Notification of Clarification of Upgradation of All Employees of KPK BPS-01 to BPS-15

Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Department Regulation Wing has issued Notification No. KC/FD/SO (FR)/7-20/2015 dated 17-08-2015 in connection with Notification of Clarification of Upgradation of All Employees of KPK BPS-01 to BPS-16.

According to this Notification, only the clarification of para-I of the Notification dated 30-06-2015 is made that is as under:

Two pay scales upgradation will be allowed to all the provincial Government employees from BPS-01 to BPS-05 and one pay scale upgradation from BPS-06 to BPS-15 will be allowed to those employees who have been appointed under KPK Civil Servants Act, 1973.

One premature increment will be allowed to all the upgraded employees as defined in Finance Department letter of the dated 30-05-2014.

Fresh appointments including Technical and Non-Technical staff will be made in new pay scales instead of existing pay scales as already mentioned in para-1 (a) of this Department letter of dated 30-06-2015.

Special thanks to Mr. Yousaf Khan for seing the copy of the Notification of Clarification of Upgradation of All Employees of KPK BPS-01 to BPS-15.


upgradation clarification kpk



See also  Meeting Regarding Shifting of Winter Vacation to January 2022

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82 thoughts on “Notification of Clarification of Upgradation of All Employees of KPK BPS-01 to BPS-15

  1. what about Accounts Clerks Up Gradation in kpk in Various Deptt; i/c (C&W/Irrigation/PHE), the were not up graded in 2014, Clerks 1st Stage is junior clerk, the senior clerk and then promoted to Accounts clerks. as Junior clerks up graded to 11 , senior clerks to 14 and Acconts clerks not Up Graded to any Scale, and reamain same on BPS 09.

  2. Dear Sister!
    Aik banda surplus pool mai chala gaya. Baad mai wo kisi doosre department mai adjust hwa. Ab wo dobara apnay parent department mai use cadre mai wapas aa gaya. Kia ab uske seniority bottom mai jae gi ya surplus pool mai janay se pehli wali seniority barqarar rahe gi. Please clarify by rules.

  3. Can a person junior than another person in one scale be promoted to next scale if it has completed required length of service for promotion while senior has not completed required length of service. If junior can be promoted to higher scale, then will he become senior to another person or seniority will remain intact? Please clarify by rules.

    1. Dear Madam?

      I was appointed in BPS-16 in Jan, 2013? Is am eligible for compensatory allowance? What about national upgradation of BPS-16?

  4. Dear Madam!

    I am currently serving in Agricultural Engineering Department in BPS-16 for the last three years. Recently, i am recommended by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Comission for BPS-17 and will be appointed soon in BPS-17 in the same department. Will i be given premature increment upon appointment in BPS-17 in the same department or not? Please Reply.

  5. Madam!

    I am in scale 16 for the last three years. Now i am recommeded by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Comission and will be appointed soon in scale-17 in the same department in which i am presently serving in scale-16. Will i get premature increment on appointment in scale 17 or not?

  6. after 27 years service in BPS 06 as a store Keeper but no promotion no upgradation pls any notification/ any news in form me thanks your.
    Mansib Sher Store Keeper

  7. AOA

    Dear Madam,
    I have been appointed in 2013 on one upgraded post of computer operator while the post was upgraded in 2012. There is no entry of upgradtion in my service book. so the question is that mam am i eligible for one step upgration according to the notification of KPK government or not. please reply me.

  8. sayyed sajjad ali shah · Edit

    salam dear qaisar sulaiman!
    I am SST appointed in 2007. but still I have not received any compensatory allowance. so please guide me what should I do in this respect. and tell me plz that how much amount have u recieved as compensatory. I’ll be waiting for ur reply thanks. Allah hafiz

    1. Dear Sajjad, AOA! Hope you will be fine. Sir, i receive Rs. 5130/- PM but yet it has not been cleared. It has been already notified but still there is some doubtfulness for account employees although it is clearly mentioned in the notification. compensatory allowance means the net difference between BPS 16 and 17. According to the notification, i am desired of Rs. 9856/-Pm but account office has given it Rs. 5130 due to its doubtful status. they responded that all the employees of BPS 16 are eligible to only three allowances ie. Basic Pay, Adhoc 2015 and House Rent. Although we are deserved of all the allowances whether frozen or not. I means that Fresh employee in BPS 17 will take net 41000/- pm. so you are advised to add an increment of BPS 17 to 41000/- and then subtract your current pay and thus you will get the difference which will be your compensatory allowance. Thanks

  9. Respected Madam; i m SST teacher in mardan apointed in 2011 by PSC ..
    Kpk finance deptment ke notification k mutabik me special compensation k lye eligible ho lakin abhi tak upgradation per koi action nhi lya gayaa..
    Ye notional upgradation from 16 to 17 kab ho gee..
    Please info
    I ll wait for reply ..

    1. Dear Arif, Hope you will be fine. I am SST and appointed through PSC in 2012. We have availed Compensatory Allowance in the pay of November 2015. Notification has been already issued but unfortunately the employees of Account Office deviate from the issued notification. On the notional upgradation from 16 to 17 we deserve compensatory allowance approximately 10000 (Plus Minus). But they have deprived us from the freezing allowances i.e., 2010, 2013, 2014 and medical allowance as we deserve these allowances upto their freezing limits according to the pay fixation rules. In this connection, i have sent an application to AG office for fighting for our rights. Thanks a lot.

  10. Dear Madam, Please give me updates about my previous requested submitted on November 3, 2015. I waited a lot. Hope you will update me very soon

  11. Dear Madam, AOA! Hope you will be fine. I am working as SST in BPS-16 since 2012. I have made compensatory allowance Rs.9546/- pm on the basis of difference of basic pay and allowances with the freezing limits as mentioned in the notification. but unfortunately the personnel of account office have deleted the medical and freezing allowances although i get less than freezing limits of the said allowances. According to them, I am only entitled to basic pay, house rent and adhoc-2015 although it is clear-cut one step notional up-gradation from 16 to 17. Currently my allowances in BPS-16 are: Adhoc-2010 (Rs. 3265), Adhoc-2013 (Rs. 1980), Adhoc-2014 (Rs.1320) and medical allowance (Rs. 1500) while the freezing limits of the said allowances in BPS-17 are: Adhoc-2010 (Rs. 4925), Adhoc-2013 (Rs.2400), adhoc-2014 (Rs.1600) and medical allowance (R. 1846). So, please update me whether I am entitled to these freezing limits of the freezing allowances or not. I will be very thankful to you.

  12. Dear madm I am working as pet in bps 15 since 2008 .am I eligible for one step upgradation according to notification &clarification of finance kpk.

  13. the pay structure in local council board is BS 11 -BS 16 – BS 17 my question is what will be upgraded scale for bs 11 and bs 16?? expectng ur cooperation

  14. Salam mym my 2012 my az a driver apoint hoa tha tb hmara cp fund tha bd my gp fund ho gea tha kia mjy b ye upgradation mily ge or salry kitne ziada ho ge

  15. Salam mydam my 2012 my as a driver bps 4 apoint hoa tha os time hamara cp fund tha bd my gp fund ho gea kia mjy b ye upgradation mily ge or abhe basic pay 7600 hy to salry kitne ziada ho ge andazan

  16. Dear Madam aoa, mein as a Drawing Master bps 15 through nts kpk edu deptt mein 13 june 2014 ko appoint hova, kia meri bhi one step up gradation ho gi??? reply plz Madam.

  17. dear madam

    i m sst science appointed in may 2014 through nts, as u know kp govt announced special compensatory allowance for bps-16 in the budget, but sofar it has nt been included in our salaries of july and august, so plz inform me about this allowance, i will be grateful for this, thanks…..

  18. Dear Shumaila,

    I Want to ask about the project Employees of KPK , they have already less salary and also not getting the yearly raise in the pay, please give me information about 1 to 16 scale project Employees.

    Thank you.

  19. Dear Madam G
    I appointed Drawing Master in 12-05-2012 in BPS 9.
    and all Drawing Master Post has upgraded to BPS 15 in 1-7-2012 ( Not me .Just all Drawing Master Post has upgraded).
    My question is that ” am I eligible for upgradation now?

  20. Dear sister.I am teacher in BPS 12 in appointed this is to ask that whether after upgradation .i will be able to get Bps 14.

  21. Dear madam, my appointed as PET 1sept.2008 In Bps14 and in 2012 all CT. Cader posts upgrat to 15. Now i m in bps15. Plz tell me can i eligibale to this up gradation

  22. Salam!
    Dear madam jo clerical staff kpk me Jan, 2014 me appoint hoi he kia unko premature increment melega q k clerical staff 20.05.2015 me upgrade hoa ta.

  23. Dear Madam, Hope you are OK. I am a SST teacher at GHS Karkabanj, DIR Upper. I have been oversighted by the EDO Dir Upper,in a transfer case to GHSS Wari, Dir Upper. My right has been given to another teacher name Inamurehman. Kindly advice me in this regard. Thanks a lot of. Yours Trully Shamsudin SAT.

  24. Dear Sister, Your answer to Sardar Khan (SCT)’s question above dated 23 Aug 2015 is not clear to me. If you kindly explain further I will be grateful to you Sister bcz my case is also the same. Allah Bless you and your Family. Thanks a lot

  25. Dear Sister, I hope you would be fine and best of your spirits. I want to clarify from you that can a government servant can write directly to his senior most officers regarding his genuine grievance or a grave anomaly done to him or he can not do so and if he has done it to get his legitimate right, what harm or action can be taken against him by his department? Secondly, how a poor government servant can save his skin from such cruel laws or actions taken against him due to none of his fault and to appeal for his right and just cause to request his seniors. I need your kind help on Priority basis as ever as someone job is at stake despite being on right side and deprived from his just right. I shall be highly thankful to my sister, kindly reply me here and also on my e-mail id given above. I shall be highly thankful. My regards

  26. dear my appointment date is 1994 as PST in kpk my appointment is according to the law of act 1973 or other any act is after 1973 inform me please

  27. Madam!
    Any news about FG employees regularization? where the Federal Cabinet Committee has gone? No news and no info. Are they viewing contract / daily wages employees cases? Please inform me.

  28. Dear shumaila kamal agr apko 50% adhoc relief of 2010 k baare me info hen to plz bata dejye k ye kb se frozen hai kpk govt ka. Me 2014 ka nts selected sst hun pehle to ye 3030 hota he lekn muje ek increment lg chuka he ab ye kitna hona chahye.

  29. Salam, Dear Sister… I am been appointed as a CT teacher in March 2015. As far as it is concerned to One scale up-gradation.. I have to ask either we will be also upgrade or not. As we been selected through Nts… That is why there is a lot of ambiguity! Please clarify it

  30. salam to all. i have been working as teacher since: 01/04/2015. Before this i have remained an accounts clerk for 9+ years and i have expertise in this field. now in light of the above notification and as far as my understanding is concern I think that only those employees are eligible for upgradation who have been appointed prior to 01/07/2001 and also have not been upgraded since: 01/07/2010. And I am very much sure about it. my contact No. 0343-9213763

  31. salam madam…the clarification means that all kpk gov employes from bps 6 to 15 are eligible for the upgradation,the condition of 1/7/2010 are removed..

    1. Dear Ilyas still no clarification of the same but as far i understand that:
      1st the pay will be fixed in BPS-17 and then there will be seen the increase in pay and allowances by doing so and then the net increase in pay and allowances will be the compensatory allowance.

  32. Dear Sister Shumaila Kamal I have been promoted from CT post to Senior CT post in April 2014. Some persons say that this is up-gradation not promotion while in the order issued from the office of secondary and elementary education KPK it is shown as “promotion” not up-gradation. It is also clear that CT post is non-gazetted while Senior CT post is gazetted. The question is “Am I eligible for notional compensatory allowance?” Please clarify it because all SCT, SDM,SAT,STT and SPET have been promoted after 2012. All Senior Teachers will be thankful to you.

    1. Dear Sardar Khan SCT, if your post (Not U) upgraded after 01-07-2010 then you r eligible for the benefit and you are promoted not upgraded as upgradation is the as a whole of all the employees promotion not for the few.

  33. Salam mam I’m sub engineer civil 11 in agricultural department most of us include me we are now in surplus pool we were opointed in 2007 so what about us our scale etc ?

  34. madam shumaila
    salam. u r doing a wonderful job for government for as the regulation wings notification of 17/8/15 is concerned I think all employees other than those appointed via NTS shall be upgraded.yet I m not certain about it.
    tilawat shah principal

  35. Respected Madam,
    I m a teacher in BPS 15 appointed in 2012.Now this is to ask that whether after up gradation i will be able to get BPS 16 or will only receive pre mature increment keeping the same scale i.e BPS15

  36. dear first of all i salam to u for this act of kindness.i m promoted ct to sst bps 15 to 16 by kpkpsc dated march 2012.can i eligible for the upgradation .thanks

  37. dear shamaila
    I’m a teacher in kpk in grade 15 I upgraded since October 2007 according to the notification I shall be able to 16 grade or not inform me please

  38. Dear
    Its still have to confirm that upgradation as it have amguity i.e all those who are working in BPS 06 to 15 and appointed under cilil servant act 1973 abd what does it mean either all employess or only those whos not promoted after 2010 according to previous notification on 30.july
    If u have any information then share it please.

    1. Dear Noor Rehman as far i understood from all this story ” The employees who have not been upgraded since 01-07-2010 will be upgraded. The employees who appointed or promoted after 01-07-2010 are also eligible for the upgradation.

      1. Respected shumaila khamal wats the catg of Recovery staff,store keeper and rent collecter tex collecter these are all in PBS 7 what u say these catg are all jc clerical staff?


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