Recruitment Rules of Private Secretary, Superintendent, Stenographer/APS issued in 2012

Summary of Recruitment Rules of Private Secretary, Superintendent, Stenographer/APS issued in 2012 is as under:

In exercise of powers conferred by sub-rule (2) ofrule-3 of the Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1973, and Section-7 (l)(b)(i)&(ii) of FPSC Ordinance, 1977 (XLV of 1977), the following method, qualifications and other conditions are laid down for appointment to the following posts in the Ministries/Divisions/Departments of the Federal Government:-


S. No. Designation




1 Private Secretary 17
2 Superintendent 16
3 Stenographer 16


  1. The method of appointment to the posts shall be as under:-
S. No. Designation and BPS of the post Method of Appointment
By Promotion


By Initial


Private Secretary (B PS-17) 100%
Superintendent (BPS-16) 100%
Stenographer (BPS-16) 50% 50%


Provided that:-

(i) if no suitable person is available/eligible for promotion to the posts of Superintendent and Private Secretary the post shall be filled by transfer.

(ii) Failing initial appointment the posts of Stenographer shall be filled in by transfer:



  1. A candidate must possess the educational qualifications and must be within the age limits as mentioned against the posts concerned in the Schedule to this Notification provided that:-

(i) the maximum age limit shall be relaxed in respect of the candidates specified and to the extent indicated in the Initial Appointment to Civil Posts (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit) Rules, 1993 as amended from time to time; and (ii) eligibility of candidates shall be reckoned, as on the closing date fixed for submission of applications in accordance with these Recruitment Rules and the Instructions issued by the Federal Government and the Federal Public Service Commission from time to time. ~


  1. Appointment by transfer shall be made by selection from amongst the persons holding appointment on a regular basis under the Federal Government in the same basic pay scale in which the post to be filled exists, provided that the person concerned possesses the qualifications and experience prescribed for initial appointment to the post concerned.


  1. Persons appointed by initial appointment or promotion or transfer shall be on probation for a period of one year. This period may be curtailed for good and sufficient reasons to be recorded, or if considered necessary, it may be extended for a period not exceeding one year as may be specified at the time of appointment.

Appointment or probation shall be subject to the provisions of Section 6 of the Civil Servants Act, 1973 read with Rule 21 of the Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1973.

  1. This Notification issues with the concurrence of the FPSC vide its · letter No. F2-4/2012-RR, dated 18-04-2012 and supersedes Establishment Division’s SRO. 107(1)/2005, dated 15-10-2005 as amended time to time to the extent of the posts of Stenographer and Superintendent and SRO. 99(KE)/87, dated 22nd October, 1987.

Full details are available at the copy of the Notification. This post has been delivered by Mr. Liaquat Kamboh.

Full Detail available in the below link:

Download Recruitment Rules of Private Secretary, Superintendent, Stenographer


Recruitment Rules of Private Secretary, Superintendent, Stenographer


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