Notification of Fixed Medical Risk Allowance in Federal Govt Hospitals

Government of Pakistan, Cabinet Secretariat, Capital Administration & Development Division has issued Notification on 30th October 2015 in connection with Fixed Medical Risk Allowance in Federal Govt Hospitals.

Fixed Medical Risk Allowance is granted to all the Health Personals working in BPS-01 to BPS-22 in the Federal Government Hospitals under administrative control of CA& DD i.e PIMS, FGPC, NIRM with effect from 1st October 2015 on monthly basis. The detail of the same is as under:


S.No BPS Amount Admissible in Pak Rupees
1 BPS-01 1300
2 BPS-02 1400
3 BPS-03 1500
4 BPS-04 1600
5 BPS-05 1700
6 BPS-06 1800
7 BPS-07 1900
8 BPS-08 2000
9 BPS-09 2100
10 BPS-10 2200
11 BPS-11 2300
12 BPS-12 2400
13 BPS-13 2500
14 BPS-14 2600
15 BPS-15 2700
16 BPS-16 2800
17 BPS-17 4000
18 BPS-18 4200
19 BPS-19 5200
20 BPS-20 5700
21 BPS-21 6300
22 BPS-22 7000


Special thanks to Mr. Dreams of Raja for sending the copy of the Notification.


Fixed Medical Risk Allowance



See also  Summary – Grant of Incentive upto BPS-17 JSTs and Equivalent BPS-14 after Completion 21 Years Service

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6 thoughts on “Notification of Fixed Medical Risk Allowance in Federal Govt Hospitals

  1. if person is appointed on contract basis of 5 years against deceased quota Prime Minister assistance package. Fixed medical risk allowance should be given or not??


    Dear SALAM’ we are serving in Health Department KPK as a Lab Technician BPS:12.We are also working in Health Department works at RISK AREA.GOVERNAMENT KPK NOT PAID TO PARAMEDICS .HEALTH PROFESSIONAL ALLOWACE AND RISK ALLOWANCE TO PARAMEDICS.UBUT DOCTORS GET.WHY.???????????????

  3. Madam. The employees wil also get rs.1500 medical allowance like other federal govt.employe as rs.1500 to BPS-15 and 25% for grade 16 above or not.
    Or only risk medical allowance they take


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