Revision of Management Grades and Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015

Govt of Pakistan Finance Division has issued Notification No. No.F.3 (9) R-4/2004 dated 14-10-2015 in connection with Revision of Management Grades and Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015 with effect from 1st July 2015.

According to this Notification it is conveyed that the Federal Government has been pleased to revise the Management Scales -2011  so  as  to  introduce  Management  Scales-2015  w.e.f. 01-07-2015,  which are as under.-



Existing Management

Scale w.e.f.01-07-2011

Stages Revised management

Scales w.e.f.01-07·2015

M-1 43000-3050-85700 14 55755-3960-111195 14
M-Il 40000-2600-76400 14 51885-3375-99135                 14
M-Ill 36000-2350-68900 14 46705-3050-89405 14


  1. Fixation of Pay of the existing employees:


  1. i) The basic pay of an employee in service on 30-06-2015 shall be fixed in the Management Scales-2015 on point to point basis e. at the stage corresponding to that occupied by him/her above the minimum of Management Scales-2011.
  1. ii) In case of Personal Pay being drawn by an officer as part of his/her basic pay beyond the maximum of his/her pay scale on    30-06-2015, he/she shall continue to draw such pay in the Revised Management Scares-2015 at the revised.
  1. Fixation of Pay on promotion:

In cases of promotion from a lower to higher posts/scale before introduction of these scales, the pay of the employees concerned in the revised management scares may be fixed and so enhanced that it would not be less than the pay that would have been admissible to him if his promotion to the higher post scale had taken place after the introduction of these scales.

  1. Annual Increment:

Annual increment shall continue to be admissible, subject to the existing conditions, on 1st December each year.

  1. Adhoc Relief Allowances:-

The following Adhoc Relief Allowances granted w.e.f.  01-07-2011 and 01-07-2012, respectively shall cease to exist with effect from 01-07-2015:

S.#. Name of Ad-hoc

Relief Allowance


Memorandum & date



i. Adhoc Relief Allowance

-2011 (01-07-2011)

F.3(9)R-4/2004 dated


15% of the basic pay on

Management Scale-2008

ii. Adhoc Relief Allowance

2012  (01-07-2012)

F.3(9)R-4/2004-365 dated 18-02-2013 20°/o of the basic pay on

Management Scale -201




Adhoc Allowance-2010 (if admissible), & Adhoc Relief Allowances. 2013

i) The Ad-hoc Allowance -2010 @ 50% of the basic pay of Management Scales-2008 admissible to the- officers holding Management Grades shall continue to stand frozen at the level of its admissibility as on 30-06-2015.

  1. ii) All the new entrants shall be allowed Ad-hoc Allowance-2010 @ 50% of the minimum of relevant Management Scales·2008 on notional basis with effect from 01-07-2015, till further orders and shall stand frozen at the same level;

iii)         The Ad-hoc Relief Allowances-2013 and 2014 @ 10o/o each shall stand frozen at the level of their admissibility as on 30-06-2015;

  1. iv) All the  new  entrants  shall be  allowed  Ad-hoc  Relief  Allowances-2013  and  2014

@10% each of the minimum of relevant Management Scales-2011 on notional basis with effect from 01-07-2015 till further orders and shall stand frozen at the same level.

  1. Ad-hoc Relief Allowance-2015:
i) An Ad-hoc Relief Affowance-2015@  7.5°/o of the running basic pay of Management Scales-2015 to the civil employees of the Federal Government shall be allowed with effect from 01-07-2015 till further orders;
ii) The Ad-hoc Relief Allowance -2015:-



will be subject to Income Tax;

b) will be admissible  during leave and entire period  of LPR except during extra
ordinary leave;
c) Win not be  treated as part of emoluments  for  the purpose  of calculation of

Pension/Gratuity and recovery of House Rent;

d) Will  not   be   admissible   to   the   employees   during   the   tenure   of   their
posting/deputation abroad;
e) Will be admissible to the employees on their repatriation from posting/deputation
abroad at the rate and amount which would have been admissible to them, had
they not been posted abroad;
f) Will be admissible during the period of suspension;
g) The term “Basic Pay” will also include the amount of Personal Pay granted on
Account of annual increment(s) beyond the maximum of the existing pay scales.
8. Special Pay and Allowances:


All  the  Special Pays,  Special Allowances or  the  Allowances admissible as percentage of pay  (excluding those  which  are capped by  fixing  maximum limit) shall  stand frozen at the level of their admissibility as on 30-06-2015.

  1. Personal Staff Subsidy for Management Grade Officers:

The rates of Personal Staff Subsidy shall be revised as follows:


Existing Rate Revised Rate
Rs.7,000/ per month

(Revised previously vide Finance Division’s OM NO. F.3(9) R·

412004-365 dated 18-02-2013

Rs.12,000/- per month


(Note: Grant of personal staff subsidy is subject to furnishing of a certificate that the officer is not using the services of any official employee at his residence.)


  1. All the existing rules/orders on the subject shall be considered to have been modified to the extent indicated above. All the existing rules/orders not so modified shall continue to be in force under this scheme.

Special thanks to Mr.  Liaquat Kamboh for sending the copy of the Notification.


Download Full Notification of Revision of Management Grades and Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015


Revision Management Scales


See also  Reimbursement of Expenditures Incurred on Medical Treatment of Employees (And their dependants) of Higher Education Department

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7 thoughts on “Revision of Management Grades and Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015

  1. Dear Madam,
    I was appointed in F. G. E. I .(C/G) as M. T. T. (bps 09) on 13 May 2014 and was upgraded as E. S. T.(bps. 14) on 1st November 2014 w.e.f. 13 May 2014 i.e. Date of joining.
    What would be my Total GP FUND balance for year 2014-2015?
    DCMA issue me a G.P. Fund slip in which they show the amount of 12416/- for the said year. Is it correct or not? If not then, Plz calculate my G. P. Fund balance with 11.75% interest for said year. Thanks. Waiting 4 ur assisantaance.


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