HRC No. 2492 of 2007 Supreme Court Case (Disbursement of pension through bank accounts)

The detail of the Disbursement of pension through bank accounts as submitted by Syed Ali Abuzar is as under:

Chief Justice of Pakistan invoked Suo-Moto Jurisdiction of The Supreme Court over pensioners problems highlighted in a PTV World Program on old pensioners in 2007. As a result disbursement of pension was allowed through all banks and bank accounts of, pensioner’s choice and convenience by Government.

I firstly tried a lot to search this decision on internet and libraries, having no success, I obtained certified true copy of the original judgement directly from the Supreme Court after due process and approvals, as HRC Judgements of the SC, due to their particular nature and matters involved, are not that easily issued by SC as other judgements. I’m sharing this with you for publishing so that people can benefit and may refer to this case-law.

By Syed Ali Abuzar


Disbursement of pension through bank accounts


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2 thoughts on “HRC No. 2492 of 2007 Supreme Court Case (Disbursement of pension through bank accounts)

  1. There are a number of branches of NBP Hyderabad that do not follow the judgment of Hon’able Supreme Court of Pakistan but adopt their own-evolved procedure. The practice in vogue in these branches is that the Pensioner has to attend the concerned branch of National Bank of Pakistan on or after Ist day of every month to which the pension relates,not for the purpose of receiving pension on the same day but the bank authorites issue him the computer-generated pension bill form for signature by the pensioner provided the computer of the bank is operational as mostly a problem in the server is uttered. However, thereafter, the pensioner is asked to draw pension from his bank account on the next day. This clearly shows that the bank is defying the dictum laid down by Hon’able Supreme Court of Pakistan. Now in the foregoing, the pensioners, like me stand in need of your valuable guidance for redressal of genuine grievance instantly.


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