Conversion of Temporary Posts of Allied Health Professional into their Regularization

The Director General Health Punjab has issued orders No.4173-4379/AHP dated 24-06-2015 in connection with Conversion of Temporary Posts of Allied Health Professional into on their Regularization.

According to this Notification, the cases of all staff working on contract, ad-hoc, work charge, Sort Term vacancy and Daily Wages basis of all Allied Health Professionals and Health Employees including the posts of Board of Management of Autonomous Institutions from BPS-01 to BPS-17 shall be examined by the concerned authority of the Institutions/Districts/Hospitals. However the Institutions where Board Management does not exist like Mayo, Lady Wellington, Lady Aitcheson and other hospitals etc.

The contract, ad-hoc appointees on their regularization shall remain on probation on terms of section 5 of the Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974 and Rule 7 of the Punjab Civil Servants (Appointment and Conditions of Service) Rules 1974 and the pay of such employees shall protectable.



Regularization Health Professional



See also  Notification of Inter District Transfer Posting List ESTs

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8 thoughts on “Conversion of Temporary Posts of Allied Health Professional into their Regularization

  1. A.O.A…meri Appointment as allid Health Professional dated 6 june 2015 on AD HOC Basis he…kia me es leetr k accordace Regular hon…??????? plz inform us…we r so Worried

  2. meri Appointment 6 june 2015 ki as allid health professional on ad hoc basis he…kia es lettr k accordanc me regular hon..?????????? plz inform me we are So Worried….

  3. i want information is it a notification of regularization grade 1 to 17 ? or demand of allied health professionals.worth of this letter.

  4. Ma EST teacher hoon. 01-09-2015 ko mare service 25 years ho gi. dob 13-04-1969 ha.scale 15 ha.basic pay 27275 ho gi.please commute,pension and leave in cashment ki detail bta dain.
    Meri date of appointment 01-09-90


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