Notification of Annual Increment beyond the Scope of Pay Scales

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification on 4th March 2016 in connection with Notification of Annual Increment beyond the Scope of Pay Scales


I am directed to state that on discontinuation of the scheme of move over, the Government servants were brought back to original scales of posts and their pay was fixed in the revised pay scales 2001 on notional extension basis. On doing so the pay of some employees crossed the ceiling of the notional extended pay scales. Such category of employees was allowed personal pay besides allowing future increments (as personal to them) upto 3 years. A question has arisen as to whether a government servant who reaches the maximum of his pay scales after 01-12-2001, may also be allowed annual increment as personal pay upto 3 years i.e for 01-12-2002, 01-12-2003 and 01-12-2004 or otherwise.

It is clarified that a government servant who is reached the maximum of his pay scales on or after 01-12-2001 may also be allowed annual increment as personal pay upto three years i.e 01-12-2002, 01-12-2003 and 01-12-2004. Further details on the copy of Notification of Annual Increment beyond the Scope of Pay Scales, sent by Mr. Umar Khan.


Annual Increment beyond the Scope of Pay Scales



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6 thoughts on “Notification of Annual Increment beyond the Scope of Pay Scales

  1. What about those who were already at maximum of their pay scales before introduction of Revised Pay Scales, 2001, and thus could not get annual increment due on 1/12/2001, before fixation of pay in Revised Pay Scales?


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