Publicity of Three Schemes of Staff Welfare Organization

Various financial and medical supports have been announced by Staff Welfare Organization. The summary of Publicity of Three Schemes of Staff Welfare Organization is as under:

Federal Staff Relief Fund

Rehabilitation Aid

Ladies Industrial Homes

Publicity of Three Schemes of Staff Welfare Organization

The summary of the same is as under:


Federal Staff Relief Fund


In this scheme, burial charges in case of the employee death or the death of the dependent of the employees are granted to the concerned. In the same way financial aid is also granted in case of prolong illness as well as the purchase of optical are also facilitated.

Note: The amount involved may change from time to time.


Rehabilitation Aid


The following rehabilitation aid items are provided to the disable employees as well as their dependents:

Leg Braces

Artificial Leg Prosthesis

Arms Prosthesis

Neck Collar

Hearing Aid

Wheel Chairs

Walking Aid

Special Heel Shoes

Tricycle etc


Ladies Industrial Homes


In Ladies Industrial Homes, training of various useful crafts such as knitting, sewing, tailoring is given. In this regard diploma and certificates are granted to the concerned. Full details of the same are given at the copy attached.


Download Application Form and Full Details of the Three Schemes of Staff Welfare Organization



Schemes of Staff Welfare Organization


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7 thoughts on “Publicity of Three Schemes of Staff Welfare Organization

  1. Ihsan Ahmed jamali · Edit

    Dear madam Any provincial govt has not issued notification revised pay scale 2015 when these issued how new salary possible till 1st august for provincial govt employees is any recent update plz share

  2. Dear madam I am in b.p.s. 14 and federal employee. I need a hearing aid for my ear. How much amount I shall get for that and what is the procedure for same?

  3. AA
    I could not understand the 4th point of notification issued by the finance division regarding revised pay scale 2015. I was promoted from senior clerk BPS-11 to Head Clerk BPS-14 on 08-01-2015. My basic pay in BPS-11 was 14420/- on 08-01-2015. Now how my pay will be fixed.


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