Government of Pakistan, Finance Division has issued Notification No. F.12(9)-Reg.6/ dated 12-09-2015 in connection with Notification of Facilitation Measures for Pensioners.
According to this Notification, a meeting was held on 16-10-2015 under the chairmanship of Honourable Finance Minister, inter-alia, it was decided that in order to facilitate the pensioners and to ensure speedy disposal of pension cases in all Ministries/Divisions should appoint Welfare Officers for facilitation of pensioners in all Ministries/Divisions /Departments by 31st December 2015.
Madam Shumila Kamal Asalam o Alaikum my particularls are under plz inform my Pension/Commute Thx Masood Ahmad Khan Tabish
Date of Birth 21.10.1946
Date of appointment 21.10.1977
Date of retirement 20.10.2006
Plz tell me i which year my pension will be double i am waiting your reply
Dear Masood Ahmad Khan Tabish, plz email all these details to Mr. Amir Agha.
Dear Tabish
You would have received commutation value for 12.3719 years. So, on expiry of 12 rounded off years, your commuted part will be restored on 20.10.2018, along with all increases for years 2007 to 2018.
For more knowledge, please study my Urdu book on Pension.
Agha Amir
Madam Shumaila kamal, Asalam o Alaikum, my particulars are under plz inform my pension/commute, tnx. Abdul Rahman Kalhoro
date of birth 07.06.1971
date of appointment 01.11.1989
date of retirement 05.06.2015 Basic pay Rs.18460/- Scale 07 department sindh police.