Musa plz mention the mistake with example I ll check it Thanks
Aoa, what will be about social security allowance for contract employees, will it also be adjusted according to revised pay scale or not???
Dear Dr. Saleem kashif it is not yet clarified.
please add MA in second chart like that … (B30*25/100)+B30
Thanks Dear Arsalan for pointing out the mistake. Now I have corrected the same.
Aoa, Madam, I think there is an error in the form for grade 16 and above. when i enter old medical allowance then the new value that comes automatically is a lot much less than the old medical allowance. Kindly recheck it. (I think the new value that it shows is the amount which is increasing but it doesnot adds up the previous medical allowance in it.)
Dr Fawad
Dear Dr Fawad I have corrected the same mistake now Thanks