Restoration of Increments of Untrained Teachers of Punjab

The worthy Supreme Court of Pakistan has issued its decision on 09-03-2016 in connection with Restoration of Increments of Untrained Teachers of Punjab. Summary of the same is as under:

The controversy giving rise to the listed appeals is that the teachers were appointed in the year 1982-84 under the Special Development Programme Initially for a period of 6 months on temporary basis likely to be made permanent at the fixed monthly salary plus usual allowances. They were subsequently confirmed in the year 1991 on different dates.

Some of them after their regularization/confirmation demanded increment from the Department prior to the period of their regularization/confirmation. The Department declined the same with the remarks that they were not entitled to annual increment for the period they served as Un-Trained teachers. Further details can be read on the copy of the decision.


Restoration of Increments of Untrained Teachers


Restoration of Increments of Untrained Teachers







Restoration of Increments of Untrained Teachers


See also  Notification of Regularization from Date of Joining Contract Employees Punjab

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5 thoughts on “Restoration of Increments of Untrained Teachers of Punjab

  1. salam mam plz plz bta dain in ka implementation kab hoga kab tak punjab govt notification jari kary gi ya abi mazeed kisi court main jana pary ga

  2. Decision implementation notification issued by the Government of the Punjab, is required for fixation from the Education Department and District Accounts Officer as well. The said notification may also be published.


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