Notification of Upgradation of Senior Clerk/Assistant to BPS-16 in Balochistan

Government of Balochistan, Finance Department has issued Notification No. FD (K-I)III-79/D.A/2015/2290-2410 dated 29-09-2015 in connection with Notification of Upgradation of Senior Clerk/Assistant to BPS-16 in Balochistan.

According to this Notification, Superintendents BPS-16 have already been upgraded to BPS-17, now the Assistants BPS-14 and Head Clerk BPS-14 have been upgraded to BPS-16. The following posts have been upgraded to next scale:

  • Drivers
  • Security Guards
  • Photostat Machine Operators

Note: The word in the article “Senior Clerk” may be replaced with “Head Clerk


Upgradation of Senior Clerk in Balochistan



See also  SOPs/Instructions for Using Social Media by Officers/Officials of Special Education for Taking Snaps/Videos

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20 thoughts on “Notification of Upgradation of Senior Clerk/Assistant to BPS-16 in Balochistan

  1. Madam g
    any update of upgradation of clerks in punjab last meeting main to dead line the 15 din ke is k bad khoch nahi pata please tell me k upgradation ka case kahan tk puncha ha

  2. Dear Madam,
    Sindh Government upgraded the post of Superintendent in BPS-17 with effect from 1.1.2015. Kindly let me guide whether the Superintendents who were retired in BPS-16 on 31.12.2014 could avail the benefit of BPS-17 for the purpose of pensionary benefits.

  3. As per notification of Baluchistan Govt.dt.29.9.2015. The employees of Baluchistan will enjoy the status of post,but federal govt employees are suffering. For example the post of Supdt.B-16 was upgraded by the Finance minster in the budget speech 2014 but bureaucracy of MO finance not allowed the benefits/allowances of B-17 todate.?????? while KPK and Baluchistan Govt upgraded the post of supdt.B-17 with full benefits

  4. Please mam help to Tracers/Asisstant Draughtsmans &Draughtsmans of HESCO/PEPCO regarding up gradation through providing references / evidences issued by other deprtments or provinces in the matter.
    In this regard your cooperation will highly be appreciated.


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