Period over Which Arrears of Pension Increases is Payable by Punjab Govt

Here I am writing the details provided by Mr. Agha Amir regarding Period over Which Arrears of Pension Increases is Payable by Punjab Govt.


  1. Punjab government had issued directions vide para 1 (b) of its Top Priority / Most Urgent No.FD.SR.III.MISC./2015 dated 15 July 2015 to AG Punjab and all DAOs to implement, among others, Lahore High Court order dated 19-06-2015.
  2. These 19.6.2015 Court orders specify in para 3 that “In this view, period of seven years (for payment of pension arrears) is not acceptable and the matter is once again placed before the Finance Department for reconsideration. Let fresh proposal in this regard be placed on the record before the next date of hearing.  Meanwhile notification dated 17.06.2015 ……shall remain in force….
  3. Next date for the case was fixed as 29.06.2015 as per para 5 of the court order.
  4. Now my questions

(a) “What fresh proposal was placed by Punjab government before the Court before 29.06.2015 ? and

(b) whether the Court accepted that revised proposal ?”

  1. I request all friends to kindly apprise me of the factual position. To my knowledge, DAOs are still not giving arrears of pension from date of restoration of pension to 30 June 2015 to certain pensioners.

Agha Amir


Arrears of Pension Increases


See also  Notification of Job Description of Lady Health Workers (LHW)

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11 thoughts on “Period over Which Arrears of Pension Increases is Payable by Punjab Govt

  1. Dear madam. My basic pay 25110
    Personal pay 1530
    Bps 9
    Dob. 25-2-1965
    Doj. 1-10-1984
    Dor. 31-1-2017
    Government of Punjab
    Please calculate my gratuity and pension please.

  2. my father was a wapda employee.BPS=19.moveover to of of appointment=7-11-1960 .retired…+ extra service benefit10% as pensionable emoulments. he died on 1-11-1999. the pension was converted in my name as unmarried daughter.please calculate my restoration and increase pension.thanks.

  3. Dear All,

    Any update on restoration of Pension in Punjab. As district account offices not taking application from pensioners who retired after June 30, 2001.

    Please share if you have any copy of fresh decision.

  4. My father has retired on 1994 and obtain doubble pension at the age of 75 yera but arrear of pension not yet paid by the Punjab Govt. what is update about this Thanks a lot Saeed Ahmed 03005103955

  5. Main aik drawing teacher hun mera BP No.15 hy
    Meri govt. jioning date 24/10/1984 hy
    Date of birth 30/06/1956 hy
    DOR 29/06/2016 hy
    es waqat basic pay 30895 hy
    29/06/2016 ko basic pay 31800 ho jaey gi
    kul service 31 years 8 months 6 days hy
    meri pension kitni bnay gi

  6. My father has retired on 1994 and obtain doubble pension at the age of 75 yera but arrear of pension not yet paid by the Punjab Govt. what is update about this Thanks a lot Saeed Ahmed 03005103955

  7. My father has retired on 1994 and obtain doubble pension at the age of 75 yera arrear of pension not yet paid by the Punjab Govt. what is update about this Thanks Saeed Ahmed

  8. dear mam my father obtain doubble pension at the age of 75 yera arrear of pension not yet paid by the Punjab Govt. what is update about this Ikram.


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