Summary of Upgradation of Steno Cadre Punjab

Chief Minister Punjab has issued orders on 03-02-2016 in connection with Summary of Upgradation of Steno Cadre Punjab.

The subject of the orders is “Grant of Upgradation/Time Scale /Special Increment of Steno Cadres as Against the Upgradation of Clerical Cadre”.

On presentation of enclosed application of Rao Muhammad Akram, President Punjab Civil Secretariat PS, PA, SSS & Stenographers Association, on the subject cited above, Chief Minister has been pleased to desire that the case may be examined and a summary may be put up to this office for his information/orders. Special thanks to Mr. Abdul Jabbar for sending the copy of the orders.


Upgradation of Steno Cadre Punjab


See also  Notification Upgradation Sub Engineers KPK province from BPS-11/12 to BPS-16

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118 thoughts on “Summary of Upgradation of Steno Cadre Punjab

  1. Muhammad Naeem Akhtar Bhatti · Edit

    I joined punjab law Deptt. in Nov. 1986 as Stenographer in bps 12 and I got selection grade bps 15 in Oct, 1994 since then I remain in the same scale in spite of promotion channel to the post of superintendent, which is very rate chance till my retirement due in Jan, 2024.. Now Punjab Govt. announced on 26.07.2017 two step time scale for bps 11-15. Plz. tell me that am I admissibe for announced time scale promotion?

  2. The word of sorry is very much lesser to Rao sahib. Stenographers are still under the Office Assistants inspite of your efforts. Great loss to the selection grade holder is still ambiguous. Selection Grade stenographers are not upgraded even they have promotion prospectus channel and at par with the Stenographers who were in BPS-15 at that time selection grade also draw the same salary like SSS. Naseem Nadeem case is example which has not been considered and thrown in the dust bin. Time Scale notification is not clear. Still unrest between the stenographers selection grade holders community

  3. Please let us inform whether further promotion of PS BPS-17 to BPS-18 is possible or in pipeline in Punjab Government or not

  4. Waqat kay Hukmarano Stenographers (date of appointment in 1985) kay Scale (From 14 to 16) upgrade karnay ka notification jari farma dain

  5. Saeed Sahib i think we should move to court if Government announce Bs-15 instead of Bs 16. we should show our unity in this matter

  6. Muhammad Saeed, Senior Scale Stenographer · Edit

    Yes Binyamin I am agree with you. stenographer cadre should not accept Bs. 15, we have to protest for BS -16 and its our right. we should not keep silent. we should protest for our right. and i am with stenographer cadre when and where my services will be require.

  7. summary that is submitted in this summary Stenographer cadre will be promoted from BS-14 to Bs-15 but it should be like Assistant From Bs 14 to Bs 16

    1. Muhammad Shabbir · Edit

      yes…when assistant was in BS-11 then stenographer was in BS-12,, they were upgraded in BS-14 and stenographer was ignored and after a great struggle steno was upgraded in BS-14. Now once again clerks and assistants were upgraded on 01-01-2016 but stenographers ignored again. This is our right and request that stenographers may be upgraded in BS-16 and Senior Stenographer in BS-17 and w.e.f 01-01-2016.

  8. i am steno typist in mc fateh jang , my authorities refuse to upgrade my post as steno typist whereas new recruitment of steno typist of punjab govt. is carried out in BPS-14. please any one guide and tell me in this regard. 0301-5351406

  9. Dear Rana Tariq & Hafiz Javed Usman Esqrs.

    The request made to Chief Minister, Punjab regarding inclusion of Private Secretaries BS-17 in the main stream of promotion like other officers of BS-17 going to have been promoted in BS-18 as Deputy Directors is quite genuine. Therefore, honorable CM, Punjab who is competent to amend the rules, is requested to pass appropriate orders for adjustment of the Private Secretaries in the manner that they are also eligible for further promotion as Deputy Directors in BS-18.

  10. Hafiz Muhammad Javed Usman · Edit

    The request of Rana Tariq Mehmood is quite in order and needs sympathetic consideration by the Honorable Chief Minister, Punjab. It is to clarify that after upgradation of the post of Private Secretary in BS-17, no change has been made in the “Method of Promotion”. Therefore, the Private Secretaries BS-17 may be included in the main stream of promotion in general cadre like other officers of BS-17 going to promote in BS-18 as Deputy Directors.
    Regards…………. Hafiz Muhammad Javed Usman, Stenographer.

  11. Respected Chief Minister, Punjab,


    It is respectfully submitted that on direction of the orders of August Supreme Court of Pakistan, the post of Stenographer, Personal Assistant and Private Secretary have been upgraded from BS-12 to BS-14, BS-15 to BS-16 and BS-16 to BS-17 respectively. After upgradation of the post, there have become necessity to change the “Existing Method of Promotion” so that the newly upgraded incumbents could be included in main stream for further promotion like other officials/officials being promoted to the next higher pay scales if they fulfill all the per-requisite conditions.
    Prior to upgradation, the post of Private Secretary was lying in BS-16 and the incumbents were promoted in BS-17 after putting 05 years service. On upgradation of the post of Private Secretary in BS-17, promotion to BS-17 has become meaningless because promotion is uplifting of any officer/official into next higher pay scale. In the instant matter, no promotion is being made but only nomenclature is being changed which is, no doubt, unacceptable and prima facie against the rules/procedure.

    sir, request is, therefore, made to kindly direct the concerned formations to change the “Existing method of Promotion” and make some necessary amendments by including Private Secretary BS-17 in main stream among those officers who are being promoted or likely to promote as Deputy Directors in BS-18. This change will enable the Private Secretaries to have been dealt-with at par with other offices working in BS-17 and going to promote in BS-18 as Deputy Directors. With Regards……….. Rana Tariq Mehmood, Private Secretary BS-17, Multan Development Authority, Multan Cell: 0300-6385835

  12. Muhammad Zubair Zubair Shah · Edit

    امیدیں تھم گئ جیسے کہ سانسیں رک گئں جیسے
    کہ شاید یہاں اب کوئی نہیں کوئی نہیں آئے گا

  13. jin ke honi thee ho gai baki jin ko tarkana tha un k lia committee bana dee gai hay jo sirf of sirf tarkologi programme pr amal kr rahi hay jb tak case nai ho ga koi be nai sunnay ga fazool hay sub

  14. All Selection grade stenos 9HAPPY NEWS)
    It is to informed you that the Finance Department has allowed me BS-16. I am stenographer having selection grade BS_15 has been granted BS-16 Time Scale Promotion vide Notification No. FD.PC.13-38/78(Pt.IV)(Provl) dated 4.8.2016 having promotion prospects upon qualifying 22 years service in same scale. You are also requested to apply or get information by me on my Mobile No. 0300-8761272 Mazhar Hussain Stenographer Forest Department, Layyah



  15. I think all my friends would agree with the fact that at one hand the ministerial/clerical posts; viz. Junior Clerks, Senior Clerks, Assistants & Superintendents have proper channel of promotion and on the other hand these categories of posts have been extended the benefit of upgradation too.
    The Steno entered into service in BPS-12 and at that time the Assistants were in BPS-11 and Senior Clerks in BPS-07. Now just merely due to upgradation the Assistants have reached to BPS-16 and the Senior Clerks reached to BPS-14 whereas the promotion cases are seperate. But the Stenos are still in BPS-14 in most of the Departments due to ex-cadre posts or non-availability of promotion. This is clear un-justice. We request the authorities concerned to please consider this fact and the Stenotypists & Stenographers may also be further upgraded atleast at par with Superintendents.

  16. All the stenographer in punjab attention plz humari upgradation mai humary he communiy k log trubl ban gy hain SSS jo zyda tar secreteriat sy hain or uno ny web site b bna rakhi hy yeh group 16 k against hy.real case Rao Akram sb efforts kr rhy hain 16 k liy.


    dear brothers and sisters, don’t wast your time, there is only one way to get your right, as ever, to knock the door of honorable court cause we are small in quantity so have no power to be hear by the authorities.
    Therefore, it is humbly requested that get together and knock the doors of Honorable court and this is the only way to found our rights, in sha Allah.

  18. Waheed khan sb ne Jo likha ha usi ka mane zikar kia tha kya yeh thek khabar ha steno ko 15 scale milay ga ya 16 plz koi btye thanks.

    1. Congratulation
      Directions have been passed to Finance Department for initiation of summary on: Formula -1 Initial Appointment as Stenographer BPS-15 Promotion as Senior Scale stenographer into BPS-16 Promotion as PA with special Pay into BPS-16 Promotion as PS into BPS-17

  19. federal Govt: Provincial Govt: that they have up graded the All category of posts but ignored the stenos which entirely a un justice however the stenos are the back bone of any office or department but they are treating stenos as achooth very regretted and shameless act by the APCA that they have not been included the stenos for up gradation in the charter of demands particularly APCA AUTHORITY BALUCHISTAN they are patch uped the matter with the Provincial Government considered the all categories except the Computer Operator and Stenos, I think they have obtained few personal benefits from Govt; of Balochistan and mere considered the clerks nor the stenos and computer Operators for up gradation so we appeal to the federal Govt: and Provincial Govt: to up grade the stenos from B-14 to B-16 and after completion of 3-years service the stenos should be given time scale B-17 as well as the computer operators they are in B-12 and required should be up graded in B-15 after completion of 3-years service should be given time scale in B-16. It is not understanding that why they have ignored the stenos and computer operators for up gradation how ever they are the key posts of the all department and the strength of the said are also less then the other category of post on up gradation of the stenos and C.Oper: I think no burden faced in the budget, stenos and C.Operators are dispose off the all category of posts i.e. accounts works in computer drafting keeping the record on proper way but not in view for up gradation in higher grades. it is a shameless act by the APCA and Governments.

    1. you are 100% right dear riaz bhai,,,,,,,,,,,we were always being deprived of our rights but hope sustains life so be hopeful this discrimination will be smashed soon
      amjad butt stenographer B-14 AJK Police Deptt.

  20. Dear Maqsood,
    The committee after thorough examining the case sent to the chief Minister for approval but till todate no news have been heard.
    Mazhar Hussain, Steno Layyah Forest Division.

  21. Kuch peshraft hue steno ki upgradation k hawalay se apca punjab ne ahtejaj kia tha aur committee bhi ban gae thee govt of punjab ki janib se agar kissi ko kuch maloom ho to zaroor bataye thanks Allah steno ka hami o nasir

  22. Dear sir,
    I m very thankfull to u for this trouble. kindly face them for our rights, we are all with u in your difficult situation.

  23. Respected Rao Sahib, Aslam u Alekum, I was appointed as Stenographer BS-12 in Industries Department Bahawalpur, after 8 year I got selection grade BS-15, in January-2013 I was promoted as Superintendent on current charge basis for one year or till the appointment of new incumbant, till to-date I am working as STeno + Superintendent, but not decided through DPC at Directorate of Industries, Punjab, Lahore. please help me the case has already at Directorate from 2013 for DPC, but all sides are silent. please if can help I requested you very thnks.

  24. It is suicidal attack on the Stenographers which are always ignored. A assist and and head clerk upgraded from BS-11 to 16 but Stenographer is still there in BS-14. This kind of act torture the feeling of S.G’s. In fact poor stenographers deprived their deserving rights.There is no justice in our country. That is why the floods and earthquakes are coming here.

    I request to higher authorities to look at the case of up gradation of stenographers.

  25. Dear Rao Sb Salam to you for your great efforts. All the Stenos are actually ” Lavaris” . Only your are Last hope of us. May you live long and success in your mission. we are waiting.

  26. Good news for Selection Grade BS-15 Stenos. The honorable High Court Bench at Bahawalpur is deciding our case titled “Mr. Nadeem Stenographer Vs. Finance Department” of up-gradation on 15th June, 2016. All Selection Grade Stenographers are requested to please special pray in the holly days of Mah-e- Ramzan to Almighty Allah for decision in our favour.

  27. Zafar Abbas Khan · Edit

    05-3-1985 date of appointment as steno in BPS-12. Kuch arsa pehlay BPS-14 kar dia gia Us ka bhi jo 2009 ka appointee hay aur us ka bhi jo 1985 say steno hay. Hukam-e-Bala say khas tohr par Khadim Aala Punjab say appeal hay k Steno ka Scale BS-14 say BS-16 kia jay. Ya jin Steno ki service 20 saal say ziada ho gai ho kam az kam un ko to BS-16 dia jay. Wasalam

  28. Rao Sahib’
    it is came to my knowledge that you got returned back the summary of stenos earlier in 2011 and succeeded with the help of a Minister to exclude the stenographers who were in receipt of BS-15 (Selection Grade). Is it true? if it is true then shame for you.

  29. Muhtram Janab Rao M. Akram Sahib Aslamoalaikum, Hamary sathi selection scale 15 waly prashan hain keh Feb 2013 waly Notification ki tarah is bar bhi selection scale sathi up gradation sy mehroom nah reh jain. is notification mein hamara khasoosi tore per khial rakhna hy. Ham ap k lia aur apni team k lia dua go hein.


  30. Summary regarding up gradation of Steno’s community re-amended and again submitted in Finance Department for finalization. Please visit

  31. A bundle of thanks to Rao Muhammad Akram President, Punjab Civil Secretariat PS, PA, SSS & Stenographers Association who raised the matter to High Ups, with the request to kindly pursue the same with full devotion please.

  32. Rana Tariq Mehmood · Edit

    Dear Rao Sahib, Aslam-o-Alakum, We are heartedly glad to see your inputs you have put and are putting for betterment of our community. This is,of course, admiring on your part but necessity is that; the issue be mobilized fastly and its rhythm be maintained in due legal manner. No doubt, you are doing best but it is too reality that desired speed is not given to the issue. The Government of Punjab particularly Shahbaz Sharif is a powerful CM and he can do what he wants to. Therefore, it is to say that a clear cut precedent of upgradtion of clerical staff be quoted every where because our simple Steno was being recruited in BS-12 when Office Assistant/Head Clerk was resting in BS-11. Hence, accurate upgradation is that; our simple Steno is entitled for BS-17 instead of BS-14 even BS-16. As far as PA relates, it be placed in BS-17 rather BS-18. Kindly pursue the matter in Finance Department in the capacity of President of the Province. It will be supported by the Almighty, Inshallah. Your Brother, Rana Tariq, Personal Assistant BS-16, MDA, Multan Cell: 0300-6385835


    Rao sb special thanks to initiate the great effort. Keeping in view the very dangerous role of APCA is absolutely wrong. We are with you with all your requirements.l

  34. Hafiz Muhammad Javed Usman · Edit

    Dear Rana Sahib, You are true about pursuance of matter in the Finance Department, Punjab. I and other colleagues of my cadre working in Multan also request the Rao Sahib to accelerate the matter as it does not relate to a single person but it will facilitate all the members. Kindly make updation and oblige. Thanks.

  35. Rana Tariq Mehmood · Edit

    Dear Rao Sahib, No update about Finance Department, Punjab has yet been reflected on the web. All the respected Stenographers/Personal Assistants and Private Secretaries are worried about Luke-warm action of the Fin Deptt. In the capacity of President, you are fully empowered to activate your inputs either it may relate to Finance Deptt or whatever you deem suitable. However, it is settled that; we will succeed to have nothing until and unless we may work hard particularly in pursuing the matter. I, therefore, request to kindly continue updating the progress as well. It is too remember able that other Government except Shahbaz Sharif will not consideration such cases. It is only PML (N) who has the courage to implement its decisions, forthwith.

  36. Khalid Farooq Zia PA · Edit

    Allah Kare PS. PA, SSS, Stenographers ki jaldi upgradation ho.A lot of thanks to Mr. Rao Muhammad Akram, President for his efferts, May God bless him for his service and kindness.

  37. Aslam.o.Alaikum,, Rao Muhammad Akram Sa. and all others stenographers brothers.. Kea koi update hay,,, Finance Department Punjab ne Summery put ke ya ni…or up gradation kb tak mutwaqe hy..

    1. dear shabbir sb , you are absolutely right , we were being always ignored , so we must announce social bi-cot with other clerical staff ,,,,,,,,,,,,, we came direct in BPS 12 when they were in 05 and now how it is possible that they get 16 and we in 14 ? we must file a writ against such cruel up gradation if we ignored ?
      amjad butt stenographer SP.Office Kotli AJK

  38. کلرکوں کے ساتھ اب جو ملا وہ منافق ہو گا۔

    کلرکس اپنی اپ گریڈیشن کرو لیتے ہیں اور سٹینو کا کچھ نہی سوچتے۔
    اب ایپکا کدھر ہے۔؟؟؟

  39. Hafiz Muhammad Shahzad Haleem · Edit

    Post in 2007 in 2016
    Superintendent 14-16 16-17
    Assistant 11-14 14-16
    Senior Clerk 09-11 11-14
    Junior Clerk 05-07 07-11
    Compare with stenographers
    Steno/PA/PS in 2013 decision of high court in 2016
    PS 16-17 17-Nil
    PA 15-16 16-Nil
    SS Steno 15-16 16-NIl
    Stenographers 12-14 14-Nil

  40. Dear Rao,
    You remember that I met you in your office and informed you that I am working stenographer Selection Grade BS-15 since 1994. neither any grade has been granted to Selection Gradees till to date. You encouraged me that you will be granted BS-17 instead of BS-16. It is correct that you made best efforts but still I am unaware about the struggles you made. Kindly update me so that I may be able to inform to other my colleagues of District Layyah which is too far from Lahore.

  41. Hafiz Muhammad Javed Usman · Edit

    Dear Rana Tariq, First of all I and my other valuable colleagues appreciate the view point you have highlighted in your message. No doubt, it is necessity of the moment to follow-up the case in Finance Department, Government of Punjab as we are not digesting un-due upgradation made to different cadres in Punjab. However, I do not want to highlight about the cadre-name but it is truth. At the end, I pray for success of my respected President Rao Akram Sahib who is making utmost efforts for such a healthy change. Live long and enjoy ur life as well.

  42. Rana Tariq Mehmood · Edit

    Dear Rao Muhammad Akram, You have played really central character which ever shall be remembered by all the community but the issue is that; no update has yet been reflected by any of my respected fellows either they work in Lahore or whatever. Anyway, I request to President Rao Sahib and also to the others who are working in the Civil Secretariat, Lahore to kindly convey the latest news immediately so that all of us could know the factual position of the issue. The actual liability is that; our simple Steno should be placed one step up as compared to Office Assistant/Head Clerk as it was in the year 2007. Meaning thereby that a simple Stenographer should be recruited/upgraded in BS-17 as it is evident from available data. As far as PA and PS are concerned, they may also be upgraded in 18 and 19. Dear Rao Sahib jub tk bcha rota nhi ha uske apni mother b usko doodh nhi deti aor yahan to ganga he ulti behti ha. mgr ake bat ha agr Shahbaz Sharif sahib ka mood hua to Grade-20 b mil sakta ha. Therefore, it is very important to pursue the case in Finance Department for onward submission of summary as desired/ordered by the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Punjab. Kindly carry-on updating the progress. Thanks.


    dear sir/madam, it seems that like earlier practices it will again waist 2 years of Stenographers in up gradation. please, inform further updates, if any, accordingly.

  44. Further progress may please communicate to all stenographers/ steno
    Mehboob Alam Stenographer Finance Department, Rahimyarkhan



  46. A lots of prayers for Rao Muhammad Akram who agitated the matter of our rights. If he can, he has to join us on this forum and update us, we all also want to contribute in this common issue/right. —AND– a lots of prayers and congratulation and applaud for dear Shumaila Kamal for doing this great job

  47. It should be implemented in the whole Pakistan, moreover the Steno/Stenographer and Office Assistants may be promoted as Superintendent on equal basis (one from Office Assistant and one from Steno/Stenographer). criteria of 75% Office Assistant and 25% Stenographer may be revised to 50% each.

  48. Some Stenographers are working in the same Pay Scale for a period of more than 31 years since their appointment without any kind of promotion, so in which scale they will be upgraded after such length of service.

  49. Muhammad Rafaq Bajwa · Edit

    Muhammad Rafaq Bajwa, Stenographer , Pesticide Quality control Laboratory, Bahawalpur,
    Kia Bahat Jaldi all stenographer ki upgradation ho jay gi Inshall Talla


    Thanks a lot to Mr. Rao Muhammad Akram for taking that move and thanks to all the team too.

  51. May you live long Rao Muhammad Akram President and all my Steno brothers. Stenographer who are performing in selection Scale i.e.BS-15 be adjusted one scale ahead in summary. Thanks.

  52. انشااللہ بہت جلد ھماری اپ گریڈیشن ہو جائے گی۔

    اللہ دتہ
    دفتر ڈسٹرکٹ آفیسر پلاننگ جھنگ

  53. A request to those who shall prepare summary in response to this letter ” PLEASE do not forget stenographers of District Judiciary, Punjab”

  54. My best wishes to our brother Rao Muhammad Akram President and all my Steno brothers of Punjab and my request is that please do not ask for just a up-graded scale like BS-16 instead have a close liaison with Mr. Khalid Riaz, President of All Pakistan P.S/APS & Stenos who is working with the title of ‘Forum for Stenographers’ and demand a time scale of Steno and APS of Punjab so that you may not once stuck in BS-16 as you were previously stuck in BS-12 & BS-14, so please keep this is mind and never compromise in your rights because you work more than anybody else so you deserve better scale too. Once again best of luck and keep all your steno brothers up-dated about the developments. My regards.

    1. I am surprised how the government has been gracious to grant the clerks badshahs such huge jumps in the grades irrespective of their job spectrum and duties and so on….I think they have just done on the pattern of KPK and to earn political scores. But my question is that why there is no rational and logical evaluation of other grades who are serving day and night. One office assistant (supervisor) was in BPS-11, one grade below to stenographer-BPS-12 but look at the logic of government. One who weeps is fed with milk and other is bound to starve.
      My request to government of the Punjab is to logicaly improve the grades of stenographers as well, please.

      1. Amjad Hussain Awan Steno Punjab Forest Department · Edit

        Dear Rao Khalid Sb thank you very much for making the efforts of Stenographer having selection grade Bs-15 since long approx 15 years and requested for early issuance of notification from honourable CM Punjab with your good efforts and devoted working for both Clerical and Technical Staff. I shall be grateful to you.


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