Revised Rates of Subscription towards GP Fund

Government of the Pakistan, Finance Division has issued Notification No. F.1(5)-Reg.7/87-301 dated 27-08-2015 in connection with Revised Rates of Subscription towards GP Fund.

According to this Notification, consequent upon the revision of Basic Pay Scales 2015 for the Civil Employees of the Federal Govt, it has been decided to revise the rates of subscription towards GP Fund.

This deduction on new rates shall be made in the pay bills of August 2015 to be paid in September 2015, until further orders.  There shall be no option to postpone subscription to the above fund either during leave (except EOL without pay leave) or during the training period.  The new subscription rates have been shown in the attached picture.


GP Fund Subscription Rates 2015


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56 thoughts on “Revised Rates of Subscription towards GP Fund

  1. Dear Sir,

    I needed Notification No. SRO (1)/95 of Establishment Division, Islamabad. regarding group insurance deducted through the pay bills of only Gazatted officers and the same is not deducted from the regular pay bills of non gazatted employees.

    Sajid Rauf

  2. Respected Madam,
    I need copy of govt.of Sindh Notification regarding revised rates of GP Fund deduction from BPS – 1 to BPS – 22 from September 2015.
    Shamim Akhtar

  3. The Sindh Govt. has issued a notification regarding revised subscription rates of GP Fund. Kindly provide me the copy of notification.
    Thanks You
    Farhan Sadiq.

  4. AA. Madam
    I want to know About GP Fund..
    1.the Interst cut on Basic Pay or fix by BPS from 1 to 22 if fix then send me from bps 1 to bps 22
    2.if the intrest cut on Basic pay the intrest value will change after adding Increment and Promotion


  5. Madam shumaila ye Jo gp fund deduction hai ye only federal k lye hai ya all over Pakistan because education department sindh main ya kum uz kum hyd treasury ne to iska italak nahi kiya .and same kat raha hai

  6. Mr. Shahzad Sahbbri · Edit

    Dear Miss. Shumaila
    You are doing good job,

    i want to ask you that i am secretary (union Council )Local Govt. Community Department Lahore since 2007 in BPS 11. plz tell me when our scale or promotion is due.

  7. aoa sir i was upgraded from BPS 11 to BPS 16 with same designation.

    my question is during fixation of basic pay no pre mature increment was given to me.

    is this a correct method.

  8. I want to get information about the Up-Gradation of the Post of Accounts Assistant in Punjab Government Departments (From BS-11 to BS-14) please help me.

  9. Dear shumaila!
    your services will for govt employees will be remembered,you are doing good job please keep it up. My question is about the special compensatory allowance which was proposed in current budget for all grade 16 employees.i do not know a single grade 16 who have got the said allowance. could you enlighten the matter. Ihsanul Haq sst

    1. Thanks Dear Ihsanuh Haq for appreciating my efforts. Dear Still no latest updates. According to my opinion, the pay of the employees of BPS-16 will be fixed and BPS-17 and the net increase in pay will be considered as Compensatory Allowance Thanks

  10. Dear Medam


    I want to know about the upgradation of the post of Assistant (provincial Govt.) Balochistan employees from BPS-15 to BPS-16, please?

  11. Dear Madam,
    A O A I served 20 years in punjab education department .subsequently I was selected principal in federal education department.May I get benefit for promotion on the basis of previous service in new organization.

    pl guide with regards.

  12. I am on Phd study leave. Now i want to go to Germany for a workshop. If i have to take ex.pakistan leave?
    If yes, kindly tell me the process.

  13. Dear madam.I have served 16 years service on PST post in kpk edu deptt.I 2012 I got SST post through psc.have any notification that my previous service some years may b include in the SST post.for seniority.I want some cridet of the previous service. thank you.

  14. aoa, I have received July Pay Slips and my Medical Allowance is still 1200/-I have appointed 2012 in grade 09.Is there any increase of medical allowance

  15. You are doing good job for government employees mam. I am working as sst in punjab is there any news about upgrading the civil servants in punjab in near future

  16. Madam i was appointed as Librarian BPS-16 in higher education through KP Public service commission. the govt deducted CP Fund till Feb, 2012 and after that GP Fund. Now in Payroll i have only GP Fund record. Where is my CP Fund amount.

  17. Respected madam thanks for your response of my ealier mail, your honor has suggested that account office should take this as special case and absentee period should be treated as EOL without pay.

    In this regard is submitted that please give me any law citation or any case reference where any employee enjoyed EOL beyond leave rules. Is there any rule that in special circumstances EOL can unlimited on the satisfaction of competent authority.

  18. Salam mam I have been appointed as pet in 9 scale in Feb 2012 and in June 2012 all pet awarded scale 15 and 15 become the initial scale for new appointy as well.the question arise will I be upgraded in 16

  19. Dear madam i was appointed as patwari in 1989, in 1998 i was been suspended by the authority on the account of unauthorized absence form duty. Latter on in 2008 i was reinstated by the competent authority by imposing major penalty of stoppage of two increments without accumulative effect and stated that the intervening period w.e.f 24-02-1998 to 16-10-208 is hereby treated as leave kind due.

    In this regard it is submitted that when i approached the accounts office for the fixation of pay they have denied to fix the pay with remarks that competent authority has passed the reinstatement order beyond its powers on the ground that the said official was not entitled for such huge period as a leave under leave rules.

    Now i am worried that i could not understand that what is the legal status of the reinstatement order of the competent authority, please guide me in this regard,

  20. dear Shumaila kya kpk govt ne grade 1 se 15 scales ko upgrade karnay ka elaan kya hai ke nahi? If yes, then kab se laagu hoga? any notification! plz reply. thanks


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