Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa , Finance Department has issued Notification No. KC/FD-SO(FR)/7-20/2015-16 dated 23-02-2016 in connection with Clarification of Special Compensatory Allowance & Upgradation of Class IV Employees of KPK.
In this Notification various queries aroused by the AG Office has been clarified by the Finance Department KPK. The following queries have been clarified:
- Fresh Appointment in BPS-01 & BPS-02
- Premature Increment
- Special Compensatory Allowance
- Special Compensatory Allowance for the Employees on Deputation
- Upgradation of Teachers
- Rate of SCA
Special thanks to Mr. Qazi Sohail Anjum for sending the copy of the Notification.
It is to mention here that the Notification Regarding Clarification of the Upgradation of Employees of KPK has already been issued.
notification was changed 4 times but again it isnot justified for those who appointed in 2011.i suggest all emploies are elligible when they complete their five years service in bps 16, instead of appointed before 2010.
Salam Madam!!!
Mr. A is working in BS-16, his running basic pay as on 01-12-2014 is Rs. 22000/-.
Please clarify how will we get (Special compensatory allowance equal to difference of notional up gradation of BS-16 to BS-17 will owed to all provisional government employees in BS16 in lieu of Up gradation)..
Very very Thanks is Advance….
salam Dear Sir/Madam any updates regarding Special Compensatory Allowance plz
any latest news about special compensatory allowance
dear madem i am appointed through public service commission on may 2014 in bps 16 in heaith dept kpk, keya may eligible hon compensetory allownce k liye plz reply me
As i read the clarification special compensatory allowance still under consideration and not clear so far
slam sir i have a problem sir can u solve it?
Respected madam ….. Assalam u alikum ! My name is faisal khan … i was selected on DM post Bps 9 in 2012 …. when kp gov (ANP) promoted all kp gov servents from bps14 to bps15 in 2012 at that time my documts were under in the verfication process …. instead of 14 i got 15 while my first pay was can i will be illegiable for on step or not please keep inform me……03436816024 ….i will wait for ur kind response… thanks faisal khanbDM
I have promoted PST BPS 12 to CT BPS 15. On 01-07-2012.I’m not upgraded only promoted above condition tell me please about me eligible for one step upgradation or not
Thanks and May Allah always bless you.
salam. me 2012 se sst bps 16 per kaam kar raa hon.kea me c/a ka haqdar hon.
I’m promoters from PST to ct on 2013 in bps 15 my. Question is this that I’m eligible for one step upgradatio or not
all government employees having BPS-16 are eligible for this allowance are not
Dear Amir Javed only KPK Govt Employees.
Madam, ye batain ke meri appountment PET1.9.2008 ko huee ha jab k hamari post 2012 ko upgrade huee ha or hamy BPS 15 mila. Ab ham is one step promotion me aty hain k nahi?
hi sir/mam!
I am working as SST since October 2007. so how much compensatory allowance i’ll recieve plz.
Very very Thanks and May Allah always bless you.