Notification of Upgradation of Clerical Staff & Time Scale by Local Govt

Government of the Punjab, Local Government & Community Development Department has issued Notification No. SO-ADMN.III(LG)1-36/2004 (P-I) dated 21-01-2016 in connection with Notification of Upgradation of Clerical Staff & Time Scale by Local Govt.

According to this Notification, the following upgradations have been made:

  • Upgradation of the posts of Junior Clerk, Senior Clerk, Assistant, Head Clerk and Superintendents
  • Time Scale Promotion to the employees of BPS-05 to BPS-16
  • Upgradation of the post of Qasids from BPS-02 to BPS-03 and Daftri from BPS-02 to BPS-04


All the conditions as same as the earlier issued Notification of the Upgradation of Clerical Staff of the Punjab Govt issued by Finance Department Punjab.

Special thanks to Mr. Irfan Tariq for sending the copy of the Notification of Upgradation of Clerical Staff & Time Scale by Local Govt.


Upgradation of Clerical Staff & Time Scale



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8 thoughts on “Notification of Upgradation of Clerical Staff & Time Scale by Local Govt

  1. Israr Ahmad khushik · Edit

    Dear Medam kya fire man ke post jo bps.2 he wo upgarde hoge 4 men ye sirf panjab govt ka he ya Sindh Govt bhe Qasid,or dosre lower post upgrad hoge ya na sirf.clerk or bari post kyo

  2. This is a good sign for those cadres , whom do not called with the name of Junior Clerk,senior Clerk , Head Clerk and Superintendent. This is also helpful to other departments in Punjab to oblige their employees , who are ministerial Staff , but having separate names due to their interior policy.


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