One Step Scale Upgradation of KPK Teachers

Office of the Accountant General Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar has issued letter No. Pr-3/one-step Upgradation/2015-16/1523-25 dated 02-11-2015 in connection with One Step Scale Upgradation of KPK Teachers.

According to this letters all the teachers who have been granted one step upgradation  vide KPK Finance Department Notification of the dated 30-06-2015, a proper list/sanction against the upgraded posts of the incumbents may be issued for record in compliance to the Govt Existing orders.

This letter has been submitted by Mr. Shabbir Husssain.


One Scale Upgradation KPK Teachers


See also  Withdraw of Orders of Appointment as SST (Computer Science) in District Jhang

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15 thoughts on “One Step Scale Upgradation of KPK Teachers

  1. Announcements are v easy but emplimentation process is v hard why?we are literate people govt should think about this confusion between th empl .

  2. muhammad tariq CT Amakhel · Edit

    Madam ,
    AOA, The ambiguous language used in the notification of recent upgradation by finance deptt kpk and a letter in this regard by AG office have proved that the high authorities want to delay the process of upgradation.

  3. Madem
    A O A
    last 2month sa yahoo pa pay slip pifra sa mosool nahi hoo rahi kea waja tamam doost parishan hi gmail pa slip mil gaien hi
    pl reply


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