Meeting Regarding Demands of APCA-Sindh

Government of the Sindh, Services, General Administration & Coordination Department has issued letter No. SO(CTC)(SGA&CD)/Notice Mtg/2014 dated 21-03-2016 in connection with Meeting Regarding Demands of APCA.

According to this letter, I am directed to refer to subject noted above and to inform that a meeting on the captioned subject has been scheduled on 22nd March 2016 at 12:00 Noon under the chairmanship of Secretary (G.A) SGA&CD, Government of Sindh/Chairman of the committee to review the progress/status on the subject issue, in this office at 2nd floor, Sindh Secretariat Building No.1, Karachi.

You are therefore requested to make it convenient to attend the aforementioned meeting as per above schedule.

Special thanks to Mr. Mumtaz Larik for sending the copy of the letter.


Meeting Regarding Demands of APCA



See also  Notification of Revised Pay Scales 2015 KPK Govt

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3 thoughts on “Meeting Regarding Demands of APCA-Sindh

  1. We are hope to Hon’ble Chief Minister Sindh to Post of Computer Operator up gradation in BPS 12 to BPS. 16 or 17 in all departments of Sindh Government as soon as possible.

  2. The post of computer operator BPS.12 Is not a up gradation in BPS 16 or 17 why we are not a employee in Province of Sindh or Pakistani ??????????? Why?????????


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