Grant of Time Scale for KPK School Teachers

Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Establishment & Admn Department, Regulation Wing has written a letter No. SOR-I(E&AD)I-261/014 dated 10-08-2015 to the Secretary to Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Elementary & Secondary Education Department in connection with Time Scale for KPK School Teachers.

According to this letter, I am directed to refer to Elementary & Secondary Education Department letter No. SO (PE) 4-5/SSRC/Meeting dated 24-03-2015 and dated 23-07-2015 on the subject noted above and to state that Establishment Department agreed to Grant of Time Scale to the teachers on the analogy of Government of Sindh to the condition that they will have to forego the present line of promotion/service structure as double/two prong promotion cannot be allowed. Special thanks to Mr. Munir Ahmad for sending the copy of the letter.


Time Scale KPK Teachers



See also  In-Service Promotion of PST, EST

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31 thoughts on “Grant of Time Scale for KPK School Teachers

  1. AOA I will hope that you will be fine and healthy it is really a great effort for us come to know about the leates news about our department .Madam can you share the time scale subject now

  2. dear aoa, i m from kpk and working in education deptt since 1992 as a pst teacher in b 7. i was given grade 9 as graded pay and then promoted to b 12 in 2008 then promoted to b 14 in 2014. but my pat is less than the ones who are appointed with me in 1992 and also in 1995. ie my basic pay is 22980 as compared to other who receive 24540 and the one who s appointment is 1995 receiving 23770. what is the reason sir can any one explain. email plz

  3. the kpk govt doesnt give the time scale to school teachers the govt has issued the notification SOR-1(E&AD)1-261/014 dated 10/8/2015 subject time scale

  4. Assalam o Allaikum
    Mam plez tell me about family pension policy / formula and send me calculation sheet of family pension.
    plez send me latest Notification about deceased employ’s widow financial assistance , monthly grant , and funeral grant , 4 month salary (clarify about allowances)

    A lot of thanx
    Rasheed Jutt

  5. dear ma’am, I am AT teacher from 1995. My first appointment was at BPs 09 and was upgraded to BPs14 in 2002, to BPs15 in 2007, and was again upgraded to BPs16 back in november 2012. According to this time scale shall I be upgraded to next scale or not? I shall be thankful for your help. Regards, Bibi Raihan

  6. Salam…… Best wishes for your good health mam…… Mam. Would you plz share about notional pay/compensatry allownce announced by kpk govt for grade-16…… N plz explain who will be benefishries? An employee was in grade 15 in 2011and was appointed in grade 16 by public service commission in 2012…….. Now, will he awarded compensatory allowance/ notational pay according to latest notification in this regard?

  7. Dear Madam.As the kpk finance deptt has issued another notification regarding clarification of upgradation of kpk employees on dated what conclusion be made among these two.

  8. Sister shumaila I didn’t understand the package for sst in the time scale of sind for teachers.
    I am a sst in bps 16. If that time scale was introduced in kpk. What will be the criteria for us.
    With best wishes. Ikram

  9. Dear Madam please cofirm that are the Teachers of kpk included in the upgradation notification which has been issued by finance Deptt on 20.8.2015.please reply

  10. Dear Madam,
    Just today, I have come to know about your kind website. It is like a dream come
    true for me. Moreover I did have some documents but may be outdated. Should I send through
    your e-mail ?
    With regards Mamoon

  11. dear madam. I ve been appointed as PET (BP 15) by kp govt on 11/03/2013. Am i eligible for one step upgradation announced by kp govt. Beside this i ve nt obtained any extr benifit. Thanx

  12. dear madam
    I am CT teacher from 2002 in BPS14 and then upgraded on BPS15 on 01-10-2007
    according to this letter of time scale suggestion in kpk
    I shall be upgraded to next stage or not inform me please
    {duration in BPS15 is 8years}
    {duration in BPS14 is 5years}
    total period as CT 14years


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